Rabu, 09 September 2015

Helping the next generation prepare for the jobs of the future

Our lives are being transformed by technology, and so too are the jobs of the future, across a whole range of industries - from design to medicine to music and more. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the BBC’s Make It Digital team and The Tech Partnership to launch the Make It Digital Matchr, a new tool to help young people explore a wide range of digital career opportunities.

Aimed primarily at 16-19 year olds, the interactive tool uses the the latest research from The Tech Partnership to match users with the right resources, either from the BBC or one of many partners like Teen Tech, Raspberry Pi, Code Club, Khan Academy and more, to help them develop their skills.

Young people using the tool are asked how they would handle a range of situations involved in developing a fictional game. Their answers reveal their natural strengths and inclinations, helping Matchr find suitable digital careers they may be interested in, and presenting them with resources to help set them on their way.
The opportunity for young people is huge. The Tech Partnership today released a study which found that the number of tech specialists in the UK is forecast to grow at almost four times that of the workforce as a whole between 2014 and 2024. And the European Commission estimates that there will be more than 800,000 unfilled digital job vacancies across Europe by 2020 if we don’t close the skills gap - which is something else we’re working on, via our commitment earlier this year to train 1 million Europeans in crucial digital skills by 2016.

We hope that the Digital Matchr and the Make it Digital campaign inspires the next generation about to start coding and get creative with technology.

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