Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

Responding to Article 29 Working Party’s Questions

The group of European data protection agencies in the Article 29 Working Party last week invited three US-based search engines - Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!- to discuss “the practical implementation” of the Right to be Forgotten. Before the meeting, the working party sent us a questionnaire.

Today, in a move to support the working party’s goal of transparency, we are publishing our answers.

The European Court of Justice ruling has sparked a debate about privacy and access to information. We are actively complying with it. Our answers also make clear that many questions raised by the ruling remain unresolved - and will be the subject of a welcome public discussion over coming months.

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Seeking advice on the Right to be Forgotten

Earlier this summer we announced the formation of an Advisory Council on the Right to be Forgotten. As the Council begins its work, it is seeking comment from experts on the issues raised by the CJEU ruling. Experts will be considered for selection to present to the Council in-person during public consultations held this fall, in the following cities:
  • September 9 in Madrid, Spain
  • September 10 in Rome, Italy
  • September 25 in Paris, France
  • September 30 in Warsaw, Poland
  • October 14 in Berlin, Germany
  • October 16 in London, UK
  • November 4 in Brussels, Belgium
The Council welcomes position papers, research, and surveys in addition to other comments. We accept submissions in any official EU language. Though the Council will review comments on a rolling basis throughout the fall, it may not be possible to invite authors who submit after August 11 to present evidence at the public consultations.

Stay tuned for details on the Council’s activity.

Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Launching new features for bicyclists

While the Tour de France may just have completed its final lap around the Champs Elysees, our Maps team continues to pedal ahead at top speed. Want to avoid that brutal Mountain Stage while you’re cycling to work? The latest version of Google Maps for Android update puts elevations in bike directions, so you can arrive with leg muscles intact.

We first added biking directions three years ago to our maps for a number of countries in Europe, from Austria to the United Kingdom. It proved to be a popular feature among cycling amateurs and enthusiasts and we’ve expanded the product to cover almost the entire continent. Enthusiastic users have added hundreds of kilometers of biking paths through Google Mapmaker.

We’re also innovating before you hop onto the bicycle. Do you sometimes get a sudden urge for a pizza or a banana split? The improved GoogleMaps for desktop lets you click and drag to measure your next road trip, bike ride or run—even if you’re taking a few sharp turns.

Oh, and what about the Tour de France? With the race over, you might want to relive its high moments, visiting the routes the riders took up the same mountains with StreetView, starting in Saint-Étienne and climbing into the Alps to finish at Chamrousse. And if you want to say au revoir to Le Tour de France, look below, or click on an EarthView on the Champs Élysées.

Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Tutorial Screenshot Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Tanpa Aplikasi

Apa itu screen shot? secara bahasa terkandung dua suku kata yaitu screen yang berarti layar dan shoot yang berarti menembak atau mengambil, arti secara keseluruhan adalah mengambil layar atau dapat di artikan proses penggambilan gambar yang tertera pada layar Smartphone ataupun Android. Pada umumnya screenshot atau capture di gunakan oleh pengguna Android untuk keperluan yang bermacam-macam tentunya sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.

Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah apakah sebegitu pentingnya aplikasi screenshoot ini? jawabannya adalah seperti pernyataan diatas yaitu sesuai kebutuhan pengguna Android. Untuk beberapa  kejadian proses screenshot ini dijadikan bukti untuk suatu tindak kejahatan tertentu. Kita ambil contoh beberapa kasus yang baru saja hangat dibicarakan yaitu kasus penghinaan Floren Sihombing terhadap masyarakat Yogyakarta di akun Path yang berujung di pidanakan. Status Path Floren saat ini banyak bererdar di Internet maupun di koran tentunya gambar tersebut di dapat dengan mengcapture atau menscreenshot. Itulah penjelasan seputar pengertian Screnshot langsung saja kita mulai tutorialnya. Untuk proses Screenshot atau Capture di Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.8.0 ini dapat di lakukan dengan dua cara.

Cara Pertama
Untuk melakukan screnshoot layar Samsung Tab 3  terlebih dahulu kita perlu mengetahui beberapa tombol luar yang ada di menu Samsung Tab 3 tersebut. Tombol ini nantinya yang akan di gunakan dalam proses Screnshot.

