Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Lenovo S890, Android Dual Core Layar 5 Inci Harga Dibawah 3 Juta

Info Teknologi – Lenovo S Series memang sebagai 'Stylish Entertainment Smartrphone'. ini melanjutkan IdeaPhone S880 yang hadir bulan September tahun lalu, pabrikan Cina yang awalnya fokus pada bidang komputer tersebut menawarkan Lenovo S890, smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan beberapa perbaikan dari seri sebelumnya, apa saja fitur terbarunya?DesainSebagai telepon bergaya, sektor ini menjadi salah

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, HP Android Fitur Canggih Harga Murah

Berita Teknologi – Samsung Galaxy S3 merupakan ponsel terbaik samsung yang diluncurkan pada tahun 2012 lalu, lewat ponsel tersbut samsung sukses menyingkirkan para pesaing terbesarnya seperti nokia, blackberry dan sony lewat OS mereka masing masing. Karena ponsel tersebut begitu sukses dan laris manis dipasaran, maka samsung pun berinisiatif menghadirkan galaxy s3 dalam versi yang lebih kecil.

LG Optimus G Pro, HP Android Quad Core Canggih Layar 5.5 Inci

InfoTeknologimu – Untuk bersaing dengan nokia lumia 920, beberapa waktu lalu LG merilis sebuah ponsel dengan spesifikasi yang sangat ganas. Telepon disebut LG Optimus M Pro, yang telepon ini dilengkapi dengan 5,5 "inch resolusi penuh HD 1080p.  layar digunakan untuk membuat telepon ini adalah jenis layar sentuh kapasitif HD-IPS, sehingga lebih sensitif daripada layar sentuh umumnya.
Di dalam

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Samsung Galaxy Young S6310

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Samsung Galaxy Young S6310 - Samsung Galaxy young S6310 adalah sebuah smartphone android untuk kelas menengah yang dibuat oleh produsen ternama Korea Samsung. Telepon ini pertama kali diumumkan pada Februari 2013 dan resmi dirilis pada Maret 2013. Jika dilihat dari namanya, bisa dikatakan ponsel android ini adalah penerus dari Galaxy Y S5360 yang dirilis pada tahun 2011,

Ini Dia Tampilan Windows 8.1 Terbaru

Berita Teknologi Terbaru – Microsoft tampaknya menjadi benar-benar mendengar banyak keluhan tentang cara interaksi dengan pendahulunya, Windows 8. Hal ini terlihat dengan berbagai perubahan sistem operasi (OS) adalah terbaru Microsoft.
Perubahan yang benar-benar hanya kecil, tetapi perubahan ini tampaknya menjadi dapat mengembalikan rasa nyaman yang telah hilang dalam penggunaan Windows 8.

5 Fitur Terbaru di Versi Android 4.3 Jelly Bean

InfoTeknologi – Google digadang gadang bakal merilis android versi terbaru yang diberi nama jelly bean. benarkah system ini sudah dirilis? kira kira apa saja fitur terbaru yang dibenamkan ?Android 4.3 Jelly Bean diharapkan menjadi versi terakhir sebelum Google meluncurkan Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie. Seperti versi final dari jelly bean4.3 Android generasi berikutnya akan menjadi versi paling atas

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Inspiring talented children in Northern Russia

The Northern Arctic Federal University in Archangelsk in Russia's far north ranks among Google’s furthest flung outposts for RISE, our Roots in Science and Engineering programs.  Its summer camp recently brought 40 talented children to Moscow's Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and Space Technology.

During five days, the teens learned about computing and ways to solve real world problems. They received hands-on lessons about how to build and program a robot to manage a computer without a keyboard or mouse.

Local Google engineers aimed to inspire the students to think big. Software engineer Anna Kondratieva from our Moscow office described Google's self driving car and Google Glass. Via Hangout, engineer Gulnara Lastovetsky spoke about career opportunities in computing.

The visit to the Moscow provided students with an opportunity to test a future studying science and technology. As the Institute’s director Lyudmila Haymina said: Most of the students are keen to pursue IT studies and to come here as undergraduates.”

Plans are already underway for 2014, including creating an online version to reach more children. As this success from Russia's far north demonstrated, science and technology stars can come from anywhere.

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Tips Cara Mengganti LCD Laptop

Tutorial Cara mengganti LCD Laptop - kerusakan dan masalah yang sering muncul di notebook/laptop adalah layar LCD rusak, bisa karena mati, deadpixel, lcd pecah dan lain sebagainya. untuk mengganti layar lcd memang tidak mudah, namun bagi anda yang sedikit mengerti IT tidak ada salahnya mencobanya di rumah.

Untuk mengganti layar lcd sendiri sebenarnya cukup beresiko, anda tidak kami sarankan

Cara Cek Harddisk Secara Cepat dan Akurat

Cara Cek Harddisk - bagaimana tutorial simpel tentang cara cek kondisi hardisk anda secara akurat namun juga cepat? nah artikel kali ini akan membahas cara cek hardisk.Penting untuk memeriksa setiap saat secara berkala kondisi kesehatan hardisk anda, karena kerusakan hardisk atau hardisk yang error bisa memperlambat kerja komputer tanpa anda sadari. bahkan laptop yang baru saja install ulang pun

Cara Memperbaiki Kerusakan Pada Flyback

Cara Memperbaiki Kerusakan Pada Flyback - perbedaan flyback TV dan Monitor yaitu pada capasitor internalnya. FBT Monitor mempunyai internal capasitor untuk meningkatkan hasil kualitas gambarnya. Tanpa internal capasitor tampilannya akan terlihat bengkok atau cacat bentuk terutama pada bagian Kiri dan Kanan Gambar.

