Selasa, 30 September 2014
Harga Acer liquid E3 Terbaru Dan Spesifikasi Lengkap
Acer Liquid E3 - Harga Terbaru Oktober 2014
Androoms - Acer telah mengdirkan gadget baru dengan menggunakan beberapa hasil teknologi yang berkualitas sehingga akan menghasikan getged yang canggih dan dengan desain yang lebih keren. Harga dan Spesifikasi Acer liquid E3 sendiri memang dibandrol dengan harga yang relative mahal yakni sekitar 3 jutaan di awal peluncurannya. Akan tetapi andapun
Seizing the digital opportunity in France
All too often, fast-moving, disruptive digital innovation is presented as the enemy of Europe’s enviable social system. The reality, according to a new study published this week in Paris by consultants Roland Berger, is that digital companies not only boost economic growth - they also increase worker satisfaction.
Berger studied 505 companies, all with more than 50 employees, classifying them in four categories by how much they use the Internet. Its study focused not on sexy Internet startups, but on traditional industries such as chemistry, energy or manufacturing. The conclusion was striking: new digital technologies are just as important in these traditional sectors as for high tech startups. The most “digital” grow six times faster than the “least digital”.
Given this finding, it is unsurprising that French companies sense the opportunity: some 57% interviewed put digital transformation as one of their medium term strategic priorities. Unfortunately, actions do not follow these intentions. Only 36% of French companies have a formal digital strategy and French corporate Internet engagement lags far behind French consumer use. While nearly six in 10 French people shopped online in 2013, only one French company in 10 sold online.
If more French companies embarked on the digital journey, Berger argues they would not only improve their performance - they also would please workers. Employees of the most digitally mature companies feel at least 50 percent more involved and happier in their professional life than those of the least matures ones. In a country famed for its quality of life, this is indeed an impressive finding!
Posted by Elisabeth Bargès, Senior Manager, Public Policy and Government Affairs, France
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Launching the new Roland Berger Internet report |
Given this finding, it is unsurprising that French companies sense the opportunity: some 57% interviewed put digital transformation as one of their medium term strategic priorities. Unfortunately, actions do not follow these intentions. Only 36% of French companies have a formal digital strategy and French corporate Internet engagement lags far behind French consumer use. While nearly six in 10 French people shopped online in 2013, only one French company in 10 sold online.
If more French companies embarked on the digital journey, Berger argues they would not only improve their performance - they also would please workers. Employees of the most digitally mature companies feel at least 50 percent more involved and happier in their professional life than those of the least matures ones. In a country famed for its quality of life, this is indeed an impressive finding!
Posted by Elisabeth Bargès, Senior Manager, Public Policy and Government Affairs, France
Encouraging Online Video Content in Israel
Many countries, particularly small ones, face a similar dilemma - how to encourage local production in their own languages. Governments might suggest that the best response is regulation, to artificially require local language video content production. We believe this is neither justified nor effective.
The Internet encourages local content creation. In Israel, the creators of Tu-Ti-Tu, an Israeli animation studio specializing in shows for toddlers, tried to make it on TV for years without much success. Today, Tu-Ti-Tu is among the 100 most viewed channels globally on YouTube, and one of the 10 leading channels for family entertainment.
All told, YouTube captures more than a billion views each day. For content creators in a small country like Israel, the internet connects them to a global audience, overcoming physical barriers.
Here, we’ve partnered with the Israeli Film and TV Producers Association and with the Ministry of Economy to run Made for Web - a celebration of Israeli content online.
It’s a competition for online video content. Winners are rewarded with cash prizes and a trip to the YouTube Space in London. Last year, there were more than 150 innovative, funny and serious submissions, ranging from travel advice by a three year old child, to an action series for gamers. Winners took a visit to the YouTube space in London, which they later described as “heaven for video creators.”
This year, we’re going to be running a workshop on October 29 in Tel Aviv, where Israeli creators can meet international and local speakers and share best practices. Matthew Clarke of Maker Studio and Jake Roper from Vsauce will be there. Most important, Made for Web II is now open for submissions. Apply by October 31st - and create some more great Hebrew language video.
Posted by Noa Elefant Loffler, Policy and Government Relations Senior Manager, Israel
The Internet encourages local content creation. In Israel, the creators of Tu-Ti-Tu, an Israeli animation studio specializing in shows for toddlers, tried to make it on TV for years without much success. Today, Tu-Ti-Tu is among the 100 most viewed channels globally on YouTube, and one of the 10 leading channels for family entertainment.
All told, YouTube captures more than a billion views each day. For content creators in a small country like Israel, the internet connects them to a global audience, overcoming physical barriers.
Here, we’ve partnered with the Israeli Film and TV Producers Association and with the Ministry of Economy to run Made for Web - a celebration of Israeli content online.
It’s a competition for online video content. Winners are rewarded with cash prizes and a trip to the YouTube Space in London. Last year, there were more than 150 innovative, funny and serious submissions, ranging from travel advice by a three year old child, to an action series for gamers. Winners took a visit to the YouTube space in London, which they later described as “heaven for video creators.”
This year, we’re going to be running a workshop on October 29 in Tel Aviv, where Israeli creators can meet international and local speakers and share best practices. Matthew Clarke of Maker Studio and Jake Roper from Vsauce will be there. Most important, Made for Web II is now open for submissions. Apply by October 31st - and create some more great Hebrew language video.
Posted by Noa Elefant Loffler, Policy and Government Relations Senior Manager, Israel
Senin, 29 September 2014
Download Aplikasi Twitter Untuk HP Android Terbaru
Androoms - Download Aplikasi Twitter Untuk HP Android Terbaru | Saat ini banyak pengguna HP android yang menggunakan sosial media Twitter. Hal tersebut membuat para developer bersaing menciptakan aplikasi twitter yang dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi penggunanya. Mereka memberikan tampilan, kemudahan dan kecepatan, dan hal-hal positif untuk penggunanya.
Berikut Rekomendasi 3 Download aplikasi
5 Aplikasi Cleaner/Pembersih Android Terbaik dan Paling Populer
Info Teknologimu - HP android merupakan salah satu gadget canggih dan berkualitas dikarenakan terdapat ribuan aplikasi bagus yang bisa anda install dengan mudah pada perangkat android anda. meski begitu sistem operasi android sudah selayaknya komputer/PC yang membutuhkan perawatan/maintenance agar kinerja dan performanya tetap stabil dan cepat. ini dikarenakan banyak pengguna android yang
10 Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Smartphone Android
Mempercepat Kinerja Android - Sistem operasi android kini semakin populer dan digemari diseluruh dunia. bahkan smartphone android kini mendominasi penjualan dikarenakan kecanggihan dan fitunya yang lengkap serta banyaknya aplikasi yang bagus dan berkualitas. semuanya pun bisa didownload secara gratis di google play store. terdapat banya kelebihan yang dimiliki handphone android tentunya. bahkan
Spurring Greek tourism
For the past five years, an economic meltdown has plunged Greece into crisis. Amid the the rubble, the country’s economic motor more than ever has become tourism. It now accounts 17% of GDP, and powered by the Internet, is demonstrating, a high potential for growth. Our "Grow Greek Tourism Online” program, launched, in partnership with the Minister of Tourism, the National Tourism Board and the Federation of Tourism Enterprises, allows B&Bs, neighborhood restaurants and even specialty ice cream shops and bars to use the Internet and reach new customers.
The program provides tourism entrepreneurs with digital skills and tools to grow their business during and beyond Greece’s short summer tourism season. About 70 percent of the country's tourism arrivals take place between June and September. Although Greece's islands and beaches are delightful in spring and autumn, only about 17 percent of tourists come in May, October and November. “Now, more than ever, it is possible to gradually extend the tourist season. Through web partnerships and the use of innovative tools, we make a further step in this direction," said Olga Kefalogianni, the Minister of Tourism.
The opportunity is significant: According to recent research by Oxford Economics, an increase in the online activities of the Greek tourism industry can grow Greece’s GDP by 3% and create 100K new jobs.
As a first step, we kicked off the program in Crete (which accounts for 15 percent of the country’s tourism business), hosting events for small and medium sized businesses in the island’s two largest cities, Chania and Heraklion. More than 600 companies participated. Greece’s National Tourism Board EOT launched a campaign for Crete as an autumn tourism destination on their +Page with over 1.4 million followers. “Everyone involved in tourism must take advantage of the web." said EOT’s General Secretary, Panos Livadas. The President of the Federation of Tourism Enterprises Andreas Andreadis summed up the project best: "That’s a strong bright light which should help power Greece out of its long economic gloom.”
Posted by Dionisis Kolokotsas, Public Policy & Government Relations Manager, Athens
The program provides tourism entrepreneurs with digital skills and tools to grow their business during and beyond Greece’s short summer tourism season. About 70 percent of the country's tourism arrivals take place between June and September. Although Greece's islands and beaches are delightful in spring and autumn, only about 17 percent of tourists come in May, October and November. “Now, more than ever, it is possible to gradually extend the tourist season. Through web partnerships and the use of innovative tools, we make a further step in this direction," said Olga Kefalogianni, the Minister of Tourism.