Pada gambar diatas terdapat dua tombol yaitu tombol Home da Tombol On / Off . Uuntuk proses screenshot atau capture tekan tombol Home dan On / Off secara bersamaan tunggu satu sampai dua detik sehingga muncul suara seperti kita mengambil gambar saat memotret di Smartphone atau Tablet. Perlu di ingat pada saat menekan tombol harus secara bersamaan, jika tidak proses screenshot bisa dipastikan gagal, tanda bahwa proses ini berhasil di semua ujung layar Tab 3 Anda akan muncul gambar putih membentuk garis kotak seukuran layar Tab 3.8.0 Anda.

Cara Kedua
Masuk ke menu Pengaturan atau Settings, pada menu System pilih Motion, Selanjutnya pada menu Hand motions klik pada kolom kotak sehinga muncul tanda centang hijau. Setelah itu silahkan pilih layar mana yang ingin Anda Capture. Untuk Screenshot posisikan tangan Anda menghadap ke atas gesekkan tangan Anda dengan sedikit tekanan ke layar Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 dari pojok layar dari kiri ke kanan atau sebaliknya dari kanan ke kiri, setelah itu lepas gesekkan tunggu hingga muncul suara seperti saat Anda mengambil foto dengan Hp, Smatphone.

Untuk melihat gambar hasil dari screenshot masuk ke menu Gallery di Tab 3.8 Anda masuk ke menu Screenshot / Tangkapan layar. Bagi Anda pengguna Smartphone dan Tablet Android merek dan tipe lainnya cara yang di gunakan kurang lebih sama, untuk tutorialnya silahkan lihat di sini. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya bisa lihat video tutorial cara screenshot Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tanpa aplikasi dibawah ini :

Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

5 Game Android Edukasi Untuk Anak Balita

Androoms - 5 Game Android Edukasi Untuk Anak Balita | Masa kanak-kanak merupakan masa yang penuh dengan permainan, biasanya segala hal akan ia coba meskipun terdapat resiko yang tidak bisa dianggap sepele. Peranan orang tua pun sangat diperlukan agar tumbuh kembang anak bisa berkembang dengan optimal. Di era gadget seperti ini seringkali kita melihat banyak orang tua/kakak2 nya membiarkan

Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Lenovo Vibe X - Harga Terbaru September 2014

Harga Lenovo Vibe X Terbaru September 2014
Androoms - merupakan smartphone premium dengan harga berkelas yang menghadirkan performa tinggi untuk kalangan high-class. Secara tampilan mungkin anda akan terkesima dengan desain yang slim dan terlihat elegan khas lenovo yang melengkung di setiap sudut. Dengan dukungan multimedia kelas atas dan kamera yang wow. simak review dan spesifikasi lengkapnya

Bletchley Park’s rebirth and why it matters

Twenty five years ago, the historic World War II codebreaking center Bletchley Park faced demolition.  We have supported its restoration, culminating in last month’s opening of Block C by the Duchess of Cambridge. Her grandmother Valerie Glassborow worked as a duty officer and managed the interception of enemy signals for decryption at Bletchley.
Photos copyright Shaun Armstrong
Now reborn as one of England’s most evocative museums, Bletchley Park is a fitting place of pilgrimage for both history and technology fans alike. The extraordinary code-breaking feats that took place in its spartan wooden huts were crucial to the Allied victory, and helped lay the foundations for the computer age. We were honoured to have been invited to create this new film for the visitors centre:

Bletchley Park is where Alan Turing’s theories were first put into practice, in the Bombe machines used to break Enigma, operated by women like 93 year old veteran and grandmother of one of our colleagues in Google London, Jean Valentine. It was also home to Colossus, the world’s first electronic programmable computer.

As important as what was achieved at Bletchley Park are the lessons we can learn from the way it was done.

Bletchley Park was a melting pot of brilliant minds set free by an atmosphere of tolerance. Societal norms were swept aside because of extreme need and circumstances. What mattered was what a person could do — not their gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or any supposed eccentricity. By removing these artificial constraints, Bletchley Park brought out the best in the fullest range of talent.

In this sense, Bletchley’s codebreaking success came not in spite of people’s differences, but because of them. It’s a compelling role model for the power of diversity that resonates still today.