Berikut ini Kerusakan - Kerusakan Pada Flyback :Ada 9 masalah yang biasa

Pengertian dan Fungsi BIOS

Pengertian dan Fungsi BIOS - BIOS yang bertugas melakukan pembuatan perangkat lunak bekerja secara manual masuk ketika pesanan sistem operasi (OS). BIOS  berdiri untuk Basic Input Output System. BIOS melekat pada motherboard. Meskipun bios tidak mampu menyediakan perangkat komunikasi tersebut yang memiliki kemampuan tinggkat tinggi, tapi BIOS mampu mengendalikan semua jenis perangkat keras /

Pengertian Keyboard dan Jenis-Jenisnya

Info Teknologimu - Pengertian Keyboard dan jenis jenisnya - keyboard adalah alat untuk menuliskan perintah melalui aksara dan angka ke dalam layar monitor yang sebelumnya perintah tersebut diolah secara elektronis oleh Central Processing Unit (CPU). Bentuk keyboard secara umum sama dengan tombol pada mesin ketik, perbedaannya adalah jumlah tombol keyboard untuk aksara, angka dan perintah lainnya

Pengertian dan Sejarah Komputer Generasi Pertama Sampai Sekarang

Info Teknologimu - Teknologi berkembang begitu cepat dan mengembangkan berbagai ilmu telah dimulai. komputer pada awalnya sangat besar, sekarang sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan pertama kali dibuat komputer. mulai generasi sekarang ini teknologi yang membuat kita lebih dimanjakan, Mahakuasa komputer dan pekerjaan kami adalah sangat membantu dengan berbagai keuntungan. dalam artikel ini akan

Macam Macam Jenis Processor AMD dan Tingkatannya

Jenis-jenis Processor AMD | Daftar Prosessor AMD - AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), perusahaan semikonduktor multinasional Amerika berbasis diSunnyvale, sampai sekarang dikenal dengan produknya yang cukup bergoncang di pasaran, seperti mikroprosesor, chipset motherboard, prosesor kartu grafis (GPU) dan prosesor untuk server, workstationdan PC dan masih banyak lagi.
Sampai tahun ini di dunia

Nama dan Fungsi Komponen Motherboard Komputer

Info Teknologi - Motherboard atau mainboard adalah papan utama dimana terdapat komponen dan chip controller yang bertugas mengatur lalu lintas data dalam sistem motherboard. Ada juga sebuah soket di motherboard untuk prosesor, slot - slot kartu yang digunakan untuk pemasangan komponen seperti VGA kartu, kartu suara, Internal Modem, dan lain-lain.Sekarang ini banyak merek dan jenis motherboard.

11 Macam Modus Penipuan di Internet

Penipuan di Internet sekarang makin merajalela, jika anda kurang waspada atau tidak mengerti tentang berbagai macam modus penipuan. maka anda bisa saja menjadi korban berikutnya. pelaku menjanjikan keuntungan dalam tempo singkat dan berbagai macam godaan menggiurkan yang sebetulnya itu semua fiktif, apa saja modus para pelaku ? simak ulasannya dibawah ini . . .

Undian Berhadiah

Bisnis Palsu

Cross A7S, Android 3G Harga 1 Jutaan Terbaru

Info Teknologimu - Dual-core Android 3 G 8MP kamera harga USD 1 juta - cross kembali meluncurkn produk android terbaru mereka yang bernama Cross A7S, ponsel pintar disajikan untuk memenuhi minat konsumen terhadap kualitas OS android, tetapi tetap memiliki harga yang terjangkau. Seperti apa spesifikasi dan harga apa ini A7S Cross? simak ulasannya dibawah ini . . .
Cross A7S dilengkapi dengan

Harga Spesifikasi Blackberry Storm 9530

Harga BlackBerry Storm 9530 - Spesifikasi dan harga BlackBerry Storm 9530 adalah sangat menakjubkan, ponsel yang laris manis dipasaran indonesia ini memang menjadi idola kaum remaja, selain desainnya yang bagus, ponsel ini juga cukup canggih.Harga BlackBerry Storm 9530  bekas berkisar antara Rp 1.050.000 / Januari 2013 dan harga akan berbeda jika kita bandingkan dengan harga BlackBerry storm

Spesifikasi dan Harga BlackBerry Onyx 3

Spesifikasi dan Harga BlackBerry Onyx 3 - BlackBerry masih merupakan magnet yang kuat untuk pecinta gadget di indonesia bahkan dunia. Hasil survey menyatakan bahwa banyak pecinta gadget Indonesia memilih BlackBerry, hal ini karena kelebihan fitur BBM nya.Dan salah satu produk yang menjadi idola pecinta BB adalah BlackBerry Onyx 3. Untuk anda yang penasaran tentang detail dan review BlackBerry

Harga dan Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 720

Info Teknologi - Nokia tampaknya masih sangat agresif menyerang pasar dengan ponsel unggulannya yang dibekali OS terbaru, Windows 8. Sukses respon pasar dengan kehadiran Nokia Lumia 520 sebagai produk dengan Windows 8 OS termurah di bawah 2 juta, Nokia terus mengembangi seri Windows 8 varian seperti Nokia Lumia 620, Nokia Lumia 720, Nokia Lumia 820 dan Nokia Lumia 920.Kelas untuk Low-End High-End

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

WeAreOpen brightens Budapest

Throughout much of Europe, intolerance towards minorities is on the rise. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights published data last year showing ethnic minorities face a high level of hate crime. More established politicians, not just the far-right, are increasingly scapegoating migrants and minorities.

