Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Mapping creates jobs and drives global economic growth

Twenty years ago, we used paper maps and printed guides to help us navigate the world. Today, the most advanced digital mapping technologies—satellite imagery, GPS devices, location data and of course Google Maps—are much more accessible. This sea change in mapping technology is improving our lives and helping businesses realise untold efficiencies.

The transformation of the maps we use everyday is driven by a growing industry that creates jobs and economic growth globally. To present a clearer picture of the importance of the geo services industry, we commissioned studies from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Oxera. What we found is that maps make a big economic splash around the world.

In summary, the global geo services industry is valued at up to $270 billion per year and pays out $90 billion in wages. In the U.S., it employs more than 500,000 people and is worth $73 billion. The infographic below illustrates some examples of the many benefits of maps, whether it’s improving agriculture irrigation systems or helping emergency response teams save lives.

Click the image for a larger version

1.1 billion hours of travel time saved each year? That’s a lot of time. Also, consider UPS, which uses map technology to optimize delivery routes—saving 5.3 million miles and more than 650,000 gallons of fuel in 2011. And every eight seconds, a user hails a taxi with Hailo, which used maps and GPS to deliver more than 1 million journeys in London alone last year. Finally, Zipcar uses maps to connect more than 760,000 customers to a growing fleet of cars in locations around the world.

Because maps are such an integral part of how we live and do business, the list of examples goes on and on. That’s why it’s important we all understand the need to invest in the geo services industry so it continues to grow and drive the global economy. Investments can come from the public and private sectors in many forms—product innovation, support of open data policies, more geography education programs in schools and more.

We’re proud of the contributions that Google Maps and Earth, the Google Maps APIs and our Enterprise solutions have made to the geo services industry and to making maps more widely available, but there’s a long way to go. To learn more about the impact of the maps industry, see the full reports.

Bringing Italy’s election campaign online

For the past several years, we’ve worked to engage voters in the electoral process, creating election websites in countries around the globe. A notable recent example was Kenya. Now we’re gearing up for the Italian elections scheduled for February 24 and 25.

Our Italian elections project builds on previous initiatives in the country to promote dialogue between politicians and the public. We aim to go beyond spreading information about the vote, focusing on promoting the interaction between citizens and politicians through digital tools. Policymakers will be able to use the new electoral platform to reach voters through Google Hangouts and live streaming. Developers will compete in a 1App4democracy contest to improve democratic participation.

This new Italy Google Elections campaign was launched at a recent event in Rome. The event featured a debate about “Web and Democracy” between former Minister of Innovation Renato Brunetta, Italia Futura party parliamentarian Andrea Romano, and blogger and parliamentary candidate Giuseppe Civati.

In the coming month, we will work closely with politicians to allow them to discuss directly with voters. Parliament president Gianfranco Fini, Centre-Catholic party leader Pierferdinando Casini and liberal Prime Minister candidate Fare Oscar Giannino already have taken advantage Google tools such as hangouts.

This ambitious project is possible thanks to the participation of two important media partners: La7, the second largest private broadcaster, and La Stampa, a leading daily newspaper. We hope this project will help Italians make their choice for their next government.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Free Raspberry Pi’s for aspiring young UK programmers

"The success of the BBC Micro in the 1980s shows what's possible. There's no reason why Raspberry Pi shouldn't have the same impact, with the right support." That was Eric Schmidt speaking in May about the opportunity for Raspberry Pi to inspire budding computer scientists.

Today Google is backing the Raspberry Pi Foundation with more than words, by providing funding to allow 15,000 UK kids enthusiastic about computer science to get a Raspberry Pi for free.

Photo credit: Paul Beech (@guru)

To ensure no Pi is wasted, devices will be doled out with the help of six educational partners: Codeclub, Computing At School, Generating GeniusCoderdojoTeach First and OCR. Each organisation will have a supply of free Pi’s to give to children they meet who demonstrate an aptitude and passion for computing. As an added bonus, each device handed out will come with a teaching and learning pack, created by OCR, and designed to help kids dig in right away and get the most out of their Pi’s.

There’s no magic solution to the UK’s computer science education woes, but real progress is being made thanks to the combined efforts of many. Google is proud to lend our support and, we hope, a little Pi will go a long way.