The opportunity is significant: According to recent research by Oxford Economics, an increase in the online activities of the Greek tourism industry can grow Greece’s GDP by 3% and create 100K new jobs.
As a first step, we kicked off the program in Crete (which accounts for 15 percent of the country’s tourism business), hosting events for small and medium sized businesses in the island’s two largest cities, Chania and Heraklion. More than 600 companies participated. Greece’s National Tourism Board EOT launched a campaign for Crete as an autumn tourism destination on their +Page with over 1.4 million followers. “Everyone involved in tourism must take advantage of the web." said EOT’s General Secretary, Panos Livadas. The President of the Federation of Tourism Enterprises Andreas Andreadis summed up the project best: "That’s a strong bright light which should help power Greece out of its long economic gloom.”
Posted by Dionisis Kolokotsas, Public Policy & Government Relations Manager, Athens
Minggu, 28 September 2014
5 Game Strategi Android Terbaik dan Terpopuler
Game Strategi Android - Terdapat ratusan game yang bagus dan berkualitas di google play store yang siap anda download dan install di perangkat android anda. daftargame game tersebut tentunya memiliki genre yang bermacam macam seperti misalnya racing, adventure, sport dan lain sebagainya. nah salah satu yang diminati dan populer saat ini adalah permainan android bergenre strategi. game strategi
Kamis, 25 September 2014
Aplikasi Screenshot Untuk HP Android Terbaru
Androoms - Aplikasi Screenshot Untuk HP Android Terbaru | Screenshot merupakan proses mengambil gambar atau capture dari layar HP android. Screenshot dimanfaatkan atau digunakan untuk mengambil informasi pada ponsel seperti: tampilan error, riwayat percakapan BBM, whatsapp dan aplikasi chat lainnya, dan hasil dari sebuah permainan, bahkan hanya untuk membagikan sesuatu yang sedang anda lihat
Dear Rupert
Last week, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp sent an open letter to the European Commission complaining about Google. We wanted to share our perspective so you can judge the arguments on their merits.
News Corp:
“The Internet should be a canvas for freedom of expression and for high quality content of enduring value.”
We agree about free expression and the importance of high quality content. Access to information in any given country, particularly news content, used to be controlled by a relatively small number of media organizations. Today, people have far greater choice. That has had a profound impact on newspapers, who face much stiffer competition for people’s attention and for advertising Euros.
Google has worked hard to help publishers succeed online -- both in terms of generating new audiences and also increasing their digital revenues. Our search products drive over 10 billion clicks a month to 60,000 publishers’ websites, and we share billions of dollars annually with advertising publishing partners. We’ve also created a digital store on Android -- Google Play -- that lets news publishers offer their publications for purchase or subscription. We hope this will also increase their audience and digital revenues. In addition, we invest in initiatives like Google’s Journalism Fellowships, and help train thousands of journalists through our Google for Media program.
News Corp:
Google is a “platform for piracy and the spread of malicious networks” and “a company that boasts about its ability to track traffic [but] chooses to ignore the unlawful and unsavoury content that surfaces after the simplest of searches”
Google has done more than almost any other company to help tackle online piracy.
Google is also an industry leader in combating child sexual abuse imagery online. We use hashing technology to remove illegal imagery from all our products and from the search index. We have safe modes for both Search and YouTube that filter out inappropriate content. And we are committed to protecting our users’ security. It’s why we remove malware from our search results and other products, and protect more than 1 billion users every day from phishing and malware with our Safe Browsing warnings.
News Corp:
Google’s “power” makes it hard for people to “access information independently and meaningfully.” Google is “willing to exploit [its] dominant market position to stifle competition.”
With the Internet, people enjoy greater choice than ever before -- and because the competition is just one click away online, barriers to switching are very, very low. Google is of course very popular in Europe, but we are not the gatekeeper to the web, as some claim.
News Corp:
“Sudden changes are made to the ranking and display of Google search results, which inevitably maximise income for Google and yet punish small companies that have become dependent on Google for their livelihood.”
Of course we regularly change our algorithms -- we make over 500 changes a year. But these changes are all about improving the user experience, not punishing small companies. Indeed, it's well documented that the highest-profile change to our search ranking, called “Panda”, actually reduced our advertising revenue. As Yelp, another complainant to the EC, said on a recent earnings call: “Where we have the largest communities in the U.S., we’ve seen actually an uptick as a result of the recent Google algorithmic change. They’re constantly making changes and alterations ... and most of that really, on a day-to-day basis, doesn’t have a material effect”.
News Corp:
“Google has developed a "certification" process for Android-related products which allows it to delay or deny content companies and other businesses access to the mobile operating system, while giving itseIf the freedom to develop competing products.”
Android is an open-source operating system that can be used free-of-charge by anyone. You don’t need Google’s permission. If hardware manufacturers want to offer applications via Google Play, our digital apps store, we simply ask that they meet a minimum technical standard to ensure these apps run smoothly and securely across a range of Android-powered devices. This is good for users and for app developers. Many manufacturers, including Amazon and Nokia, choose to install their own apps stores on their Android-based devices.
News Corp:
“Google is commodifying the audience of specialist publishers and limiting their ability to generate advertising revenue. Data aggregators attempt to sell audiences at a steep discount to the original source, for example, access to 75 per cent of The Wall Street Journal demographic at 25 per cent of the price, thus undermining the business model of the content creator.”
When selling their ad space, publishers can decide which partners they work with, who can buy ads on their website, and who can reach their audiences. Indeed, in a recent press release to investors, News Corp explained that it had created a private advertising exchange to limit the partners it works with to prevent exactly this kind of commoditization. Robert Thomson, News Corp’s CEO, said at the time: “The only way to reach the world’s greatest content and the most prestigious and lucrative audiences is directly through our digital properties. Third parties are no longer invited to the party”. Google works with publishers to protect their content and maximize their advertising revenues.
News Corp:
“Google routinely displays YouTube results at the top of its search pages, even if YouTube is not the original source of that content.”
A simple Google search for “videos of Robert Thomson News Corp” shows content from the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, and Nasdaq ranked above anything from YouTube. We only show YouTube results when they’re relevant to a search query.
News Corp:
"The shining vision of Google's founders has been replaced by a cynical management..."
Larry Page and Sergey Brin are still very much at the helm of Google -- Larry is CEO and both remain the inspiration behind our next generation of big bets... self-driving cars, Loon, Fiber and more.
News Corp:
“Undermining the basic business model of professional content creators will lead to a less informed, more vexatious level of dialogue in our society … the intemperate trends we are already seeing in much of Europe will proliferate.”
People probably have enough evidence to judge that one for themselves :)
Posted by Rachel Whetstone, SVP Global Communications
News Corp:
“The Internet should be a canvas for freedom of expression and for high quality content of enduring value.”
We agree about free expression and the importance of high quality content. Access to information in any given country, particularly news content, used to be controlled by a relatively small number of media organizations. Today, people have far greater choice. That has had a profound impact on newspapers, who face much stiffer competition for people’s attention and for advertising Euros.
Google has worked hard to help publishers succeed online -- both in terms of generating new audiences and also increasing their digital revenues. Our search products drive over 10 billion clicks a month to 60,000 publishers’ websites, and we share billions of dollars annually with advertising publishing partners. We’ve also created a digital store on Android -- Google Play -- that lets news publishers offer their publications for purchase or subscription. We hope this will also increase their audience and digital revenues. In addition, we invest in initiatives like Google’s Journalism Fellowships, and help train thousands of journalists through our Google for Media program.
News Corp:
Google is a “platform for piracy and the spread of malicious networks” and “a company that boasts about its ability to track traffic [but] chooses to ignore the unlawful and unsavoury content that surfaces after the simplest of searches”
Google has done more than almost any other company to help tackle online piracy.
- Search: In 2013 we removed 222 million web pages from Google Search due to copyright infringement. The average take-down time is now just six hours. And we downgrade websites that regularly violate copyright in our search rankings.
- Video: We’ve invested tens of millions of dollars in innovative technology -- called ContentID -- to tackle piracy on YouTube.
Google is also an industry leader in combating child sexual abuse imagery online. We use hashing technology to remove illegal imagery from all our products and from the search index. We have safe modes for both Search and YouTube that filter out inappropriate content. And we are committed to protecting our users’ security. It’s why we remove malware from our search results and other products, and protect more than 1 billion users every day from phishing and malware with our Safe Browsing warnings.
News Corp:
Google’s “power” makes it hard for people to “access information independently and meaningfully.” Google is “willing to exploit [its] dominant market position to stifle competition.”
With the Internet, people enjoy greater choice than ever before -- and because the competition is just one click away online, barriers to switching are very, very low. Google is of course very popular in Europe, but we are not the gatekeeper to the web, as some claim.