We think that it's important to remind ourselves and others - even in trying times - that diversity and tolerance are core to every community's success. As a part of our efforts, we have joined with two Hungarian companies, Prezi and Espell, to launch 'WeAreOpen', a diversity initiative in Hungary with a simple message: "Being open is not only the right thing to do, but it's also worth it."

The WeAreOpen website encourages other companies, organizations and other communities to stand up in support for inclusion and diversity by putting their logos on the site. At this month’s Budapest Pride march, we supplied an army of colorful balloons and oversized sunglasses and invited everyone to join. The march was live streamed the march via Hangouts on Air.

The initiative caught the public imagination. Record numbers of people turned up for the Pride march, three times more than in previous years. More than 17,000 viewers watched our Budapest Pride Hangouts on Air.

Since the 'WeAreOpen' website went live, more than 500 companies, organizations and other communities have joined. As well as local Hungarian companies, multinationals ranging from Morgan Stanley to Vodafone, signed up. Whether you are Hungarian or not, please go ahead and speak up in favor of tolerance.

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Creating the Library of the Future in Greece

The famed Library at Alexandria was located in Egypt - but an expression of Greek culture. A student of Aristotle created the library and it was designed in the style of Aristotle’s Lyceum and placed adjacent to a Greek temple. Most of its collection came from trips to the book fairs of Rhodes and Athens. So perhaps it is no accident that we’re working in Greece to launch one of the world’s most exciting projects to reinvent the library for the digital age.

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation is investing EUR560 million to build a Cultural Center which will host the National Library of Greece and the Greek National Opera. As part of the project, the Foundation is also funding “Future Library”, an effort that aims to transform public libraries into media labs and hubs of creativity, innovation and learning, attracting many groups who now spend little time there - entrepreneurs, students, unemployed, and immigrants. So far, nine libraries are participating from all over Greece - including the municipal libraries of Kozani, Trikala, Corinth, Keratsini-Drapetsona, Heliopolis, Chania, Drama,Levadia, and Nafpaktos.

Google is participating, providing design know-how to the architects hired by Future Library to help create innovative and creative spaces. With the help of the Google real estate team, we will review the architect submissions, provide technical comment on all proposals and assist the Foundation in executing the exciting project. In addition, we are holding workshops for participating librarians, helping them acquire skills on effective use of Google tools and including Google search, Google+, YouTube and Docs.

Some might have imagined that the Internet would make libraries superfluous or irrelevant. But the reality looks like quite the opposite - the Internet can help libraries become a center for new digital learning and a point of reference for local communities.

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Measuring the UK’s Digital Economy

The British mathematician and physicist Lord Kelvin famously said “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” In 1948, the post-war British Government badly needed to improve the nation’s economy. To help it draw up the right policies for jobs and growth, the Government took a scientific approach - one of which Lord Kelvin would have been proud. Government statisticians were instructed to count, classify and measure the economic activity of every business in the country. They developed a set of Standard Industrial Classification codes and the data they collected was used to shape policy in every aspect of the British economy.

This week, a new report by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research, and supported by Google, updates these SIC codes to include the new, fast growing digital sector.  After 65 years, the old codes are out of date. One in ten companies in the UK are now classified vaguely as ‘other’. One in five have no classification at all.

This new report is based on pioneering big data techniques. It draws not just from official tables and accounts but instead is gleaned from more than five billion data points, providing us with a level of detail and insight that statisticians in 1948 could scarcely have imagined.

The scale of the UK’s digital economy that emerges from this research is immense. In June 2013, the Government estimated from SIC codes that there were 120,000 businesses in the digital economy. The most conservative estimate from this new report of the number of digital companies is more than double government estimates - 269,695. In addition, the report found that digital companies employ 15% more, grow 25% faster than non-digital companies.

The digital economy has spread into every part of the United Kingdom, not just in London and the South East but throughout the country, with particularly great intensity in places like Manchester, Middlesbrough and Aberdeen. It has spread into every sector, from architecture firms whose activities have become almost entirely digital to machine tool manufacturers who now use huge online data-processing facilities, such as Hadoop, to monitor every aspect of their processes.

This is a groundbreaking work. For the first time in 65 years - it presents us with a new way of measuring the economy that can only help us to take the right steps to support growth and jobs.

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Supporting Spanish cinema - and combating piracy

Spanish cinema is famous around the world thanks to the likes of directors such as Pedro Almodovar, Luis BuƱuel and others. Now, thanks to a groundbreaking agreement with Spanish collecting society Egeda, these filmmakers could collect royalties from their works on YouTube.

The agreement represents a significant endorsement of our Content ID system, which helps combat piracy by allowing video producers to identify their copied content - and make money from it. Whenever copyrighted content is uploaded, the rights owner is asked whether the material should be blocked, allowed to stay up - or whether advertising should be inserted, with the copyright owners receiving revenue as a result.

Once signed up to Content ID, the vast majority of advertising owners choose to insert advertising and generate income from their works. Over recent months, Egeda conducted a pilot study that generated promising results. Advertising was inserted in 65% of a set of videos, increasing revenue from the videos by 87% compared to before the test. “This agreement with YouTube is an example of how the film industry and the technology sector should cooperate: protecting the works of creators and opening the door to new business models,” says Enrique Cerezo, Egeda’s president.