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Partnering with Le Monde to train journalism's next generation

For journalism to thrive in the Internet era, it needs people who can build on the important lessons from the world's great newspapers while embracing a new digital friendly form. Today, to help nurture this new generation of talent, we agreed to partner with one of the gold standards of French journalism - Le Monde with its Monde Académie.


Le Monde is opening up its newsrooms to 68 apprentice journalists aged 18 to 25. No journalism degree is required. Each day, the newspaper will publish one of their stories, or one of their photos, drawings or video. In France, Le Monde says journalism is “perceived as one of the professions most closed to young people.” Le Monde Académie aims to change that perception.

While at Le Monde, each trainee will be accompanied by a full time journalist or editor, but the trainees are allowed to pick the subjects for their stories they submit to the paper and online editions. Blogs follow the progression of the youngsters as they report and file their stories, as well as the difficulties they face and their attempts to become full-fledged professional journalists. At the end of the program this June, Le Monde will hire three of the youngsters.

Google is partnering in the entire process. The trainees will visit our Paris headquarters for courses in digital literacy. Specialists will demonstrate how journalists may benefit from Google products ranging from Youtube to Blogger, and Drive to Docs, both to uncover information and share it. Round tables are being organized to discuss issues facing the transition of journalism from paper to the web.

At Google, we are aware of the need to work with publishers to smooth the transition not only from oppression to freedom, but from analogue to digital distribution. We are sponsoring a series of digital journalism prizes with Institut de Sciences Politiques, the International Press Institute in Vienna and the Global Editors Network in Paris. We also are the proud backer of Reporters Without Borders’ annual Netizen of the Year award.

This isn’t Google’s first project with Le Monde, either. We brought six Tunisian journalists to the paper last year to work for three months in the newsroom. Its great to see that adventure expanded to promote young French journalists.

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Google's approach to government requests for users

Cross-posted with the Official Google Blog

Today, January 28, is Data Privacy Day, when the world recognizes the importance of preserving your online privacy and security.

If it’s like most other days, Google—like many companies that provide online services to users—will receive dozens of letters, faxes and emails from government agencies and courts around the world requesting access to our users’ private account information. Typically this happens in connection with government investigations.

It’s important for law enforcement agencies to pursue illegal activity and keep the public safe. We’re a law-abiding company, and we don’t want our services to be used in harmful ways. But it’s just as important that laws protect you against overly broad requests for your personal information.

To strike this balance, we’re focused on three initiatives that I’d like to share, so you know what Google is doing to protect your privacy and security.

First, for several years we have advocated for updating laws like the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act, so the same protections that apply to your personal documents that you keep in your home also apply to your email and online documents. We’ll continue this effort strongly in 2013 through our membership in the Digital Due Process coalition and other initiatives.

Second, we’ll continue our long-standing strict process for handling these kinds of requests. When government agencies ask for our users’ personal information—like what you provide when you sign up for a Google Account, or the contents of an email—our team does several things:

  • We scrutinize the request carefully to make sure it satisfies the law and our policies. For us to consider complying, it generally must be made in writing, signed by an authorized official of the requesting agency and issued under an appropriate law.
  • We evaluate the scope of the request. If it’s overly broad, we may refuse to provide the information or seek to narrow the request. We do this frequently.
  • We notify users about legal demands when appropriate so that they can contact the entity requesting it or consult a lawyer. Sometimes we can’t, either because we’re legally prohibited (in which case we sometimes seek to lift gag orders or unseal search warrants) or we don’t have their verified contact information.
  • We require that government agencies conducting criminal investigations use a search warrant to compel us to provide a user’s search query information and private content stored in a Google Account—such as Gmail messages, documents, photos and YouTube videos. We believe a warrant is required by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and overrides conflicting provisions in ECPA.

And third, we work hard to provide you with information about government requests. Today, for example, we’ve added a new section to our Transparency Report that answers many questions you might have. And last week we released data showing that government requests continue to rise, along with additional details on the U.S. legal processes—such as subpoenas, court orders and warrants—that government use to compel us to provide this information.

We’re proud of our approach, and we believe it’s the right way to make sure governments can pursue legitimate investigations while we do our best to protect your privacy and security.