- Direct traffic: Huge numbers of readers go direct to news sites such as the or
- New ways to access information: As The Economist reported last week “mobile devices have changed the way people travel the Internet. Users now prefer apps (self contained programmes on smartphones) to websites’ home pages”. In this world Google Search is an app alongside many others. The same article adds “the rise of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest … have become an important navigation system for people looking for content across the Web”. It’s why many newspapers get an increasing number of referrals from Facebook and Twitter.
- Search competition: Within search Google faces a lot of competition: including Amazon for product search; Kayak and Expedia for flights; and Yelp and TripAdvisor for local information. While companies like Expedia and Yelp object to us providing direct answers to users' questions, their revenues, profit and traffic from Google continue to grow.
News Corp:
“Sudden changes are made to the ranking and display of Google search results, which inevitably maximise income for Google and yet punish small companies that have become dependent on Google for their livelihood.”
Of course we regularly change our algorithms -- we make over 500 changes a year. But these changes are all about improving the user experience, not punishing small companies. Indeed, it's well documented that the highest-profile change to our search ranking, called “Panda”, actually reduced our advertising revenue. As Yelp, another complainant to the EC, said on a recent earnings call: “Where we have the largest communities in the U.S., we’ve seen actually an uptick as a result of the recent Google algorithmic change. They’re constantly making changes and alterations ... and most of that really, on a day-to-day basis, doesn’t have a material effect”.
News Corp:
“Google has developed a "certification" process for Android-related products which allows it to delay or deny content companies and other businesses access to the mobile operating system, while giving itseIf the freedom to develop competing products.”
Android is an open-source operating system that can be used free-of-charge by anyone. You don’t need Google’s permission. If hardware manufacturers want to offer applications via Google Play, our digital apps store, we simply ask that they meet a minimum technical standard to ensure these apps run smoothly and securely across a range of Android-powered devices. This is good for users and for app developers. Many manufacturers, including Amazon and Nokia, choose to install their own apps stores on their Android-based devices.
News Corp:
“Google is commodifying the audience of specialist publishers and limiting their ability to generate advertising revenue. Data aggregators attempt to sell audiences at a steep discount to the original source, for example, access to 75 per cent of The Wall Street Journal demographic at 25 per cent of the price, thus undermining the business model of the content creator.”
When selling their ad space, publishers can decide which partners they work with, who can buy ads on their website, and who can reach their audiences. Indeed, in a recent press release to investors, News Corp explained that it had created a private advertising exchange to limit the partners it works with to prevent exactly this kind of commoditization. Robert Thomson, News Corp’s CEO, said at the time: “The only way to reach the world’s greatest content and the most prestigious and lucrative audiences is directly through our digital properties. Third parties are no longer invited to the party”. Google works with publishers to protect their content and maximize their advertising revenues.
News Corp:
“Google routinely displays YouTube results at the top of its search pages, even if YouTube is not the original source of that content.”
A simple Google search for “videos of Robert Thomson News Corp” shows content from the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, and Nasdaq ranked above anything from YouTube. We only show YouTube results when they’re relevant to a search query.
News Corp:
"The shining vision of Google's founders has been replaced by a cynical management..."
Larry Page and Sergey Brin are still very much at the helm of Google -- Larry is CEO and both remain the inspiration behind our next generation of big bets... self-driving cars, Loon, Fiber and more.
News Corp:
“Undermining the basic business model of professional content creators will lead to a less informed, more vexatious level of dialogue in our society … the intemperate trends we are already seeing in much of Europe will proliferate.”
People probably have enough evidence to judge that one for themselves :)
Posted by Rachel Whetstone, SVP Global Communications
Selasa, 23 September 2014
Expanding our data centres in Europe
The Internet is growing fast and so is demand for our services, from search to Gmail and YouTube. In order to keep up with this growth, we are announcing a new EUR600 million investment over the next four years to build a new data centre in Eemshaven, the Netherlands.
At a time of high unemployment throughout Europe, the project promises a welcome infusion of jobs. Construction will provide work for more than 1000 workers. We expect to start initial operations in the first half of 2016 and to be fully operational by the end of 2017. By then, the centre will create employment for more than 150 people in a range of full-time and contractor roles. The jobs do not require phds in computer science; they include IT technicians, electrical and mechanical engineers, catering, facilities and security staff.
The new Dutch data centre will benefit from the latest designs in cooling and electrical technology. It will be free-cooled - taking advantage of natural assets like cool air and grey water to keep our servers cool. Our data centers use 50% less energy than a typical datacenter - and our intention is to run this new facility on renewable energy.
This will be Google’s fourth hyper efficient facility in Europe. Importantly, demand for Internet services remains so strong that the new building does not mean a reduction in expansion elsewhere. Our expansion will continue in Dublin in Ireland, in Hamina in Finland, and in St. Ghislain in Belgium. Our existing rented datacenter facility in Eemshaven also will continue to operate.
Since our investment in our first European datacenter back in 2007, we have been on the lookout for supportive communities with the necessary resources to support large data centers. The required ingredients are land, workforce, networking, a choice of power and other utilities including renewable energy supplies.
It’s much more efficient to build a few large facilities than many small ones. Eemshaven enjoys a direct cable connection to two major European Internet hubs, London and Amsterdam. In the Eemshaven, we've found a great community in a great location that meets the needs to become a backbone for the expanding Internet.
Posted by William Echikson, Head of Data Centre Community Relations, Europe
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Groundbreaking at our new data centre site in the Eemshaven with, on the right, Dutch Economics Minister Henk Kamp |
The new Dutch data centre will benefit from the latest designs in cooling and electrical technology. It will be free-cooled - taking advantage of natural assets like cool air and grey water to keep our servers cool. Our data centers use 50% less energy than a typical datacenter - and our intention is to run this new facility on renewable energy.
This will be Google’s fourth hyper efficient facility in Europe. Importantly, demand for Internet services remains so strong that the new building does not mean a reduction in expansion elsewhere. Our expansion will continue in Dublin in Ireland, in Hamina in Finland, and in St. Ghislain in Belgium. Our existing rented datacenter facility in Eemshaven also will continue to operate.
Since our investment in our first European datacenter back in 2007, we have been on the lookout for supportive communities with the necessary resources to support large data centers. The required ingredients are land, workforce, networking, a choice of power and other utilities including renewable energy supplies.
It’s much more efficient to build a few large facilities than many small ones. Eemshaven enjoys a direct cable connection to two major European Internet hubs, London and Amsterdam. In the Eemshaven, we've found a great community in a great location that meets the needs to become a backbone for the expanding Internet.
Posted by William Echikson, Head of Data Centre Community Relations, Europe
Senin, 22 September 2014
Irish students win the 2014 Google Science Fair
Ciara Judge, Émer Hickey and Sophie Healy-Thow became interested in addressing the global food crisis after learning about the Horn of Africa famine in 2011. When a gardening project went awry, they discovered a naturally occurring bacteria in soil called Diazotroph. The girls determined that the bacteria could be used to speed up the the germination process of certain crops, like barley and oats, by 50 percent, potentially helping fulfill the rising demand for food worldwide. Oh—and they’re 16 years old.
Today, Ciara, Émer and Sophie were named the Grand Prize Winner and the 15-16 age category winners of our fourth annual Google Science Fair. They are some of thousands of students ages 13-18 who dared to ask tough questions like: How can we stop cyberbullying? How can I help my grandfather who has Alzheimer's from wandering out of bed at night? How can we protect the environment? And then they actually went out and answered them.
From thousands of submissions from 90+ countries, our panel of esteemed judges selected 18 finalists representing nine countries—Australia, Canada, France, India, Russia, U.K., Ukraine and the U.S.—who spent today impressing Googlers and local school students at our Mountain View, Calif. headquarters. In addition to our Grand Prize Winners, the winners of the 2014 Google Science Fair are:
Thanks to all of our young finalists and to everyone who participated in this year’s Google Science Fair. We started the Science Fair to inspire scientific exploration among young people and celebrate the next generation of scientist and engineers. And every year we end up amazed by how much you inspire us. So, keep dreaming, creating and asking questions. We look forward to hearing the answers.
Posted by Clare Conway, on behalf of the Google Science Fair team
Today, Ciara, Émer and Sophie were named the Grand Prize Winner and the 15-16 age category winners of our fourth annual Google Science Fair. They are some of thousands of students ages 13-18 who dared to ask tough questions like: How can we stop cyberbullying? How can I help my grandfather who has Alzheimer's from wandering out of bed at night? How can we protect the environment? And then they actually went out and answered them.
From thousands of submissions from 90+ countries, our panel of esteemed judges selected 18 finalists representing nine countries—Australia, Canada, France, India, Russia, U.K., Ukraine and the U.S.—who spent today impressing Googlers and local school students at our Mountain View, Calif. headquarters. In addition to our Grand Prize Winners, the winners of the 2014 Google Science Fair are:
- 13-14 age category: Mihir Garimella (Pennsylvania, USA) for his project FlyBot: Mimicking Fruit Fly Response Patterns for Threat Evasion. Like many boys his age, Mihir is fascinated with robots. But he took it to the next level and actually built a flying robot, much like the ones used in search and rescue missions, that was inspired by the way fruit flies detect and respond to threats. Mihir is also the winner of the very first Computer Science award, sponsored by Google.