In addition to our Content ID cooperation, Egeda also has launched a new YouTube channel featuring trailers, sequences, scenes, selection of actors and other information about Spanish cinema. Take a look below - and enjoy new insights into much of the best of Spanish language filmmaking.

Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Spesifikasi Review Harga Nokia Lumia 620 Lengkap

infoteknologimu - Nokia kini telah mengeluarkan produk yang dianggap mampu bersaing dengan produk miliki samsung. hp ini didesain full layar sentuh dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan pasar teknologi saat ini. maka dari itu kali ini akan dibahas info seputar Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 620 dan Harga Nokia Lumia 620, beserta review singkat mengenai hp keluaran terbaru dari nokia, so simak lanjutannya

Daftar Harga HP Cross Android Layar Sentuh Terbaru

Harga Hp Cross Android Layar Sentuh Terbaru  - cross adalah salah satu ponsel buatan cina yang berkembang pesat akhir-akhir ini. Sejak pertama kali diluncurkan di pasar permintaan gadget cross ini terus meningkat, konsumen menginginkan sebuah ponsel canggih tapi murah sepertinya didengar oleh cross.
Meskipun pada permulaan munculnya cross di tanah air menyisir pasar low-end tetapi seiring

Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Growing our Map Maker community in Europe

Exploration is at the heart of the summer season, and what better way to take part than sharing your knowledge on the places you love on Google Maps? Today, Google Map Maker is diving into summertime by welcoming mappers of Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to our ever-growing team of citizen cartographers in our quest to map the world.

With Google Map Maker, you can contribute your local knowledge to make a more useful and comprehensive map of the changing world around us. Begin in your neighborhood and try adding the building footprints for local shops and restaurants. Then, embrace your inner traveler and enrich the maps of national parks and historic landmarks. If you’ve got the itch for adventure, try adding campgrounds, beaches or your favorite hiking trails.

View Larger Map
Jajići, Bosnia and Herzegovina was a blank space on the map
before citizen cartographers put it on the map.

Whether it’s a cycling route through Budapest or a cafe alongside Prague’s Vltava River, each improvement to the map will help locals and tourists alike as they navigate your neighborhood this summer. Once approved, your contributions will appear on Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Maps for Mobile.

To get started, join other mappers on the Google Map Maker community forum, explore the Help Centre for tips and tricks, or watch mapping in real-time with Map Maker Pulse. Now, from the Heart Shaped Land, through Central Europe, to Swedish Lapland, you can help Google Maps to embody the rich culture and spirit unique to your homeland - starting today!

Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

Scaling the heights of the Eiffel Tower

Since its construction in 1889, more than 250 million people have visited Paris’ iconic Eiffel Tower. The highest monument in the world for more than 40 years (today that title is held by Burj Khalifa in Dubai), the Eiffel Tower remains the most visited monument globally. But not everyone has been or can hope to go—until now. If you’ve ever wondered what the view is like from above the City of Light or wanted to learn more about the Tower’s history, now’s your chance to find out.

The Google Cultural Institute and the Eiffel Tower Operating Company have teamed up to create three immersive online exhibitions which blend fascinating historical material with a sprinkling of technological magic. In order to capture the imagery, the Street View team followed in the footsteps of 7 million annual visitors and ascended multiple floors of the Tower. Using the Street View Trolley (designed especially for monuments and museums) they filmed 360-degree views of the monument’s architecture and its views over Paris.

These modern-day Street View panoramas sit alongside nearly 50 archival images, plans, engravings and photos telling the story of the Eiffel Tower’s development and social impact in the 19th century. Some of the archive material is quite rare and precious such as a recording of Gustave Eiffel’s voice by Thomas Edison.

The first exhibition presents the birth of the Eiffel Tower from the initial idea until its realization. You can then follow the construction of the monument step-by-step through photos and sketches. Details on the inauguration and the first visitors lie in the third exhibition, with photos of people admiring the Paris vista on the opening day leading into today’s Street View imagery from the top floor. Did you know that during the Tower’s inauguration for the Universal Exhibition of 1889, the elevators were not yet in service but 12,000 people per day rushed to climb the 1710 steps leading to the top?

As a product manager and designer, it’s been awe-inspiring to get to see the spectacular vision and the detailed architectural capabilities exemplified by the plans more than 100 years ago. It required tremendous knowledge of special planning and physics to ensure that 18,000 separately made pieces would come together as one. So if you’ve never visited the Eiffel Tower before, want to get insider knowledge or simply want to re-discover it in a new way, visit our site and immerse yourself in one of the most well-known attractions on the planet.

You're changing the world. We want to help.

A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated the winners of the Google Global Impact Challenge in the UK, awarding prizes to nonprofits for some amazing, innovative uses of technology to help their causes. Today we are thrilled to go one step further and launch the Google for Nonprofits programme in the UK, starting in England and Wales.

Google for Nonprofits is a one-stop-shop that offers access to our suite of free and discounted products and tools. If you work for a nonprofit, you can apply to join the program today. Once your organisation is approved, you get free Google Apps to cut IT costs and operate more efficiently; up to $10,000 a month in advertising on Google Adwords to reach more donors; and premium features for YouTube and our mapping technologies to raise awareness of your cause. We’ve also developed other online resources such as educational videos, case studies and better ways to connect with other nonprofits.

Over the years, Google has donated over $1 billon worth of products to nonprofits, and several UK organisations are already using our tools. BeatBullying - a charity that fights online bullying - uses Google Apps to enable more sharing and collaboration amongst colleagues. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution uses Google AdWords and YouTube to raise awareness and recruit more supporters; and WaterAid uses Google mapping technologies to show where their work is making a difference.