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android Part 2

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android Part 2 - Kali ini saya akan share mengenai aplikasi-aplikasi android yang terbilang cukup unik buat melengkapi koleksi Aplikasi di Smartphone/Tablet android anda. Demam android sepertinya akan terus merajalela hingga akhir zaman, karena OS ini merupakan OS yg opensource sehingga memudahkan para penggunanya untuk memodifikasi gadget android yang mereka punya. Mereka bisa menambahkan aplikasi yang sebelumnya mustahil untuk ada di OS ponsel pendahulunya. Karena kebebasan ini juga, para developer berlomba-lomba untuk membuat aplikasi yang unik dan menarik.

Daftar Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android Part 2

1. Blackmart

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android

Kenapa aplikasi ini saya cantumkan di nomor 1?karena ini adalah aplikasi yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh kita nantinya. Dari namanya mungkin sudah terbaca, bisa dibilang plesetan dari black market.hehehe. aplikasi standar untuk OS android biasanya di download di play store, tapi sayangnya ketika kita melihat aplikasi yang bagus ternyata kita harus membayar untuk mendapatkannya. Tapi tidak usah khawatir, dengan aplikasi ini semuanya teratasi ;). Sama seperti play store, hanya saja yang berbayar menjadi gratis ;) dan keuntungan lainya, hasil downloadan aplikasinya (aplikasi.apk) tersimpan di HP, jadi kita bisa membagi aplikasi keren lain ke teman-teman melalui Bluetooth, dll.
Jika tertarik, download saja di sini
Download disini

2. Easy Filter

Aplikasi android ini merupakan aplikasi untuk blok panggilan atau SMS dari nomor-nomor tertentu. Jika anda tidak menginginkan sms atau panggilan gunakan aplikasi Easy Filter yang unik untuk Android ini.
How to changing password:
Change password by MENU - Password, type new password.
Cancel password protection by MENU - Password - Cancel Protection.

Cek disini

3. Auto sms

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android

Jika telepon ada mesin penjawab otomatis, di android juga ada aplikasi menjawab sms otomatis. Misalnya anda sedang dalam perjalanan dan tak mau mengecewakan yang sms/telepon, aplikasi ini solusinya. Selain menjawab sms otomatis, juga terdapat menu sms terjadwal, jadi misalnya kita tidak mau lupa mengirim sms ucapan selamat ulang tahun, tinggal di setting di aplikasi ini agar mengirim pada tanggal dan jam tertentu. Fasilitas yang lain silahkan korek lebih jauh dengan menginstall aplikasi ini :
Download disini

4. Voxer
Anda masih ingat mainan walkie talky?aplikasi inilah wujudnya dalam Android. Dengan menggunakan koneksi internet, anda bisa bergantian ngobrol dengan teman layaknya HT, selain itu juga bisa sms dan kirim foto. Yang jelas, menggunakan plikasi ini lebih murah dari pada telefon ;)
Download disini

5. Websharing
Anda lupa membawa kabel data untuk memindahkan file dari HP ke computer atau sebaliknya? Aplikasi ini sangat cocok buat Anda. Anda tinggal menghubungkan computer dan HP menggunakan jaringan wifi yang sama dan anda bisa mengakses file di HP melalui browser. Simple kan. Coba aja biar lebih jelas ;)
Download disini

6. Live tv Indonesia

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android

Anda sudah terlanjur membeli HP yang tidak ada TV analog? Dan anda sudah ngebet sekali nonton bola dini hari tapi gak mau repot keluar? Anda masih bisa menonton tv melalui gadget android. Live tv Indonesia menyajikan saluran televisi yang beredar di Indonesia. Sebenarnya selain aplikasi ini saya sudah mencoba aplikasi tv lain seperti mivotv dan indotv, tinggal pilih aja, karena semuanya gratis (aplikasinya), tapi nontonnya tentu saja akan memotong kuota internet Anda.hehe. cek aja di sini

7. Status via

Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android

Ingin punya gadget keren seperti iphone 5 atau ipad atau yang lain tapi kocek tak bersahabat. Jangan khawatir, melalui aplikasi ini kamu bisa update status facebook via apa saja yang kamu inginkan. Dengan aplikasi ini, walau gadget android kamu abal-abal kamu bisa update status FB seolah olah dari iphone, blackberry atau yang lain. Tapi kelemahanya kita belum bisa upload photo sama mention. Semoga kedepan aplikasi ini bisa dikembangkan untuk mengupload foto. Tertarik? Download aplikasi
Download disini

Artikel terkait Kumpulan Aplikasi Unik Android

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Hanging out with women engineers at Google

One of the problems girls face when considering a career in computing is the lack of female role models. It’s hard to aspire to be what you can’t see.