- 17-18 age category: Hayley Todesco (Alberta, Canada) for her project Waste to Water: Biodegrading Naphthenic Acids using Novel Sand Bioreactors. Hayley became deeply interested in the environment after watching Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Her project uses a sustainable and efficient method to break down pollutant substances and toxins found in tailing ponds water in her hometown, a hub of the oil sands industry.
- The Scientific American Science in Action award: Kenneth Shinozuka (Brooklyn, New York) for his wearable sensors project. Kenneth was inspired by his grandfather and hopes to help others around the world dealing with Alzheimer's. The Scientific American award is given to a project that addresses a health, resource or environmental challenge.
- Voter’s Choice award: Arsh Dilbagi (India) for his project Talk, which enables people with speech difficulties to communicate by simply exhaling.
Thanks to all of our young finalists and to everyone who participated in this year’s Google Science Fair. We started the Science Fair to inspire scientific exploration among young people and celebrate the next generation of scientist and engineers. And every year we end up amazed by how much you inspire us. So, keep dreaming, creating and asking questions. We look forward to hearing the answers.
Posted by Clare Conway, on behalf of the Google Science Fair team
Aplikasi Kamera Android Terbaik, Terbaru 2015
Androoms - Aplikasi Kamera Android Terbaik Terbaru 2015 | aplikasi kamera sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung kegiatan fotografi di ponsel android anda, sebab dengan kamera, anda bisa mengabadikan momen yang berharga dan anda bisa untuk menguploadnya ke situs jejaring sosial ataupun dapat anda cetak dan dipajang di dinding rumah anda. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kualitas gambar yang bagus yang
Daftar 3 Aplikasi Root HP Android Terbaik
Aplikasi Root Android - Perkembangan sistem operasi android kini semakin naik, hampir semua vendor ponsel membenamkan os android pada setiap produk/tipe hp keluarannya. android sendiri sudah dianggap sebagai sistem operasi terbaik dan paling banyak digunakan diseluruh dunia saat ini. kemudahan dan berbagai fiturnya yang lengkap membuat smartphone dengan os android sangat digemari masyarakat.
Jumat, 19 September 2014
Daftar 5 HP Android Kitkat Murah Harga Dibawah 2 Juta
HP Android Kitkat - Saat ini sistem operasi android telah sukses menjadi os terbaik dan paling populer di dunia saat ini. os android berhasil mengalahkan berbagai sistem operasi lain seperti windows phone misalnya. hampir seluruh smartphone keluaran terbaru kini telah menggunakan android sebagai sistem operasinya. android sangat diminati oleh pengguna gadget karena kemudahan dan kecanggihannya.
Kamis, 18 September 2014
Game RPG Android Terbaik, Terbaru 2015
Androoms - Game RPG Android Terbaik, Terbaru 2015 | RPG adalah singkatan dari Role Playing Game, sebuah game yang memerluka setrategi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dari sebuah karakter yang berguna untuk melawan musuh, memecahkan sebuah misteri atau puzzle dan menemukan petunjuk. Untuk manfaat Game RPG bagi pemainnya adalah untuk mengasah kemampuan otak, karena pemain harus membuat strategi
Cara Screenshot atau Capture Acer Liquid X1 Tanpa Aplikasi
Acer Liquid X1 adalah Smartphone baru keluaran dari Acer yang sudah di lengkapi dengan Andoid Kitkat. Dengan ukuran layar 5.7 inch 720 x 1280 pixels, 5.7 inches (~258 ppi pixel density) Acer Liquid X1 dilengkapi kamera utama 13 MP dan kamera depan 2 MP dengan gambar resolusi dari jepretan kamera sebesar 4160 x 3120 pixels, untuk kamera juga sudah dilengkapi autofocus, LED flash.
Untuk kecepatan akses data Acer Liquid X1 di dukung dengan sinyal terbaru yaitu 4G dan tentunya 8juga sudah mendukung 2G dan 3G. Prosesor Acer Liquid X1 menggunakan Octa-core 1.7 GHz Cortex-A7 dengan Chipset Mediatek MT6592 dengan dukungan batre Li-Ion dengan kapasitas 2700 mAh.Untuk dukungan memori Acer Liquid X1 mengunakan microSD yang bisa mencapai 32 GB dengan memory internl 16 GB dengan kapasitas RAM 2. Dengan segala fasilitas cangih yang di miliki Acer Liquid X1 layak Anda miliki.
Review dari spesifikasi Acer Liquid X1 diatas untuk membantu Anda dalam reverensi mencari ponsel trebaru besutan Acer. Untuk Anda yang sudah memiliki Acer Liquid X1 berikut ini kami berikan tutorial cara Screenshot atau capture tentunya tanpa menggunakan aplikasi tambahan.
Hampir sama dengan kebanyakan tipe Smartphone dan tablet Android, Acer memiliki tombol tekan atau buttom Power dan tombol down dan up. Tombol - tombol ini terdapat di sisi atas layar atau di sisi kanan Smartphone. Untuk seri Acer Liquid X1 tombol power dan tombol voume up dan down semua berada di bagian sisi kanan. Lihat gambar dibawah ini.
Untuk cara Screenshot atau capture ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
- Siapkan objek dilayar Acer Liquid X1 yang akan di Screnshoot
- Tekan menu Power dan Volume down secara bersamaan
- Tunggu selama kurang lebih 2 detik sampai muncul suara dan gambar hasil capture
- Proses capture selesai
Untuk Screenshot atau Capture jenis Acer seri lainnya caranya sama namun yang membedakan adalah tombol volume dan tombol power yang letaknya berbeda. Selamat mencoba.
5 Aplikasi SMS Android Gratis Terbaik
Aplikasi SMS Android - SMS atau short text message merupakan satu fitur wajib di setiap ponsel/handphone. sms tentu sja digunakan untuk berkirim pesan singkat antar pengguna HP baik itu GSM/CDMA. tarifnya yang murah dan penggunaannya yang simpel dan mudah serta tidak ribet menjadikannya tetap menjadi favorit. meski fungsi sms sangat penting dan tak tergantikan, kini pengguna gadget terutama
Creating value from data
At Google, we like to experiment. Today we are experimenting with a guest blogpost from the UK innovation charity Nesta. Although we had no involvement in this study of how companies best can benefit from the information age, we think it offers a valuable contribution on Europe’s skills debate and wanted to share the conclusions.
We are living in the middle of a data explosion – a rich opportunity, but also a much
misunderstood one. In previous research, we showed that businesses which analyse their data intensively become 10% more productive than their average competitor. By contrast, collecting data on its own has little impact on performance.
Our newly published research, ModelWorkers, the first report in a project in collaboration with Creative Skillset and The Royal Statistical Society, looks at the data skills that businesses need to produce these impacts.
Interviews with 45 experts in UK data-driven companies reveal that all types of companies are converging into the ‘big data’ space. from pharmaceutical giants to small retailers and manufacturers. All are all experimenting with bigger, messier and faster data, and catching up with leading players in software, advertising, games and finance.
As a result, everyone is looking for the same ‘perfect data analyst’, or ‘data scientist’: a creative worker with analytical, coding and business skills, team working and charisma. These people are hard to find. Four out of five of the companies we interviewed say they struggle to find data scientists.
In Model Workers we identify interventions to remove these shortages. They include up-skilling established professionals such as statisticians, programmers and social scientists, developing vocational training in universities and encouraging more crossover between computer science, statistics and business disciplines. We also need to build up communities of data practice, and develop training and professional standards. Policymakers should make it easier for foreign students to work in Europe after completing data analysis courses.
In the longer term we need to improve the teaching of maths at schools, and change false perceptions of data work as boring and dull. Some of the most exciting and creative jobs across the economy today – from developing new games to discovering new drugs – are based on data, and we need to make sure everyone is aware of this crucial trend.
Posted by Hasan Bakhshi and Juan Mateos-Garcia, Nesta
We are living in the middle of a data explosion – a rich opportunity, but also a much
misunderstood one. In previous research, we showed that businesses which analyse their data intensively become 10% more productive than their average competitor. By contrast, collecting data on its own has little impact on performance.
Our newly published research, ModelWorkers, the first report in a project in collaboration with Creative Skillset and The Royal Statistical Society, looks at the data skills that businesses need to produce these impacts.
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Model Workers |
As a result, everyone is looking for the same ‘perfect data analyst’, or ‘data scientist’: a creative worker with analytical, coding and business skills, team working and charisma. These people are hard to find. Four out of five of the companies we interviewed say they struggle to find data scientists.
