Kamis, 15 November 2012

The Power of Beautiful Data

Some 90% of the data in the world today has been created in just the last two years, according to the web site Visualizing.org. We are producing more data than ever before — 2.5 quintillion bytes every day — and we're generating entirely new types of data from sources like social media, sensor networks, electronic trading, and smart grids.

This past weekend, more than 1000 computer science and design students, from Bangalore to Beirut, and Sydney to Santiago, attempted to make sense of some of this vast sea of data. The Visualizing Global Marathon encouraged students to display data in useful and beautiful ways. In addition to working together via an online dashboard, the students received inspiring sessions from data experts via Google hangouts.

Contestants are competing in three categories: building early warning disease tools, improving transportation networks, and offering insights into the US election from social media.

For a taste of the entries, take a look below. The first graph visualises diseases in countries located around the Equator.

This graph breaks down the spread of disease by country.

Winners will be announced on December 5. Some $15,000 worth of prizes will be distributed.

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