To help redress this, the CS on Air team in partnership with Women Techmakers have started an informal series of hangouts with women engineers across Google.

Each tells the story of how they discovered their passion for computing, and gives advice for others considering pursuing it as a career. We learn about the kind of projects they’ve worked on and why they’ve personally found computing to be such an exciting field of study and work.

So far we’ve recorded three of these short conversations, featuring engineers from across Europe:
  • Beryl Nelson, Software Engineering Manager in Krakow, Poland came late to computer science, as an extension of her Masters degree in genetic biochemistry. She’s since had a long programming career, spanning India, Japan and Poland, while also raising a family.

  • Mandy Waite, Developer Advocate in London, UK studied radio and TV mechanics and transitioned to computing early in her career, creating software for printing imagery. At Google she works with startups, supporting them in using Google’s cloud platform and API’s.

  • Ania Marszalek, Software Engineer in Zurich, Switzerland discovered her love of programming at high school. She now makes software tools that monitor the performance of Google Maps, allowing the team to pinpoint any areas that need improving and fix them fast.

Over the coming months we plan to continue the series and extend it to other regions, so it can be a resource for teachers, career counselors, and women everywhere considering a career in computing.  Check out the CS on Air listings to see upcoming episodes.

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Freedom burns bright in Prague

Only two decades ago, the Czech Republic shook off the shackles of authoritarianism and planted the seeds of a vibrant democracy. The Velvet Revolution’s leader Vaclav Havel spoke of the “power of the powerless,” explaining how, in a society ruled by lies, truth gains a "singular, explosive, incalculable political power." Although Havel recently passed away, his powerful memory lives on, strong and steady, as made clear at a recent Google-and Open Society Fund sponsored event in Prague. A group of top ranking Czech editors met in the cozy Bar and Books to discuss the topic, “The End of Free Media.”

For the past two years, we have partnered with the Open Society Fund on a Journalism Award honoring innovative civic journalism. Our Google Digital Innovation Award celebrates the best online entry. Authors, editors, readers, viewers and listeners are encouraged to nominate interesting articles by February 2013. More info can be found here.

Our goal at Bar and Books was to share ideas about the current state of media freedom, potential threats, and steps to protect from government censorship and control. I represented Google on the panel and came away confident that the Czech Republic is a strong ally in the fight for Internet freedom. The Czech government is a founder member with the Netherlands’, Sweden, Estonia, the United States and others of the Freedom Online alliance. This December, Prague joined other European allies, in rejecting an International Telecommunications Union treaty that could open the door to authoritarian control of the Net.

The Czech capital is also home to a dedicated and broad network of freedom-loving NGOs. It was inspiring to hear from former Czech parliamentarian Oldrich Kuzilek how he has set up an association called Otevrete to encourage the government to allow access to taxpayer-funded data. Other organizations such as Transitions monitors regional trends in press freedom, while the Pasos think tank regroups 56 organizations around the region, united to promote democracy and human rights. Apologies to the NGOs omitted here for reasons of space.

We look forward to cooperating with both the Czech government and Czech civil society in order to promote Internet freedom.

What it takes for governments to access personal information

Today we’re releasing new data for the Transparency Report, showing that the steady increase in government requests for our users’ data continued in the second half of 2012, as usage of our services continued to grow. We’ve shared figures like this since 2010 because it’s important for people to understand how government actions affect them.

We’re always looking for ways to make the report even more informative. So for the first time we’re now including a breakdown of the kinds of legal process that government entities in the U.S. use when compelling communications and technology companies to hand over user data. From July through December 2012:
  • 68 percent of the requests Google received from government entities in the U.S. were through subpoenas. These are requests for user-identifying information, issued under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (“ECPA”), and are the easiest to get because they typically don’t involve judges.
  • 22 percent were through ECPA search warrants. These are, generally speaking, orders issued by judges under ECPA, based on a demonstration of “probable cause” to believe that certain information related to a crime is presently in the place to be searched.
  • The remaining 10 percent were mostly court orders issued under ECPA by judges or other processes that are difficult to categorize.