In Model Workers we identify interventions to remove these shortages. They include up-skilling established professionals such as statisticians, programmers and social scientists, developing vocational training in universities and encouraging more crossover between computer science, statistics and business disciplines. We also need to build up communities of data practice, and develop training and professional standards. Policymakers should make it easier for foreign students to work in Europe after completing data analysis courses.
In the longer term we need to improve the teaching of maths at schools, and change false perceptions of data work as boring and dull. Some of the most exciting and creative jobs across the economy today – from developing new games to discovering new drugs – are based on data, and we need to make sure everyone is aware of this crucial trend.
Posted by Hasan Bakhshi and Juan Mateos-Garcia, Nesta
Daftar 10 HP Termahal di Dunia Terbaru
HP Termahal di Dunia - Handphone merupakan sebuah kebutuhan wajib masa kini bagi siapapun untuk berkomunikasi secara cepat dan murah. terdapat ratusan merk/vendor hp yang rutin mengeluarkan tipe/model terbarunya dengan beragam harga dan spesifikasi yang berbeda tentunya. untuk pengguna normal tentu smartphone yang ada dipasaran dan sedang populer saat ini merupakan pilihan terbaik karena harganya
Rabu, 17 September 2014
Cara Screenshot Smartphone Merek Oppo
OPPO Electronics Corp atau Guangdong Oppo Mobile Communications Co, Ltd adalah produsen elektronik yang berbasis di Dongguan, Guangdong, Cina. Lini utama produk dari perusahaan ini adalah MP3 player, Media portabel, LCD-TV, eBook, DVD / Blu-ray Disc player dan ponsel. Perusahaan ini di dirikan pada tahun 2004, perusahaan ni juga telah merambah di berbagai belahan dunia antara lain OPPO Indonesia, oposisi Thailand, oposisi Mora, OPPO randikhana, oposisi Oppo Bangladesh dan oposisi China adalah merek yang sama, namun divisi yang sama sekali berbeda merancang produk untuk kebutuhan daerah mereka sendiri.
OPPO Digital Inc, adalah bagaian dari Oppo yang independen yang memiliki lisensi nama merek sendiri. Mereka berbasis di Mountain View, California Amerika Serikat. Hal ini dikenal dengan upconverting DVD dan Blu-ray Disc player universal. OPPO Digital Inc didirikan di California pada tahun 2004. Produk pertama mereka adalah oposisi OPDV971H Up-Konversi Universal DVD Player.
Sementara di Indonesia Oppo lebih di kenal sebagai merek Smartphone. Beberapa produk Smartphone yang di hasilkan adalah U705T Ulike 2, U701 Ulike, R610, R811 Real Estat R817, R819 / R819T dan T29.Seri N, Seri 7, Seri Fine.
OPPO Digital Inc, adalah bagaian dari Oppo yang independen yang memiliki lisensi nama merek sendiri. Mereka berbasis di Mountain View, California Amerika Serikat. Hal ini dikenal dengan upconverting DVD dan Blu-ray Disc player universal. OPPO Digital Inc didirikan di California pada tahun 2004. Produk pertama mereka adalah oposisi OPDV971H Up-Konversi Universal DVD Player.
Sementara di Indonesia Oppo lebih di kenal sebagai merek Smartphone. Beberapa produk Smartphone yang di hasilkan adalah U705T Ulike 2, U701 Ulike, R610, R811 Real Estat R817, R819 / R819T dan T29.Seri N, Seri 7, Seri Fine.
Bagi Anda pengguna Smartphone merek Oppo berikut kami berikan tutorial cara Screenshot tanpa menggunakan aplikasi tambahan.
Smartphone merek Oppo pada umumnya memiliki menu Power di sebelah kiri atas, dan menu volume down dan Up yang berada di sebelah kanan atas atau tenggah layar Smartphone Oppo. Perbedaaan yang lebih mencolok dari menu ini adalah menu volume yang bentuknya ada yang satu tombol namun ada yang di pisah dengan dua tombol. Pada contoh Smartphone Oppo Fine 7 diatas menu volume tidak di buat terpisah untuk membedaan volume up berada di setengah ke atas sementara untuk volume down berada di tombol setengah ke bawah.
Berikut ini cara Screenshot atau capture Smartphone Lenovo
- Pilih menu atau objek dilayar Smartphone yang akan ada capture
- Tekan kurang lebih 2 detik menu power yang berada di sebelah kiri layar smartphone dan menu volume down yang berada di sebelah kanan layar secara bersamaan, tunggu sampai muncul suara. Jika proses ini sukses maka akan muncul layar gambar hasil screnshot yang mengecil.
Untuk di ketahui selama menekan tombol power dan volume down harus secara bersamaan jika tidak maka yang muncul tombol suara down.
Gambar hasil capture atau screenshot berada di menu Picture di SD Card atau tersimpan di Smartphone lenovo Anda di menu Picture di album Screeenshot atau tangkapan layar. Sekian tutorial cara screenshot Smartphone merek Oppo semoga berguna untuk Anda.
Cara Memotong Gambar Dengan Aplikasi PicsArt di Smartphone
Seperti namanya, Smartphone memang layak di sebut ponsel pintar karena aplikasi yang terdapat di ponsel yang sangat membantu para penggunanya untuk kemudahan dalam berbagai hal. Sebelum keberadaan Smartphone untuk memotong sebuah gambar tentunya hanya dapat di lakukan dengan PC, sekarang dengan dukungan Play store dari Android Anda dapat memilih berbagai aplikasi untuk memotong gambar yang beragam jenisnya.
Untuk tutorial memotong gambar kali ini Kami menggunakan aplikasi PicsArt dengan berbagai menu memotong gambar yang di tawarkan. Memotong gambar dengan aplikasi PicsArt tidak hanya sekedar memotong gambar biasa seperti mengcroop namun lebih dari itu Anda bisa memotong gambar dengan menu Free Croop dan Shape Crop. Untuk download aplikasi ini bisa langsung ke Play Store atau lhat di sini. Apa dan bagaimana cara memotong gambar dengan menggunakan PicsArt ini berikut kami berikan penjelasan lengkapnya.
Memotong Gambar Dengan Menu Croop
Masuk ke menu PicsArt selanjutnya pilih menu Photo, Anda bisa memilih gambar yang Akan croop dengan memilih dari menu Gallery di Smartphone, mengambil gambar langsung dari menu Capture, DropBox, Facebook, Picasa, G+, atau dari PicsArt karena di aplikasi editing foto ini mirip seperti Instagram diman kita bisa membuat akun dan berbagi foto seperti layaknya Instagram.
Untuk tutorial kali ini kami menggunakan menu Gallery dari gambar yang kami dapatkan di menu PicArt. Setelah gambar masuk pilih menu Tool selanjutnya pilih Crop yang bergambar kotak. Anda dapat mengeser ke bagian mana yang akan Anda potong. Jika gambar yang ingin Anda potong sudah sesuai klik menu yang bergambar centang di bagian pojok bawah.
Anda juga dapat memilih langsung ukuran gambar untuk crooping yaitu 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 3:4 atau 16:9. Proses Crooping gambar selesai.
Memotong Gambar Dengan Menu Free Croop
Sesuai dengan namanya memotong dengan free croop adalah memotong sesuia keinginan kamu tentunya dengan bentuk yang tak teratur. Cari menu yang bertuliskan Free croop atau yang bergambar gunting masih pada menu Tool. Anda bisa memilih memotong dengan dua opsi yaitu dengan Lasso atau Brush denga ukuran yang juga bisa di sesuaikan.
Memotong Gambar Dengan Menu Shape Crop
Sesuai dengan namanya memotong gambar dengan menu Shape crop ini sudah di sediakan sesuai dengan bentuk yang Anda inginkan. Berbagai bentuk menarik seperti kotak, motif binatang, lonjong, persegi, dan masih banyak menu lain lagi.
Masukkan gambar yang akan anda pilih selanjutnya klik Tool pilih menu Shape crop atau yang bergambar bintang, pilih bentuk sesuai yang Anda inginkan, geser ukuran shape dan ukuran border sesuai dengan ukuran gambar yang Anda inginkan setelah sesuai klik menu centang.
Semua gambar yang sudah Anda potong dengan menggunakan Croop, Free Croop dan Shape Crop di simpan di menu Album atau Gallery di folder PicsArt. Kami ucapkan selamat mencoba, jika ada yang belum jelas bisa meninggalkan komentar.
Aplikasi Editing Foto di Smartphone dan Tablet Android
Bagi Anda pengguna Smartphone dan Tablet Android tentunya sering mendownload gambar kemudian di edit untuk di jadikan Display Picture BBM atau untuk gambar background layar gadget atau keperluan lainnya. Proses editing seperti memotong gambar, mengubah warna gambar menjadi terang atau menjadi gelap, mengedit gambar dengan tambahan gambar animasi, mengedit gambar dengan menambahkan tulisan, menambahkan gambar dengan memberi percakapan dan masih banyak lagi.
