Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Introducing the Wonders of the Web

Today we’re excited to announce a one-stop shop that explains how the Internet works and how policymakers can put it to use. Along with Coadec, Decoded and the Enso Collaborative, we’ve produced a series of short videos and text that provide a critical understanding of how the Internet functions in day-to-day language.

We’ve also developed a section that shows government officials how to use very basic code and take advantage of the Internet’s speed, scale and reach to let people know who they are and what they stand for. For example, anyone can use our site to copy and paste a snippet of code to add a +1, “like” or “tweet” button to their web page. Adding this social element allows constituents to see different issue platforms and spread news to their friends.

By getting to know the system that underpins the Web, policymakers can also figure out what matters to their constituents and use that data to tailor campaigns that resonate with voters. In fact, the Internet makes it possible to gather and use real-time information, plot the information across a map and even point individuals toward the nearest polling station, policy meeting or political rally.

Protecting a free and open Internet in the long term requires knowing how it operates. As the Web enables more creativity, information exchange and economic growth than ever before, we hope that this site will become a useful resource for people to become familiar with how it came to be.

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