User data requests of all kinds have increased by more than 70 percent since 2009, as you can see in our new visualizations of overall trends. In total, we received 21,389 requests for information about 33,634 users from July through December 2012.

We’ll keep looking for more ways to inform you about government requests and how we handle them. We hope more companies and governments themselves join us in this effort by releasing similar kinds of data.

One last thing: You may have noticed that the latest Transparency Report doesn’t include new data on content removals. That’s because we’ve decided to release those numbers separately going forward. Stay tuned for that data.

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Celebrating five decades of Franco-German friendship

France and Germany today celebrate 50 years since the signing of the Elysee Treaty in Paris by French President Charles de Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. The treaty marked a dramatic move away from hostility towards an era of unprecedented cooperation. The two nations soon came together as founding members of the European Union and to forge a partnership that would usher in an era of peace and prosperity in Europe.

We have worked with the German-Franco Institute, German-Franco University and The Office for French-German Youth to put together a series of online exhibitions which tell the stories behind this Franco-German friendship. Videos, photos, documents and expert commentary tell the human impact of the accord and chart the exchanges, academic cooperation and friendships launched by the treaty.

From cultural institute

A particular highlight is a digital copy of the original Elysee Treaty supplied by the German Foreign Office. Visitors may zoom in to read the details of the agreement. Videos from the Memory of the Nation project explain what the postwar political relationship has meant to ordinary citizens. Testimony from people present in the crowd during De Gaulle’s speech to the German Youth calling Germany a ‘great nation’ and photos from the 300,000 exchanges between French and German youths help to capture the spirit of the new partnership. Around 170 multimedia items chart the history of how the Treaty led to the formation of the European Union and the evolution of the French-German relationship to the present day.

As well as being available online, our exhibitions and other information about the Franco-German partnership are being displayed in the German Foreign Office in Berlin and were unveiled by Deputy Minister of the German Foreign Office, Georg Michael Link, and the French Minister for European Affairs, Bernard Cazeneuve. The displays are open to the public until mid-March, additional information can be found here.

The five decades of Franco-German partnership represent the latest chapter in the work of the Google Cultural Institute, which aims to promote and preserve culture online. You can explore all its exhibitions on www.google.com/culturalinstitute and follow us on our Google+ page .

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Encouraging Italy’s small businesses to go digital

Italy has a long tradition of small, family owned companies becoming global leaders in fields ranging from furniture design and fashion to kitchen appliances and specialty foods. Part of their success is due to Italy's focus on creating networks of like-minded businesses, grouped together in industrial 'clusters' that encourage and enable innovation.

In order to stay ahead, we’re convinced that these clusters must leverage the Internet to help market, sell and distribute their goods. This month, we joined forces with the Union of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Unioncamere and the Ministry of Economic Development, to launch "Clusters on the Web."

The initiative will provide the small and medium-sized businesses from 20 Italian clusters with a young mentor and tutor who for six months will support them discovering the opportunities of the web economy. Thanks to Google, the selected young people will attend a training and will receive a scholarship.

We see big opportunities for Italy’s companies that go online. Already, a Venetian company Atelier Marega that sells Carnival masks, and an umbrella manufacturer from Mantua called Pasotti Ombrelli, pictured above,  that is using the net to export their goods to 55 countries around the globe. Let’s hope that our new “Clusters on the Web” program can create many new shining success stories of Italian industries increasing their presence on the web.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Pes edit.com 2013 update Patch 2.8 For PC

Pes edit.com 2013 update  Patch 2.8 - UPDATE-update dan update PES patch lagi, PES 2013 selalu melakukan update diberbagai segi , melakukan perbaikan disemua komponen.