Banyak aplikasi editi foto yang tersedia di Play store dari yang gratis hingga berbayar. Aplikasi editing foto berbayar yang rekomendet adalah Adobe Photoshop Touch, aplikasi ini memiliki menu lengkap mendekati photoshop versi PC mulai dari menu Quick Selection tools, memotong gambar, meberi efek gambar masih banyak lagi. Bagi Anda yang tertarik dengan aplikasi ini Anda harus membayar sebesar Rp. 116.383.
Namun bagi Anda yang tertarik dengan aplikasi editing foto gratis namun memiliki menu yang tidak kalah lengkap cobalah aplikasi PicsArt. Karena keunggulannya aplikasi ini sudah di download oleh lebih dari 100 jt pengguna Android. Untuk mendapatkan aplikas ini silahkan download di Play store dengan kata kunci "PicsArt - Photo Studio", ukuran file ini sebesar 19.87 MB. Apa saja yang menarik dari aplikasi ini? berikut ini penjelasan lengkapnya.
Beberapa menu yang di miliki aplikasi PicsArt antara lain : Tools, Effect, Mask, Draw, Text, Callout, Lens Flare, Sticker, Clipart, Frame dan Add Photo.
Memotong Gambar
PicsArt sudah di lengkapi dengan menu memotong gambar. Bagi Anda yang ingin menghilangkan gambar yang tidak Anda inginkan pilihlah menu Tools, di menu ini selain memotong gambar juga di lengkapi dengan menu resize gambar. Pemotongan gambar juga dapat memilih sesuai dengan pilihan seperti Free crop, Shape crop. Tutorial memotong gambar dengan PicsArt lihat di sini.
Memberi Efek Warna pada Gambar
Efek gambar yang di hasilkan dari menu ini juga bervariasi antar lain Fx, Blur, Artistic, Pop Art, Paper, Distort, Colors dan Corrections. Di menu efek gambar ini juga masih di kategorikan lagi ke menu yang lebih spesifik sebagai contoh menu Blur masih dilengkapi dengan menu samrt blur, motion blur, focal zoom dan radial blur. Untuk efek warna lain bisa mencoba menu Mask.
Menambahkan Tulisan di Gambar
Untuk menambahkan tulisan di gambar ada dua menu yang bisa di gunakan, untuk tulisan biasa bisa memilih menu Text, sementara untuk menu tulisan yang berupa percakapan pilih menu Callout. Atau juga bisa masuk ke menu Draw.
Selamat mencoba editing gambar dengan PicArt, Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan aplikasi ini bisa meninggalkan komentar dan Kami siap membantu.
Advisory Council in Paris and Warsaw
On 25th September, the Advisory Council to Google on the Right to be Forgotten visits Paris for its public consultation with French experts and the general public. On 30th September, the Council will visit Warsaw.
A limited number of seats are available for members of the public at each Council meeting, and we’re opening up the online registration process today. Registration will remain open until five days before the event. There is no charge to attend.
After Paris and Warsaw, the Council heads to Berlin (14th October), London (16th October) and Brussels (4th November). Registration for these meetings will start approximately ten days before each event, and we’ll post details on this blog and on the Advisory Council website in due course.
At each meeting, the Council will listen to statements from invited experts, ask questions of the experts and discuss matters of law, technology, and ethics. The public portion of each Advisory Council meeting will last around three hours, with a short intermission. The whole meeting will also be live-streamed on the Advisory Council’s website.
During the event, members of the audience can submit questions to the Council and invited experts. The Council also invites members of the public to share their thoughts on the Right to be Forgotten via the form at - all contributions will be read and discussed. Individuals or organizations with subject matter expertise can submit attachments such as research papers at on an ongoing basis.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings.
Posted by Betsy Masiello, Google Secretariat to the Advisory Council
A limited number of seats are available for members of the public at each Council meeting, and we’re opening up the online registration process today. Registration will remain open until five days before the event. There is no charge to attend.
- Register to attend the Paris meeting public session here. Members of the press can register here.
- Register to attend the Warsaw meeting public session here. Members of the press should register here.
After Paris and Warsaw, the Council heads to Berlin (14th October), London (16th October) and Brussels (4th November). Registration for these meetings will start approximately ten days before each event, and we’ll post details on this blog and on the Advisory Council website in due course.
At each meeting, the Council will listen to statements from invited experts, ask questions of the experts and discuss matters of law, technology, and ethics. The public portion of each Advisory Council meeting will last around three hours, with a short intermission. The whole meeting will also be live-streamed on the Advisory Council’s website.
During the event, members of the audience can submit questions to the Council and invited experts. The Council also invites members of the public to share their thoughts on the Right to be Forgotten via the form at - all contributions will be read and discussed. Individuals or organizations with subject matter expertise can submit attachments such as research papers at on an ongoing basis.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings.
Posted by Betsy Masiello, Google Secretariat to the Advisory Council
Selasa, 16 September 2014
Daftar Game Android Terbaru Gratis 2015
Game Android Terbaru - Aktifitas gaming di android kini makin digemari oleh penggna smartphone android. Google play store sebagai situs download aplikasi android terbaik tentu saja menyediakan ribuan judul game terbaru yang bagus, berkualitas dan seru untuk dimainkan tentunya. hampir tiap bulan, bahkan minggu selalu muncul game game android baru yang bisa kita download secara gratis/free di
Senin, 15 September 2014
Cara Mengetahui Kwalitas Dari Smartphone Dan Tablet Samsung
Bagi Anda yang ingin membeli Gagdet Android bekas bermerek Samsung ada baiknya Anda mengenal fitur tersembunyi untuk mengetahui kwalitas dari Software dan Hardware yang terdapat dalam gadget terutama Smartphone dan Tablet Andoid. Cara ini terbilang sangat simpel dan mudah, mari kita mulai.
Tekan kode berikut pada menu Call atau dialer, secara otomatis Smartphone Dan Tablet Samsung akan muncul tampilan beberapa menu seperti gambar dibawah ini :
*#0* #
Pada kotak bertuliskan Red, green, blue, Black tersebut adalah menu untuk mengetahui kerusakan piksel atau sering disebut juga dengan Dead Pixel. Jika gambar terlihat sempuran maka piksel dari layar gadget tersebut masih dalam kondisi OK.
Pada menu Touch berfungsi untuk mengetahui sensitifitas tombol touchscreen, gunakan tangan Anda untuk menulis dengan ritme tak beraturan arahkan ke dalam kotak jika goresan tangan Anda menyentuh kotak maka kotak akan berubah warna menjadi hijau ini pertanda bahwa touchscreen masih berfungsi dengan baik.
Pada menu Vibration adalah tes untuk mengetahui getar pada Smartphone Dan Tablet Samsung, tekan tombol tersebut jika masih bergetar artinya fungsi getar masih berfungsi.
Cek fungsi speaker di menu speaker L dan R jika suara yang di hasilkan masih baik artinya kwalitas spekaer masih normal. Untuk cek menu lain seperti kamera depan , kamera belakang silhkan lakukan cara yang sama seperti pada perintah di atas. Selamat mencoba.
Tips Dalam Membeli Smartphone Sony Bekas
Bagi Anda yang ingin membeli Smartphone bermerk Sony terutama bekas ada baiknya anda mengetahui beberapa item penting seperti No IMEI, kwalitas audio, kwalitas sinyal, kwalitas kamera atau untuk mengatahui informasi yang cukup lengkap tentang hardware dan software pada perangkat Sony sebelum Anda beli. Tentunya dengan harapan Smartphone Sony bekas yang Anda beli adalah produk yang nantinya tidak membuat Anda kecewa.
Cara ini bisa juga Anda terapkan dalam membeli Smartphone Sony baru untuk mengetahui keaslian dari produk tersebut meskipunkita tahu produk Sony sangat sulit untuk di buat copyannya tidak seperti produk Samsung atau iPhone.
Langkah pertama adalah masuk ke menu telephone selanjutnya ketik kode dibawah ini secara otomatis Smartphone Sony akan masuk ke menu yang terdiri dari : Services info, Services settings, Services test, Customization settings.
Kita bahas dua dari keempat menu di atas karena dua menu di sini adalah hal terpenting untuk memastikan seluruh komponen hardware berfungsi dengan normal.
Services Info
Pada menu ini Anda dapat mengetahui informasi seputar model, jenis Softawre, SIM lock, Configuration, Factory Charging dan lain-lain dari Smartphone Sony. Kita coba pilih klik menu Model Info maka akan muncul seri dari Smartphone Sony yang di gunakan dalam perangkat tersebut.
Karen gambar yang kita gunakan dalam tutorial adalah Sony seri Ekperia Z untuk sekedar di ketahui Sony Experia Z di pasaran di jual denga beberapa model yaitu Sony Xperia C6603, Sony Xperia C6602, Sony Xperia Z LTE, Sony Xperia Z HSPA+.
