Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

The Single Market Opportunity - Getting Europe's SMEs Online

Yesterday, the European Commission announced its strategy to build trust in the Digital Single Market. On Tuesday 24th January, we’re hosting a special event - The Single Market Opportunity: Getting Europe’s SMEs Online - right here in Brussels’ European district.

We’d like to invite you to to register for this event and join us, Commission Vice President Tajani and other prestigious guests to discuss how to realise the potential of the Internet as a driver of growth and jobs across Europe’s entire economy. You’ll also hear from entrepreneurs from 15 European countries, who will showcase how they are building successful online businesses that reach far beyond their national borders.

Over the last two years, we've worked with partners in ten European countries to stimulate economic activity and the creation of jobs via the Getting Business Online initiative. By providing training, tools and resources, this initiative has helped more than 250,000 small and medium enterprises - from donkey farmers and butchers to magicians, beauticians and wedding planners - to go online for the first time.

The Internet already accounts for more than 6% of GDP in some European countries, according to research from McKinsey and the Boston Consulting Group, but did you know:

  • That businesses that use the Internet intensively grow twice as fast as those that don't?
  • That the web fuels net job creation with more than two jobs created for every one lost in a traditional sector?
  • That more than 20% of global GDP growth over the last five years can be directly attributed to the burgeoning Internet economy?
  • That over the next five years, many EU member states will see double digit growth in economic activity enabled by the Internet, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs across Europe in the process?
Secure your place at the Single Market Opportunity on Tuesday, January 24th, 2012, by registering here today.

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