We’re inspired and humbled by the amazing ways nonprofits are making the world a better place, and look forward to supporting the work of more UK nonprofits.

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

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Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Cara Daftar Facebook Dengan Mudah

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Buat email baru di gmail atau yahoo, atau bisa gunakan email yang sudah ada.
Pergi ke lalu isi form

Cara Memperbaiki Komputer Tidak Mengeluarkan Suara

Mengatasi Masalah Komputer Tidak Ada Suara - Jika anda mengalami masalah yaitu komputer anda tidak mau mengeluarkan suara padahal semua konfigurasi kabel power hingga kabel jack sudah terpasang dengan benar dan anda yakin bahwa speaker anda baik baik saja atu tidak sedang kondisi rusak. maka anda bisa mencoba beberapa langkah singkat dibawah ini, terkadang masalah software jga bisa menjadi

Cara memperbaiki hardisk bad sector

Cara memperbaiki hardisk bad sector - Hardisk bad sector adalah kondisi dimana ada bagian dari hardisk yang tidak bisa digunakan oleh sistem dikarenakan ada kerusakan ataupun kegagalan os dalam mengaksesnya. hal ini berakibat pada lambatnya kerja komputer. terkadang komputer seperti terkena virus saja dikarenakan hal ini.Terdapat 2 macam hardisk bad sector, yaitu 'Hard bad sector' dan 'Soft bad

Cara Memperbaiki Speaker Komputer

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Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Terbaru

Info Teknologi - dunia kini sudah berubah menjadi era dimana teknologi menjadi yang terdepan, semua aktifitas kini lebih mudah dengan hadirnya teknologi baru seperti internet contohnya. namun bagaimana konesi internet di negeri kita indonesia???

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Pengertian Komputer / PC

Info Teknologi - Pengertian Komputer Adalah Mesin penghitung elektronik yang cepat dan dapat menerima informasi input digital, kemudian memprosesnya sesuai dengan program yang tersimpan di memorinya, dan menghasilkan output berupa informasi. ( Menurut Hamacher ), Sedangkan Definisi Komputer itu sendiri berasal dari bahasa latin computare yang mengandung arti menghitung. Karena luasnya bidang

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Download WECHAT Semua Handheld - Handheld ( HH = handphone = android - blackberry - windows phone - symbian ) Apa kabar sahabat blog Cari aplikasi? Pada kesempatan ini blog yang spesialis mengupas info Aplikasi gratis akan berbagi berita dan pengetahuan mengengai Download WECHAT Semua Handheld setelah pada beberapa waktu yang lalu lalu saya sudah memberikan informasi tentang Tema Android . Kembali kepada pokok permasalahan, daripada telalu lama dengan basa-basinya mending kita simak saja yang akan saya bahas mengenai Dwnload WECHAT Semua Handheld dapat anda lihat pada Download WECHAT Semua Handheld di bawah ini.

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Untuk dapat menggunakan semua fitur yang ada di dalamnya, kita harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu. Nah untuk mendaftar membuat akun baru WeChat, kita dapat menggunakan nomor ponsel kita maupun dengan menggunakan akun facebook kita.

Yang saya sukai dari aplikasi ini adalah memliki animations Emoticon yang banyak, sehingga kita akan dengan sangat terhibur untuk mengekspresikan semua ekspresi kita menggunakan banyaknya emoticon lucu didalamnya. Apa lagg dengan pesan suara audio yang sangatlah mudah untuk digunakan.

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Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

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Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN - Apa kabar sahabat blog Download Free Aplikasi Gratis? Pada kesempatan ini blog yang spesialis mengupas info Aplikasi Gratis akan berbagi berita dan pengetahuan mengengai Flash ROM Galaxy Y Duos With ODIN setelah pada beberapa waktu yang lalu saya sudah memberikan informasi tentang Tema Android. Kembali kepada pokok permasalahan, daripada telalu lama dengan basa-basinya mending kita simak saja sesuatu yang unik yang akan saya bahas mengenai Flash ROM Galaxy Y Duos With ODIN dapat anda atau agan-agan lihat pada Flash ROM galaxy Y DUOS/ samsung s6102 With ODIN yang akan dijabarkan atau diuraikan dibawah ini, semoga bermanfaat untuk agan-agan sekalian yang berkunjung ke blog Aplikasi Gratis

Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN

Screnshot flash samsung s6102::

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Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN


Bahan Bahan flash samsung s6102 :

1. Driver SAMSUNG KIES/USB driver download (PENTING !!!) Support Net- Framework 4.0

2. Odin download

3. Yang Paling penting STOCK ROM SAMSUNG GALAXY Y DUOS download (kalau mau versi lain silahkan anda googling)

4. kabel data

5. Laptop atau PC

Tutorial :

1. Download Seluruh ramuan :D simpan dalam 1 folder kemudian Extract S6102_DXMA2_OLBMA1_DXMA2 hingga menjadi 3 buah file .yaitu :

A. PDA*****.tar.md5
B. MODEM*****.tar.md5
C. CSC*****.tar.md5

2. Install Driver Samsung KIES terlebih dahulu pada laptop / PC anda (saran : install Net-Framework 4.0 Terlebih dahulu biar tidak lama dalam proses penginstalan KIES nya)

3. Silahkan matikan Y DUOS , dan masuk ke dalam mode Download / Odin mode dengan cara : Tekan Bareng "VolDown+Power+Home"

4. Hubungkan Y DUOS anda dengan kabel data ke PC / Laptop

5. double click Odin3 v1.85.exe hingga keluar Jendelanya .