Overall, at Bletchley Park thousands of talented people, more than half women, made heroic contributions that were kept secret until the 1970s. To borrow Keira Knightley’s line playing code breaker Joan Clarke in upcoming movie “The Imitation Game”: “Sometimes it’s the people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things no one can imagine.”

Google has long championed saving Bletchley Park together with Dr. Sue Black, Stephen Fry, Sir John Scarlett and many others. We’ve donated money, hosted events, created videos to help preserve and promote its story, including this . But nothing beats the experience of visiting this hallowed place in person — it’s just 45 minutes by train from London Euston — do go if you can. We promise you will be inspired by these technical heroes and early founders of our industry.

Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Celebrating Czech culture online

Václav Havel was a playwright, essayist, poet, philosopher - and also a politician, first a leading anti-communist dissident and then president of Czechoslovakia. A new exhibit on this remarkable man just has been launched on our Cultural Institute. It shows the interior of his quirky, personalised office, full of brightly colored furniture and modern art, and recounts the trajectory of his remarkable life.
Vaclav Havel's quirky office
The new Havel exhibit is only one of a slew of new exhibitions celebrating Czech culture. Until now, the Culture Institute featured only two Czech galleries, the Kampa Museum and the National Gallery. Nine new Czech museums and organizations from all around the country have joined, bringing together up to 500 art works. Two new high definition gigapixel pictures are featured, including Jiri Sopko’s spectacular Dance. In addition to Havel, the life of the first Czechoslovak President Tomas Garrigue Masaryk is featured.
Tomas Garrigue Masaryk
Enjoy the exhibitions from the other Czech partner museums:

Along with the new Czech museum exhibits, we also launched new Street View imagery, including interiors of museums. Our launch event took place in the Decorative Arts Museum’s library.
The entrance to the Decorative Arts Museum Library
Launching the new exhibits
The venue will be closed soon due to reconstruction of its historical building - but it will remain visible and visitable online.

Nokia Lumia 1020, HP Kamera Terbaik dan Tercanggih (41 MP)

Nokia Lumia 1020 -  Fungsi utama handphone sebagai alat komunikasi kini mulai terpinggirkan. ini dikarenakan fiut fitur standart hp seperti telpon dan sms mulai tergantikan oleh aplikasi chatting dan berbagai fitur canggih dalam model smartphone terbaru. salah satu fitur wajib yang menjadi penilaian pembeli sebelum menentukan pilihan adalah kamera.

Bagaimana kualitas kamera hp tersebut?

Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Download Game Android Lucu dan Menggemaskan Gratis

Androoms - Download Game Android Lucu dan Menggemaskan Gratis | Beragam game android bisa anda download secara gratis di PlayStore namun tak sedikit juga yang berbayar tentu dengan fiture- fiture yang disesuaikan. Sebagian besar game android yang di upload di PlayStore mendominasi game action, petualangan dll yang dapat memacu adrenalin kita, namun ada kalanya kita pun ingin memainkan game

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Tips Trik Cara Bermain Hay Day Lengkap

Hay Day - Siapa yang tidak mengenal game yang satu ini. hay day merupakan game peroduksi freecell yang populer di gadget android sebagai salah satu game paling banyak di download dengan 50 juta lebih unduhan di seluruh dunia. ini menempatkan hay day sebagai salah satu game terbaik di android. anda pun bisa mendownloadnya secara gratis alias free di google play store.

Hayday merupakan game

Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

Tips Trik Cara Bermain Clash of Clans Terbaru

Clash of Clans - Para gamer pengguna android tentu sudah mengenal game clash of clans. Clash of Clans adalah game strategi bergenre perang yang berplatform iPhone / iPod / Android. clash of clans bahkan didownload lebih dari 50 juta pengguna android di seluruh dunia dan menempatkannya sebagai salah satu game android terbaik dan terpopuler di google play store. anda pun bisa mengunduh game ini

Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

3 Aplikasi Android Untuk mengontrol Kesehatan

Androoms - 3 Aplikasi Android Untuk mengontrol Kesehatan | Berbahagialah bila memiliki smartphone android karena dengan memanfaatkan gadget android banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan salah satunya Edit Foto Android. Namun pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan merekomendasikan untuk para androiderz 3 aplikasi android untuk mengontrol kesehatan sehingga diharapkan kesehatan kita akan terjaga melalui

Showcasing tolerance From Berlin to Budapest

At a time when racism is on the rise in Europe, reportedly reaching its worst level since the 1980s, it is more more important than ever to stand up against scapegoating of migrants and minorities. Two initiatives highlight our commitment to tolerance.

