Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Rewarding innovative journalism in France

The Internet may be changing the ways in which we consume information, but it also offers great opportunities for innovative journalism. And by reducing the costs of production and distribution, a new generation of entrepreneurial journalists can reach readers more easily than ever before. To encourage this new generation of digital journalists, we teamed up with one of France’s most prestigious journalism schools, run by Sciences Po and supported a contest for the best student-run digital news start-up.

This year’s winner, announced today in Paris at the school’s annual digital journalism workshop, is Sciences Po student Amandine Briand who created a local news website about the 19th “arrondissement” in Paris. Her venture demonstrates how the Internet can bring back 'hyper-local' journalism.

#NPDJ12 - 1 minute avec Amandine Briand par ecoledejournalisme

At the awards ceremony, Agnès Chauveau, Executive Director of the Sciences Po School of Journalism, highlighted to students the opportunity offered by the Internet. “The traditional economic models of the press are going through a crisis, so our students have to be able to invent new ones and innovate,” she said.

After the success of this year’s contest, we and our partners at Sciences Po have decided to reprise the Innovation Award in Journalism next year too. But in the 2013 edition, there will be multiple awards, rather than just one - we’re throwing the competition is open to professional journalists too. You can find more information on the Sciences Po website.

We hope that through initiatives like these, we can encourage the kind of innovation that will help journalism thrive and give the up and coming generation of French journalists a bright future.

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