(pastikan Y DUOS anda terdeteksi di Odin lihat kolom ID:COM biasanya kalo terdeteksi warnanya kuning dengan "ID: 0:[COM5]")

6. Pada menu cukup anda beri ceklis Auto Reboot dan F. Reset Time

7. Isi Kolom PDA: dgn PDA*****.tar.md5

8. Isi Kolom Phone: dgn MODEM*****.tar.md5

9. Isi Kolom CSC: dgn CSC*****.tar.md5
seperti gambar berikut flash samsung s6102:
Flash ODIN Galaxy Y DUOS

10. Klik Start dan biarkan Odin melakukan flash samsung s6102
11. Tunggu hingga proses flash samsung s6102 berjalan...

12. Kalo selesai pastikan seperti berikut di ending:
Odin Finish:
<ID:0/005> Completed flash samsung s6102
<OSM> All threads completed. (Succeed 1 / failed 0)
<ID:0/005> Removed!!!

Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN

Terima kasih atas kesedian agan-agan mampir ke blog kami. Nah begitulah dan demikianlah informasi tentang Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN semoga dengan adanya bahasan informasi di atas dapat menambah pengentahuan anda mengenai Flash ROM Samsung S6102 With ODIN.

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Download Tema Android | Tema android Terbaru | Themes Android 2013

Download Tema Android - Selamat datang sahabat cari aplikasi , disini saya akan bahas Download Tema Android | Tema android Terbaru | Themes Android 2013 yang dahulu pernah saya bahas dalam artikel menarik lainnya.

Download Tema Android | Tema android Terbaru | Themes Android 2013

Download Tema Android

Download Tema Android 2013 Part 2

TEMA ANDROID :: Download Tema Android Terbaru

Terima kasih atas kesedian agan-agan mampir ke blog kami. Nah begitulah dan demikianlah informasi tentang Download Tema Android semoga dengan adanya bahasan informasi di atas dapat menambah pengentahuan anda mengenai Download Tema Android

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

A few easy tools the whole family will love

This summer we’re posting regularly with privacy and security tips. Knowing how to stay safe and secure online is important, which is why we created our Good to Know site with advice and tips for safe and savvy Internet use. -Ed.

Summer is here, and with kids out of school it is a great time for families to explore the web together—from learning what makes fireflies glow to playing online games together. But while there is a lot of entertaining, educational content online, there are also materials I’d rather not see when I’m surfing the web with my family. Google has built a number of tools that parents can use to help keep content they would rather not see from popping up on the family computer. It takes less than five minutes to turn them on, so follow the steps below to help make your search results more family-friendly this summer.

1. Turn on SafeSearch in Google Search
Turning on SafeSearch is an easy way to help you hide images, search results and videos intended just for adults. It’s especially helpful if you’re concerned about the content that might pop up on your family computer, and it’s easy to turn on. Just visit the Google Search Settings page, go to the "SafeSearch filters" section, and check the box to filter mature content from Google Search result pages. These preferences will apply for any searches done using that browser on your computer. If you have multiple browsers on your family computer, you might want to turn SafeSearch on for each one.

You can turn SafeSearch on or off from the Search Settings page

2. Save and lock your preferences
Once you’ve set your preferences, make sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page. And if you're signed in to your Google Account, you can also lock the SafeSearch filter so others can’t change your preferences—just click “Lock SafeSearch.” Now the setting is protected with your Google Account password. While no filter is 100 percent perfect, with SafeSearch on you can feel more confident browsing the web with your family.

3. Turn on YouTube Safety Mode
YouTube Safety Mode helps you and your family avoid videos that might be OK with our Community Guidelines, but you might not want popping up on your family computer. Turning on Safety Mode in YouTube takes just one step. Scroll down to the bottom of any YouTube page and click on the button that says “Safety” at the bottom of the page—now you can choose your preferences for Safety Mode.

Click the button that says “Safety” at the bottom of any YouTube page, and then choose your preferences

4. Lock your Safety Mode preferences
Just like with Safe Search, you can also log in with your Google Account and lock YouTube Safety Mode on each one of your computer’s browsers. It will filter videos with mature content, so they won’t show up in video search results, related videos, playlists, shows or films. YouTube Safety Mode will also help hide objectionable comments.

5. Turn on SafeSearch on mobile
SafeSearch is available on your phone or other mobile device, as well as the web. You can turn on SafeSearch for Google on your mobile device by opening your phone’s browser and visiting Scroll to the SafeSearch Filters section to select what level of filtering you would like to enable. Be sure to tap “Save Preferences” after you’ve made your selection.

To enable SafeSearch on YouTube’s mobile app, first open your settings, then press “Search.” From there, select “SafeSearch Filtering” and select moderate or strict filtering.

Helping your family have a positive and safe experience with Google is important to you, and it’s important to us, too. That’s why we’ve partnered with parents and experts on free and easy to use tools and resources to help your family stay safe and secure when browsing online. If you’re interested in even more of our tools and tips, please see our Good to Know site, and stay tuned for more security tips throughout the summer.

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Hanging out with a Nobel Prize economics laureate

We believe the Internet represents the motor of the 21st century economy, and its always nice to hear a Nobel Prize winner explain how best to encourage net innovation. Czech CERGE-EI think tank recently organized a Google Hangout with Nobel Laureate for economics Eric Maskin.

The Prague setting was appropriate. The Czech Republic’s economy remains dependent on traditional manufacturing, particularly the auto industry, which accounts for nearly a quarter of Czech output. Czech policymakers regularly acknowledge the need to move toward a more high-tech, services-based, knowledge economy. How?