Untuk melihat no IMEI klik pada menu Software Info, cocokkan dengan nomer IMEI yang tertera di kardus apa sudah sesuai dengan no IMEI yang tertera di layar monitor Smartphone tersebut.
Services Test
Pada menu ini adalah hal yang paling penting karena mencakup bagian- bagian utama seperti tes Keyboard, Touch screen, Display, LED, Speaker, Stereo Speaker, Earphone dan masih banyak lagi. Coba satu persatu dari menu tersebut dan pastikan software dan Hardware bekerja dengan baik.
Selamat mencoba dan pastikan terlebih dahulu bahwa Samrtphone Sony yang akan Anda beli dalam keadaan baik.
Cara Screenshot Sony Experia Z1
Ponsel pintar besutan Sony ini resmi di luncurkan bulan September 2013 Dengan berbagai nama antar lain Sony Xperia Z1 Honami, Sony Xperia Z1 C6902/L39h, Sony Xperia Z1 C6903, Sony Xperia Z1 C6906, Sony Xperia Z1 C6943.
Sony Experia Z1 menawarkan berbagai fitur menarik dan supercanggih mulai dari prosesor Quad-core 2.2 GHz Krait 400 dengan Chipset Qualcomm MSM8974 Snapdragon 800 dengan OS Android OS v4.2 (Jelly Bean) yang bisa di upgradable to ke Android versi terbaru yaitu v4.4.4 (KitKat).
Sony adalah produk yang unggul dari segi kamera untuk seri Experia Z1 di lengkapi dengan kamera utama 20.7 MP dengan resoulsi gamabar yang di hasilkan sebesar 5248 х 3936 pixels. Untuk kamera tambahan atau kamera depan sebesar 2 MP, Kamera juga sudah di lengkapi fitur autofocus, LED flash dan check quality. Sementara video yang di hasilkan dari kamera ini mencapai 1080p@30fps.
Dari segi jaringan Sony Experia Z1 sudah di dukung teknoligi terbaru yaitu 4G selain tentunya jaringan 2G dan 3G. Dengan berbgai fitur handal Sony Experia Z1 di bandrol dengan harga yang cukup lumayan mahal yaitu berkisar Rp. 7.000.000 untuk produk baru.
Review singakt dari Sony Experia Z1 di atas untuk membantu Anda sebagai referensi dalam membeli ponsel pintar produksi Sony. Bagi Anda yang sudah memiliki Sony Experia Z1 berikut kami berikan tutorial singkat dalam melakukan Screenshot atau capture.
Proses mengambil gambar di layar atau capture di Sony Experia Z1 caranya sangat simpel yaitu menekan tombol Power dan tombol Down yang terapat di sisi sebelah kanan. Proses nya hampir sama dengan Secreenshot tipe Lenovo dengan menekan tombol Power dan Down secara bersamaan dengan durasi waktu kurang lebih 1 detik tunggu hingga keluar suara dan gambar hasil screenshot akan mengecil. Lihat gambar di bawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya.
Sony Experia Z1 menawarkan berbagai fitur menarik dan supercanggih mulai dari prosesor Quad-core 2.2 GHz Krait 400 dengan Chipset Qualcomm MSM8974 Snapdragon 800 dengan OS Android OS v4.2 (Jelly Bean) yang bisa di upgradable to ke Android versi terbaru yaitu v4.4.4 (KitKat).
Sony adalah produk yang unggul dari segi kamera untuk seri Experia Z1 di lengkapi dengan kamera utama 20.7 MP dengan resoulsi gamabar yang di hasilkan sebesar 5248 х 3936 pixels. Untuk kamera tambahan atau kamera depan sebesar 2 MP, Kamera juga sudah di lengkapi fitur autofocus, LED flash dan check quality. Sementara video yang di hasilkan dari kamera ini mencapai 1080p@30fps.
Dari segi jaringan Sony Experia Z1 sudah di dukung teknoligi terbaru yaitu 4G selain tentunya jaringan 2G dan 3G. Dengan berbgai fitur handal Sony Experia Z1 di bandrol dengan harga yang cukup lumayan mahal yaitu berkisar Rp. 7.000.000 untuk produk baru.
Review singakt dari Sony Experia Z1 di atas untuk membantu Anda sebagai referensi dalam membeli ponsel pintar produksi Sony. Bagi Anda yang sudah memiliki Sony Experia Z1 berikut kami berikan tutorial singkat dalam melakukan Screenshot atau capture.
Proses mengambil gambar di layar atau capture di Sony Experia Z1 caranya sangat simpel yaitu menekan tombol Power dan tombol Down yang terapat di sisi sebelah kanan. Proses nya hampir sama dengan Secreenshot tipe Lenovo dengan menekan tombol Power dan Down secara bersamaan dengan durasi waktu kurang lebih 1 detik tunggu hingga keluar suara dan gambar hasil screenshot akan mengecil. Lihat gambar di bawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya.
Setelah proses Screenshot selesai untuk melihat gambar hasil capture bisa dilihat di Album cari di folder Screenshot. Cara Screenshot Sony Experia Z1 ini berlaku pula untuk seri Z yang lain seperti Sony Experia Z2 dan Sony Experia Z3.
Minggu, 14 September 2014
Cara Screenshot atau Capture Lenovo A850 Tanpa Aplikasi Tambahan
Cara melakukan screenshot atau capture Lenovo A850 caranya kurang lebih sama dengan jenis Smartphone atau Tablet merek lainnya seperti Samsung, Sony, Accer dll. Untuk merek Lenovo tipe lain caranya juga hampir sama. Hal yang terpenting adalah mengetahui tombol-tombol yang di gunakan untuk proses Screenshot. Semua jenis Smartphone atau Tablet caranya sama yaitu dengan menekan dua tombol secara bersamaan.
Untuk Lenovo A850 tombol yang di gunakan dalam proses capture atau mengambil gambar di layar adalah tombol Power yang terdapat di bagian atas tengah dan tombol Suara - atau down, tombol suara ini dibuat menyatu untuk membedakannya tombol suara Up adalah setengah keatas sementara tombol suara down adalah setengah ke bawah.
Pilih objek gambar yang akan kita ambil gambarnya selanjutnyatTekan secara bersamaan kedua tombol power dan tombol suara - . Jika prose Screenshot berhasil maka akan muncul hasil gambar dengan posisi mengecil seperi gambar di bawah ini. Pada tutorial ini kami meberikan contoh cara Screnshot aplikasi JNE.
Pilih objek gambar yang akan kita ambil gambarnya selanjutnyatTekan secara bersamaan kedua tombol power dan tombol suara - . Jika prose Screenshot berhasil maka akan muncul hasil gambar dengan posisi mengecil seperi gambar di bawah ini. Pada tutorial ini kami meberikan contoh cara Screnshot aplikasi JNE.
Lenovo A850 untuk negara tertentu untuk tombol Power berada di samping kanan layar untuk edisi Indonesia tombol power berada di sisi atas layar. Pada intinya tombol tersebut posisinya hanya akan berada di sekitar kana, kiri atau atas layar monitor. Hasil dari Screenshot atau Capture Lenovo A850 bisa di lihat di album Galler di folder Tangkapan layar atau Screenshot.
Cara Screenshot Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos
Sebelum kita membahas tutorial cara Screenshot atau capture di Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos sedikit kita bahas sekilas tentang spesifikasi dari produk ini. Di pasaran Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos atau yang juga di sebut dengan Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 SM-G7102 dengan dual SIM card slots dan Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 SM-G7105 dengan LTE network support artinya Smartphone yang di bandrol dengan harga 3 jt an ini mendukung sinyal 4G. Dengan ukuran 5.25 Inci Smartphone dengan dukungan dua sim card ini resmi di jual di pasaran per Januari 2014.
Smartphone dengan sistem Android 4.3 atau Jelly Bean ini di lengkapi dengan kamera 8 MP dengan resolusi gambar hasil jepretan sebesar 3264 x 2448 pixels. Kamera juga sudah di lengkapi dengan LED Flash dan autofocus.
Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos menggunakan prosesor Quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 dengan Chepset Qualcomm MSM8226 Snapdragon 400 dengan dukungan memory internal 8 GB 1.5 GB RAM. Kelebihan lain dari Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos juga di lengkapi dengan FH Radio tentunya cocok untuk teman saat Anda dalam perjalanan jarak jauh.
Smartphone dengan sistem Android 4.3 atau Jelly Bean ini di lengkapi dengan kamera 8 MP dengan resolusi gambar hasil jepretan sebesar 3264 x 2448 pixels. Kamera juga sudah di lengkapi dengan LED Flash dan autofocus.
Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos menggunakan prosesor Quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 dengan Chepset Qualcomm MSM8226 Snapdragon 400 dengan dukungan memory internal 8 GB 1.5 GB RAM. Kelebihan lain dari Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos juga di lengkapi dengan FH Radio tentunya cocok untuk teman saat Anda dalam perjalanan jarak jauh.