Pes edit.com 2013 update Patch 2.8

Pes edit.com 2013 update Patch 2.8

Pes edit.com 2013 update Patch 2.8

New Features Pes edit.com 2013 Patch 2.8 :

* Updated winter transfers (200+ transfers made in all leagues (Ba > Chelsea, Debuchy > Newcastle, Nuri Şahin > Dortmund, Pato > Corinthians, Perišić > Wolfsburg, Taison > Shakhtar, Vágner Love > CSKA Moskva etc.)
* 20+ new faces (incl. Alex Sandro, Barrada, Jackson Martinez, Maicon etc., in total 680+ faces)
* New kits: Blackburn, France, Getafe, Las Palmas, Netherlands, Porto, PSV, Spezia, Sporting, Union Berlin, West Bromwich, Xerez, Zambia
* New boots: Asics Lethal Tigreor 5 Blue / Graphite / White, Diadora Evoluzione K Pro Black / Fluo Yellow, Joma Numero 10 White / Red / Black, Lotto Zhero Gravity II 100 FG Red / White, Lotto Stadio Potenza II 100 White / Blue, Nike Mercurial Vapor IX Orange, Nike Mercurial Vapor IX Purple
* Created 60+ missing players (incl. Aboutraika (Egypt), Fryers (Tottenham), Gökhan Süzen (Besiktas), Élson (Criciúma), Ongenda (Paris SG), Højbjerg (Bayern München), Guðjohnsen (Brugge) etc.)
* Fixed a lot boots + accessories: Fully corrected Premier League, Eredivisie, Liga BBVA, Npower Championship, Liga Adelante

General Features Pes edit.com 2013 Patch 2.8

* Added Bundesliga, Primera Division Argentina, Russian Premier League, 2. Bundesliga, Liga Adelante, Npower Championship, Serie B, Ligue 2, Brasileirão Série B
* Added other teams (Arminia Bielefeld, BATE Borisov, BSC Young Boys, Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, FC Basel, KRC Genk, Metalist Kharkiv, Steaua Bucureşti, Videoton FC, Viktoria Plzen + Indonesia, Malaysia)
* Correct kits for all Premier League, Liga ZON Sagres + all National & Classic Teams
* Corrected names for fake players in unlicensed National teams and ML unlockable players
* Faces: More than 680 new faces (all fixed by PESEDIT)
* Fixed kits for a lot teams including Barcelona, Manchester United and Sevilla
* Includes newest DLC 3.0 & game version 1.03
* Scoreboard and stadium switch in selector (download stadiums here)
* Removed blur
* Fixed boots + accessories for a lot players (Premier League, Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Serie A, Liga BBVA, Bundesliga and many more)

Instructions included in Readme *updated*.

Download Pesedit.com 2013 Patch 2.8 :

PART 1 (195 MB)         PART 2 (195 MB)          PART 3 (195 MB)         PART 4 (195 MB)         

PART 5 (174.52 MB)

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Update PES 2013 Patch 3.0 Terbaru

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Discover Israel on Google Maps

Last April we released panoramic imagery of sites and streets in Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv-Jaffa via the Street View feature of Google Maps. Since then, people from all over the world have explored historical and cultural sites such as the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa and the beaches of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make Google Maps even more comprehensive and accurate, we’re publishing street-level imagery of hundreds more cities, towns, villages, heritage sites and tourist attractions across Israel.

You can now virtually tour the picturesque city of Safed in the North, the coral reef in Eilat in the South, visit the lowest point on earth at the Dead Sea, and wander around the narrow passageways of the old city of Acre.

Visit Tiberias, one of Judaism’s four holy cities; the Sea of Galilee where, according to the Gospels, Jesus walked on water; and stop off at Capernaum, the ancient fishing village believed to be the home of St. Peter, or the ancient battle site of Tel Meggido, better known as Armageddon.

Capernaum, on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee

The ancient Nabataean cities of Mamshit and Shivta, both of them UNESCO world heritage sites, can also now be seen directly in Google Maps. Tour around the Bet She’an National Park, one of the world’s largest archaeological sites; the Crusader fortress overlooking the excavations at Tzippori; or the sandstone and copper-rich nature reserve at Timna. Enjoy the colorful Druze market town of Daliyat El Carmel, the Bedouin town of Rahat, or take a ride down the ‘Burma Road’, a makeshift bypass road to Jerusalem built in 1948.

The 'Mushroom' red sandstone rock formation at Timna

Sports fans can even go inside Ramat Gan Stadium or Bloomfield. And museum lovers can take in Haifa’s National Museum of Science, Technology & Space, the Holocaust Museum at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, the Ghetto Fighters Museum at Kibbutz Lochamei Ha’getaot, the Museum of Bedouin Culture in the Negev desert, or take a tour around the Egged Bus Museum.