Professor Maskin suggested that the Czech Republic and the rest of Europe needed to be careful about imposing a heavy patent burden on the tech sector. Software, semiconductor, and computer industries have been innovative despite historically weak patent protection, he argues. “In software you don’t have single big breakthroughs, but rather a succession of many small improvements,” he explained. “If I patent a small discovery and you want to build on it, you won’t be able to do that easily - I’m going to block you with my patents.”

The Nobel Prize winner discussed these ideas, along with many others, with Czech commentators David Marek (Chief Economist, Patria Finance) and Jakub Steiner (Associate Professor, CERGE-EI). During his discussion, Professor Maskin is not an anti-patent zealot. He compared the software to the pharmaceutical industry, where he said patents could be effective. “In the case of drugs, where you have a single big breakthrough and have to spend hundreds of millions, patents have been useful for drug companies and society,” he said.

The Czech Republic, along with the rest of Europe, needs to embrace Internet innovation and Professor Maskin offers some important insights in how to construct the best possible innovation environment. We hope to hold new Hangouts from Prague to foster a healthy debate on Internet regulation.

Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

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Download Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi - Apa kabar sahabat blog Download Free Aplikasi Gratis? Pada kesempatan ini blog yang spesialis mengupas info Aplikasi Gratis akan berbagi berita dan pengetahuan mengengai Dwnload Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi setelah pada beberapa waktu yang lalu lalu saya sudah memberikan informasi tentang Download Tema Android Terbaru. Kembali kepada pokok permasalahan, daripada telalu lama dengan basa-basinya mending kita simak saja yang akan saya bahas mengenai Donload Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi dapat anda lihat pada Donload Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi di bawah ini. 

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 Ikuti Langkah Dwnload Youtube :

   1. Select The Video You Want To Donload.
   2. Copy link on address bar of video you want to donload.
   3. Place the link into box in top this page.
   4. Then Click Download Button.
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   6. Last, Save To Your Computer.

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Silahkan anda masuk/buka atau rapidshare,kemudian pilih video atau file yang anda inginkan untuk didownload.
Setelah anda menemukan Video yang cocok untuk didownload,kemudia copy address url video tersebut (lihat screenshoot).

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Cara Mudah Terbaru Dwnload Video di Youtube Tanpa Software IDM,Keepvid.
Setelah anda copy link/url video tadi silahkan buka,Halaman Donload Youtube atau.Kemudian pastekan Url Videonya disana dan klik "download now".

Kemudian anda pilih format video yang anda inginkan,misalnya 3Gp,MP4,Flv dll.Nanti secara otomatis akan terbuka panel download untuk menyimpan file anda.

Nah demikianlah informasi tentang Donload Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi semoga dengan adanya bahasan informasi di atas dapat menambah pengentahuan anda mengenai Download Youtube Tanpa Aplikasi. Terima kasih.

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

TEMA ANDROID :: Download Tema Android Terbaru

Download Tema Android Terbaru - Apa kabar sahabat blog Download Aplikasi Android? Pada kesempatan ini blog yang spesialis mengupas info Aplikasi Android akan berbagi berita dan pengetahuan mengengai  Android setelah pada beberapa waktu yang lalu lalu saya sudah memberikan informasi tentang Theme Android. Kembali kepada pokok permasalahan, daripada telalu lama dengan basa-basinya mending kita simak saja yang akan saya bahas mengenai Theme Android Terbaru dapat anda lihat pada Artikel di bawah ini. 

 Meskipun banyak dikritik dan masih dalam bentuk Beta pertama untuk pengembang, tetapi desain baru iOS 7 itu juga ternyata disukai sejumlah orang hingga hadirnya tema ala iOS 7 untuk perangkat Android Jelly Bean.

Theme Android 'jbOS7' ini menggunakan kombinasi dari ikon iOS 7 dengan Nova Launcher, yang merupakan pengganti layar utama yang tersedia untuk Android 4.0 dan versi di atasnya.


Download Tema Android Terbaru


 1. Go Launcher Ex


Aplikasi ini memiliki tampilan yang menarik, Iconnya sangat mudah diganti
Rating          : 9,0
Keunggulan : Mudah, Ringan, Simpel dan banyak widget yang tersedia.
Kelemahan  : Temanya kebanyakan berbayar


Inilah Launcher terbaik yang pernah ada untuk Android, Theme yang banyak dan Gratis. Cocok untuk pengguna Android yang Simpel.

Rating          : 9.0
Keunggulan : Mudah, Ringan, Simpel dan banyak widget yang tersedia.
Kelemahan  : Tidak ada menu aplikasi, Tidak bisa mengganti Icon satu satu

3. SPB Shell 3D
 Android Terbaru

Salah satu Launcher Android yang Keren dan terbaik, Tapi hanya cocok untuk Android yang memiliki kapasitas dan RAM yang besar
Rating    : 8.0
Keunggulan : Sangat Menarik
Kelemahan  : Memakan Banyak Kapasitas RAM

4. ADW Launcher EX

Tema tersebut mirip seperti Go Launcher tapi berbayar
Rating               : 8.0
Keunggualan    : Mudah, Ringan, Simpel.
Kelemahan       : Temanya kebanyakan berbayar

5. Windows Launcher

Tema yang satu ini Hampir mirip dengan tampilan OS Windows
Rating          : 7.0
Keunggulan : Ringan, Simpel.
Kelemahan  : Tidak ada widget

Apex Launcher:
- Install Apex Launcher.
- Install Theme.
- Tap on "Apex Settings".
- Choose "Theme Settings".
- Select the Theme and apply it.