Oke mari kita kembali ke cara Screenshot atau capture di Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos. Untuk proses Screnshoot ada baiknya Anda mengenali tombol yang terdapat di Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos, tombol yang di maksud di sini adalah tombol tekan bukan tombol sentuh. Tombol Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos terdiri atas tombol Home, tombol Power, tombol Suara + dan - , untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar di bawah ini :
Untuk proses Screenshot Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos caranya adalah dengan menkan tombol Home dan tombol Power secara bersamaan kurang lebih selama 1 detik. Pada saat menekan tombol pastikan secara bersamaan dan tunggu hingga sampai muncul suara seperti saat Anda mengambil gambar dengan kamera Smartphone / HP.
Jika proses Screenshot berhasil maka akan muncul garis putih pada ujung layar seperti gambar di atas. Hasil dari screenshot atau capture dari Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos bisa di lihat di menu Gallery di folder Screenshot. Selamat mencoba.
Sabtu, 13 September 2014
Memilih Paket Internet untuk Smartphone dan Tablet Android Dengan Provider Kartu Lokal Indonesia
Bagi pengguna Smartphone dan Tablet Android pastinya tidak akan sempurna sebuah Smartphone dan Tablet Android tanpa di registrasi ke paket Internet untuk keperluan update social media, chatting, browsing, streaming dan download, karena selain mengirit dari segi keuangan bila dibandingkan dengan menggunakan pulsa reguler biasanya beberapa provider kartu lokal sering memberikan bonus paket kuota pemakaian.
Beberapa provider kartu lokal Indonesia menawarkan paket Internet untuk Smartphone dan Tablet Android dengan berbagai jenis yang berbeda dari segi Kuota maupaun lama pemakaian. Berdasarkan pengalaman penulis beberapa provider kartu lokal kebanyakan menawarkan kuota dengan paket yang di sesuaikan dengan dengan durasi pemakaian sebulan dengan selisih harga yang juga lumayan jauh. Beberapa dari provider kartu lokal Indonesia akan kita bahas hanya berdasarkan paket hemat atau paket dengan harga paling murah dari masing-masing provider.
Kartu 3
3 Indonesia menawarkan paket intenetan dengan kuota yang cukup murah muali dari 700 GB, 1,5 GB dengan harga mulai Rp. 35.000 - Rp. 100.000,- yang menarik dari kartu 3 ini adalah durasi waktu aktif yang mengikuti masa aktif kartu. Jadi selama kartu Anda masih aktif namun paket kuota sudah habis Anda masih bisa melakukan BBM di Smartphone dan Tablet Android Anda, membuka beberapa situs ternama Nasional seperti Twitter, Facebook, Google, Detik, Kaskus, Klik BCA, Kompas, OLX, Vivanews dan Okezone.
Paket internet dari 3 ini bernama paket kuota ++, untuk lebh jelasnya lihat daftar harga paket 3 yang lain di gambar dibawah ini :
Untuk proses registrasi masuk ke Smartphone dan Tablet Android tekan *123# ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya.
Kartu Indosat (IM3 dan Mentari)
IM3 menawarkan paket internet dengan durasi waktu harian, mingguan dan bulanan. Harga yang ditawarkan akan mengikuti kuota. Dari termurah IM3 menawarkan paket sebesar Rp. 2.000 untuk pemakaian harian dengan kuota sebesar 30 MB dan untuk termahal adalah Rp. Rp. 199.000 untuk kuota sebesar 18 GB dengan durasi waktu 30 hari. Namun sayangnya paket IM3 ini berdasarkan denan durasi waktu sehingga saat masa aktif paket berakhir dalam harian , mingguan maupun bulanan maka Smartphone dan Tablet Android secara otomatis tidak bisa di gunakan.
Untuk proses registrasi masuk ke Smartphone dan Tablet Android tekan *123# ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya.
Kartu XL
XL Indonesia menawarkan pilhan kuota dengan pilihan hampir sama dengan kartu IM3 yaitu berdasarkan durasi waktu dan kuota dengan pilihan harian, ingguan dan bulanan. Untuk pilihan paket internet yang ditawarkan kartu XL ada beragam jenis mulai dari paket internet Unlimited, paket internet super unlimited, paket internet HotRod 3G+. Berikut daftar harga paket internet dari ketiga nya
Nama Paket | Kuota | Harga | Masa ktif | ||
Internet Unlimited | Unlimited | Rp 2.000 | Harian | ||
Unlimited | Rp 12.500 | Mingguan | |||
Unlimited | Rp 49.000 | Bulanan | |||
Internet Super Unlimited | Unlimited | Rp 149.000 | Bulanan |
Untuk proses registrasi masuk ke Smartphone dan Tablet Android tekan *123# ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya.
Bila dibandingkan dengan kartu yang lain provider Simpati memilki paket yang beragam namun harganya sedikit lebih mahal dari provider yang lain. Namun harga mahal sebanding dengan pelayanan yang di berikan karena Telkomsel menjangkau hampir di seluruh pelosok Indonesia dengan kwalitas yang baik pula.
Untuk paket Simpati termurah bisa menggunakan paket Simpati Ultima, harga ini mendekati pula dengan harga paket untuk AS dan Kartu Halo. Berikut ini daftar harga untuk paket tersebut :
Untuk paket Internet Telkomsel Kami berikan contoh untuk paket simPATI Paket Smartphone, Tablet, & Modem, ada juga paket lain yang ditawarkan yaitu paket Flash Ultima, Flash Optima, dimana harga yang ditawarkan juga berfariasi.
Untuk proses registrasi masuk ke Smartphone dan Tablet Android tekan *363# ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya. Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui kebutuhan paket untuk kartu Telkomsel Anda baik itu Simpati, Halo, AS anda bisa langsung mengecek di situs resminya di
Dari ke empat provider kartu ternama di Indonesia menyediakan pilihan paket yang hampir rata-rata sama baik dari segi kuota maupun harga yang ditawarkan, walaupun ada beberapa provider kartu dengan pilihan harga yang sedikit lebih murah. Namun hal yang perlu di perhatikan adalah tempat tinggal Anda karena semurah apaun paket Internet jika tidak terjangkau sinyal 2G, 3G atau 4G jelas tidak akan ada artinya.
Penulis sendiri menggunkan paket Internet kartu 3, dimana paket ini berdasarkan kuota bukan berdasarkan bulan. Dengan harga paket 50.000 untuk 1,5 Gb cukup untuk penggunaan selama 3 bulan dengan tidak sering download atau memutar video Youtube.
Penulis sendiri menggunkan paket Internet kartu 3, dimana paket ini berdasarkan kuota bukan berdasarkan bulan. Dengan harga paket 50.000 untuk 1,5 Gb cukup untuk penggunaan selama 3 bulan dengan tidak sering download atau memutar video Youtube.
Jumat, 12 September 2014
Cara Membuat Senter Pada Smartphone dan Tablet Android
Pada saat listik di rumah Anda mati tentunya senter adalah alat yang pertama kali Anda cari, namun permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah Anda lupa menaruh senter atau hilang entah kemana. Jika Anda mengalami pemadaman listrik Jangan khawatir karena Anda bisa menggunakan Smartphone dan Tablet Anda menjadi Senter untuk alat penerangan sementara sambil menunggu listrik di rumah / kos / kantor Anda di hidup kan kembali oleh PLN.
Untuk dapat membuat Senter di Smartphone atau Tablet Android pastikan terlebih dahulu Smartphone atau Tablet Android Anda memiliki LED System yang merupakan bawaan dari Smartphone atau Tablet Android Anda, jika Smartphone atau Tablet Android Anda tidak memiliki LED aplikasi ini tidak akan bisa berjalan. Tanda Kamera di Smartphone dan Tablet Android memiliki LED sistem adalah sudah di lengkapi dengan Flash.
Langkah pertama download aplikasi Super-Bright Led Flashlight di Play store cari dengan kata kunci Super-Bright Led Flashlight atau Senter LED Super Terang. Lihat gambar di bawah ini
Setelah teristal cari aplikasi Flashlight di menu Smartphone atau Tablet Android Anda, buka aplikasi tersebut. Aplikasi Flashlight terdiri dari 3 menu yaitu menu angka, menu On / Off dan tombol suara. Fungsi dari menu angka adalah untuk fungsi LED berkedip kedip atau lampu menyala secara terus menerus, pilihan angka 0 berarti LED akan menyala tanpa jeda, pilihan 1 berarti LED akan berkedip sekali dan seterusnya, untuk menganti angka geser ke kanan atau ke kiri sesuai dengan panah. Untuk menyalakan senter pada Pada Smartphone atau Tablet Android tekan tombol power ke atas (lihat gambar dibawah ini). Sementara untuk tombol suara adalah suara yang akan berbunyi saat Anda menyalakan atau mematkan lampu senter di Pada Smartphone atau Tablet Android Anda.
Selamat mencoba Senter di Smartphone dan Tablet Android Anda. Lihat videonya untuk melihat kinerja dari Senter di Smartphone dan Tablet Android :
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