We’ve added imagery from cities, towns and villages including Ashdod, Ashkelon, Be’er Sheva, Bnei Brak, Eilat, Isfyia, Kfar Qasem, Kiryat Gat, Nazareth, Netanya, Ofakim, Petah Tikva, Rishon LeTsiyon, Sderot, Tira, and many, many more. And stay tuned - we hope to expand coverage to still more of the region’s sites, streets, cities and towns in the future.

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Keeping Voters Informed Ahead of the Kenyan Elections

Cross-posted with the Google Africa Blog

training local journalists, civil society and political parties on digital tools for elections, and partnering with local media organizations to support the use of Google+ Hangouts for interviews with candidates.  

G+Hangout on GhettoFM with MikeSonko who is vying for Senator

Ory Okolloh, Google Policy and Government Relations Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Tips Dan Trik Bikin Goll PES 2013

Tips Dan Trik Bikin Goll PES 2013 - Jika anda penggemar PES pasti ingin sekali menang melawan teman tanding anda. PES 2013 di update dengan berbagai gerakan yang sangat mengagumkan. Berikut akan saya bagikan video Tips dan trik Bikin Gol di PES 2013. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit mengenai trik, skill dan kontrol bola yang tersedia di PES 2013. Memang kebanyakan skill yang disediakan tidak jauh berbeda dari PES 2012, tapi ada beberapa tambahan skill – skill mempesona yang menurut saya cukup untuk memberi nilai plus pada game ini. Agar langsung kepada inti dari tulisan ini, yaitu tentang trik PES 2013, maka secara lengkap berbagai tutorial trik bermain PES 2013 tersebut dapat teman-teman lihat seperti yang akan dipublikasikan dibawah ini:

Berikut Video Tips Dan Trik Bikin Goll PES 2013

Tips Dan Trik Bikin Goll PES 2013

PES 2013 Overhead Kick Expanded Tutorial

PES 2013 Dasar dari Tips and Trik:

- Yang paling utama adalah bertahan. Coba latihan untuk bertahan sebelum anda membuat Goll di PES 2013.
- Latihan  passing. Short passing lebih baik dari pada long passing. Dalam bertahan harus anda harus mempunyai skil pada short passing, Ditengah lapangan , anda harus baik melakukan short passing (untuk memberi ruang bergerak bagi penyerang) dan long passing (untuk melakukan operan kepada penyerang).
- Pilih 11 pemain terbaik anda sebelum kick off dimulai. (semua juga tau kaleeee)
- Melakukan shooting. Cobalah untuk menembak di dalam kotak penalti karena itu lebih baik dari pada dari luar kotak.

PES 2013 Tricks and Skill Tutorials:

PES 2013 – Flick and Sombrero Tutorial

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Trik PES 2013

Diagonal bounce : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan ke kiri dan analog kiri ke atas kanan
Rainbow Flick : Tekan dan tahan L2, dan tekan analog kanan 2 kali
Backhell Feint : Tekan dan tahan L2, putar 1/4 lingkaran analog kanan dari arah kiri hingga ke atas dan analog kiri ke arah bawah
Ball roll 1 : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan ke bawah
Front Flick : Tekan dan tahan L2, tekan analog kanan dan analog kiri arah kan ke kiri atas.
Heel chop : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan keatas dan analog kiri ke atas
Ball roll 2 : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan kd bawah lalu ke atas

Tekan L1 dan R1 secara bersamaan.  
Tekan dan tahan tombol arah bawah, lalu tekan tombol kotak dg power gauge skitar 60%, segera lepas tombol arah bawah tadi lalu ganti menekan tombol X+arah dan Bola akan menukik.
Arahkan tendangan kemudian tekan bawah dan L1 lalu kotak sebelum menendang (ketika barnya masih muncul) tekan X maka bola akan meluncur deras mengarah kebawah.
Lihat dulu statistik penendang semakin banyak bintang dan angka nya tinggi maka semakin bagus hasil tendangan tersebut arahkan tendangan kemudian tekan atas dan L1 lalu kotak sebelum menendang (ketika barnya masih muncul) tekan segitiga maka bola akan meluncur deras mengarah kesudut atas.