GO Launcher:
- Install Go Launcher.
- Install Theme.
- Tap on "Themes" icon and choose "Installed" tab.
- Select the Theme and apply.

To change an icon:
Long press on any application icon on your desktop.
"Replace" menu will popup.
Press on the "Theme's icon" and choose
any icon you like for your application.

To Change the Wallpaper:
Find wallpaper chooser and select the Theme's wallpaper.
Scroll among wallpapers, select desirable and press "Set wallpaper" button.

To Open the Clock:
Select "Widgets" and find the Theme's clock

It is still very useful to watch youtube video about the Theme. 

Download Tema Android Terbaru

Nah demikianlah informasi tentang Download Theme Android Terbaru semoga dengan adanya bahasan informasi di atas dapat menambah pengentahuan anda mengenai Download Tema Android Terbaru. Terima kasih.

Supporting Israeli and Palestinian technology students

In his recent Jerusalem speech, President Obama referenced one of our 2013 RISE award recipients, MEET - Middle East Education through Technology as an example of how innovation is reshaping the Middle East.

Today, on MEET’s 10th anniversary, hundreds of Palestinians and Israelis will come together in Jerusalem to celebrate MEET's impact, showcasing technology and business projects built by students who’ve participated in their program. The event will be livestreamed on YouTube between 4-6pm GMT/6-8pm IDT, to enable MEET’s community all over the world to join the occasion. Watch here.

Working in partnership with Massachusets Institute of Technology, MEET's mission is to educate and empower the next generation of Israelis and Palestinians to bring about positive change in the region. Their groundbreaking program teaches computer science, entrepreneurship and leadership to 160 high school students (age 15-17) over three years. The program comprises three consecutive summers at the Hebrew University with volunteer instructors from MIT, and weekly program sessions in the two intervening years at the MEET hubs in Jerusalem and Nazareth, taught by MEET alumni.

Google’s work with support for MEET goes beyond the RISE award. Googlers from Tel Aviv, Mountain View and London serve as project mentors; and the Venture Lab incubator for social and business initiatives led by MEET alumni is a partner of Google’s Campus Tel Aviv Launchpad program.

MEET has accomplished much in its first decade, and we know they have great plans for the future.

A new way to experience the 100th Tour de France

This year, the Tour de France is celebrating its 100th edition with a special route, from Corsica to Les Champs-ElysƩes, giving people around the world the chance to admire beautiful sights as well as amazing athletic feats.

Our Doodle celebrating the 100th edition of the Tour de France

The Tour de France uses a variety of Google products that can help you experience the race like never before, including a YouTube channel, a Google+ page and an Android app where you can keep up with this 100th edition. We’ve also used Google Maps and Street View to create a new interactive experience that lets you feel what it’s like to pedal alongside the greats. Put on your helmet and cycle here.

So what are you waiting for? Line up and get started!

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Hanging out with innovators

Over the past decade, Slovakia has reformed its taxation, healthcare, pension, and social welfare systems, attracting large inflows of foreign investment into the automobile and electronic sectors, and becoming Central Europe’s first country to adopt the euro in January, 2009. But Europe’s economic woes have slowed growth. The Slovak government believes it must forge ahead finding new and innovative sources of growth - particularly on the Internet.

For this reason, the Ministry of the Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic recently worked with Slovak Alliance for Internet Economy to stream its first ever live Google Hangout with Israeli venture entrepreneur Jon Medved. Medved has invested in over 100 Israeli startup companies, helping 12 of them to get to valuations in excess of $100 million. His presentation, entitled “Israel - the Power to Astonish,” explained to the online audience that venture capital for web startups was flowing into israel despite the global economic crisis. What is Israel’s “special sauce?,” he asked rhetorically. “A willingness to accept risk and failure,” he answered.

Slovakia’s major economic daily Hospodarske noviny streamed the hangout live on its website and four national startup hubs participated. We are planning to continue these hangouts from Finland and elsewhere, creating a series of “Innovators Connect” policy discussions about innovation and Internet Economy. Tune in and see if Slovakia can become the next hot e-country.

An evening with the UK’s computing pioneers

It was fish and chips, ice-cream and popcorn all round as we celebrated the UK’s computing heritage on Monday with a night of film and stories from some of the country’s pioneers.

The evening began with unveiling a new display showcasing the extensive contributions the UK has made to computing—from Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, to Donald Davies and Tim Berners-Lee. It now has pride of place in the reception of Google’s Central St Giles office in London, and we hope will help make these achievements better known.

Following came more formal sessions, beginning with those who first brought the Internet to the UK. The pioneering work of the National Physical Laboratory was described by Roger Scantlebury and Peter Wilkinson, both members of Donald Davies’ team who built the NPL network—the first Internet-like thing in the UK. They were joined by Peter Kirstein from UCL and Vint Cerf who recounted the story of how the US Arpanet came to be connected to NPL’s network, via Peter’s workaround gateway at UCL.

It was a thrill to have these four pioneers together, reminiscing about their early work and the creative ways they overcame the many challenges, bureaucratic and technological. If you’d like to hear the inside scoop on how the Internet got started in the UK, enjoy this video:

The evening was rounded off with some film screenings, interspersed with presentations by Tilly Blyth from the Science Museum, and David Hartley from TNMOC, describing the great work they’re doing to help preserve and promote the UK’s computing heritage. Finishing with a lively Q&A session with Vint Cerf where we talked about the Internet’s future.


Thanks to everyone who came, and all who shared their stories, making it such a memorable night.