Trik Crossing PES 2013

Umpan dasar, tekan X.
Umpan Lambung mendatar. Tenekan tombol O tiga kali.
Umpan Terobosan Dasar, Tekan Segitiga.
Umpan Lambung tinggi. Tekan tombol O sekali saja.
Umpan Lambung menengah. Tekan tombol O dua kali.  
Umpan Terobosan Lambung, Tekan Segitigan dan L1 secara bersamaan.

    Pada posisi ini kita cukup menekan tombol kotak (langsung dilepas,) kemudian tunggu beberapa saat sampai pemain bergerak mendekati bola.  
Setelah pemain berada pada posisi di dekat bola, kita pencet tombol arah atas/bawah dengan menekannya sampai pemain menendang bola.

One-two sambil berlari tekan L1 dan X sebelum menerima bola tekan segitiga sambil berlari tekan L1 dan X sebelum menerima bola tekan kotak(bola agak di angkat).  
Back skill tekan L2 terus kemudian tekan R3(analog sebelah kanan) dua kali    
Mengelabui musuh tekan L1 dua kali.  
Menghidar takling tekan R2.  
Membawa bola dan di bayang-bayangi lawan variasikan selalu R1 dan L2.      
Super Cancel - untuk mengubah arah lari default pemain tekan R1 dan R2 secara bersamaan lalu arahkan player ke bola.  
Agar penendang menjadi dua orang caranya tekan L1 dan R1, dan untuk mengoper kepada penendang kedua tekan L1 dan X.  
Menghindari musuh usahakan sambil menghindar selalu tekan R2 dan kombinasikan dengan L2.
Formasi sebaiknya pakai formasi 4-2-3-1, 4-3-3, 4-5-1 atau formasi sesuai karakter asli tim tersebut.

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Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 For PC

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 - PES ( Pro Evolution Soccer ) Update patch lagi , Kali ini ditambahkan 150 lebih transfer pemain disemua liga, Custom Baru untuk arsenal ,atletico madrid , Newcastle dan masih banyak lagi. Berikut adalah fitur-fitur baru dari  Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7.

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 For PC

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 For PC

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 For PC

New Features Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 :

Updated squads with winter transfers (150+ transfers made in all leagues)
Fixed online switch (no longer fake kits for Barcelona, PSG, etc.)
30+ new faces (incl. Biglia, Munua, Rojo etc., in total 660+ faces)
New kits: Academica, Arsenal, Atlético de Madrid, Beira-Mar, Benfica, Braga, Classic England, Estoril-Praia, Gil Vicente, Malaysia, Maritimo, Moreirense, Nacional Funchal, Newcastle, Olhanense, Pacos Ferreira, Porto, Rio Ave, Sporting, Vitoria Guimaraes, Vitoria Setubal
New boots: Nike Tiempo Legend IV Black / Lime, Nike Total 90 Laser IV Lime, Nike CTR360 Maestri III Citrus / Black
Created 70+ missing players (incl. Dier (Sporting), Rekik (Manchester City), Montenegro (Independiente), Roussillon (Toulouse) etc.)

General Features Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7:

Added Bundesliga, Primera Division Argentina, Russian Premier League, 2. Bundesliga, Liga Adelante, Npower Championship, Serie B, Ligue 2, Brasileirão Série B
Added other teams (Viktoria Plzen, BATE Borisov, Metalist Kharkiv, Rubin Kazan, Anzhi, and more)
Correct kits for all Premier League, Liga ZON Sagres + all National & Classic Teams
Corrected names for fake players in unlicensed National teams and ML unlockable players
Faces: More than 660 new faces (all fixed by PESEDIT)
Fixed kits for a lot teams including Barcelona, Manchester United and Sevilla
Includes DLC 2.0
Scoreboard and stadium switch in selector (download stadiums here)
Removed blur

Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Download Links :

Download Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Part1
Download Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Part2
Download Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Part3
Download Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Part4
Download Update PES 2013 Patch 2.7 Part5

Untuk artikel lain yang berkaitan
Pes edit.com 2013 update Patch 2.8 For PC

Update PES 2013 Patch 3.0 Terbaru

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

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Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

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Download Real Player Versi Terbaru

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