In Germany, we kicked off a new edition this month of the YouTube 361 Grad Respekt combating social exclusion and (cyber-)bullying. This YouTube youth competition runs five video camps across the country, helping students script and shoot videos. You can also participate from home using a webcam or make a video with your smartphone or tablet. Tell us all what makes you strong, talk about your experiences, give others courage, and inspire and motivate them to submit their own statement about showing more respect. Share the video and upload here.

Submissions from the five video camps will be presented one by one on www.youtube.de/361grad until September. Keep checking the channel. After only two days live, the site had received more than 500,000 views!

In Hungary, we’re well into our second year of an exciting program called WeAreOpen. It’s rallying cry is: "Being open is not only the right thing to do, but it's also worth it." To date, more than 750 companies, communities and organisations, big and small, have signed up in support. This year’s version launched in March with a social media campaign to counter hate speech. Musicians, actors, celebrities, and Internet users (including students, doctors and teachers) shared their own experiences, taking a stand against prejudice, showing support for Roma, lesbians, gays, Jews and handicapped. Their videos have received more than 200,000 views on YouTube.

At July’s Budapest Pride march, WeAreOpen supplied an army of colorful balloons and invited everyone to join. The march was live streamed the on YouTube and more than 20,000 watched it live.

This year's WeAreOpen 2014 features research from the Gemius consulting firm about diversity and tolerance at the workplace. It found that more than half of Hungarian employees have already encountered negative discrimination.

The virus of hatred, unfortunately, will not vanish. 361 Grad Respekt, WeAreOpen and many more initiatives promoting tolerance are urgently needed.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Samsung Galaxy Core - Harga Terbaru September 2014

Harga Samsung Galaxy Core Terbaru September 2014
Androoms - Samsung semakin mengokohkan brand nya dengan terus meluncurkan smartphone android murah dengan kualitas yang mumpuni, untuk saat ini samsung memperkenalkan HP Android terbarunya yakni samsung galaxy core yang di peruntukkan kalangan midle-end / kalangan menengah dengan fiture unggulan smart stay. Simak spesifikasi dan harga samsung

Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

Download Aplikasi WhatsApp Untuk Android

Androoms - Download Aplikasi WhatsApp Untuk Android | WhatsApp atau yang biasa di singkat oleh para chatter WA yakni sebuah aplikasi messengger/ aplikasi chatting yang sangat populer saat ini, kehadirannya mampu menarik perhatian dunia gadget. Pasalnya sebelum hadirnya WhatsApp, Aplikasi BBM sudah lebih dulu hadir namun penggunaanya masih terbatas pada HP Blackberry saja. Sehingga hadirnya

Germany's World Cup victory comes alive through search

On Sunday, Germany won their fourth world championship, and, over the course of the last month, the world watched them do it—in Brazil, in bars and living rooms around the world, on their phones and laptops and tablets. This World Cup was the most digital, most connected, and most searched global event we've seen to date. There were more than 2.1 billion tournament-related searches on Google, many of which we shared on our trends hub.

Looking at the trends from each match, you’ll see some topics that you’d expect to catch the world’s attention, such as top players and highly-anticipated matches. But who would have guessed that there were 10x more searches in the U.S. for the World Cup than for the NBA Playoffs? Or that Clint Dempsey, American soccer star who also has a rap single, had 2x more search interest than Jay-Z? Or that after Ángel di María's divine goal against Switzerland, he netted 4x more global searches than his fellow countryman, Pope Francis?

Mexico’s Guillermo Ochoa was the most searched goalie in the tournament, but Tim Howard’s heroics could hardly be forgotten. German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer not only snagged third place in search, but took home the 2014 Golden Glove award and a World Cup championship to boot.

The Germany vs. Brazil semifinal was the most searched match throughout the tournament, leaving many people around the world asking, “What is the biggest win in World Cup history?” Meanwhile, some countries were ready to move on to the next opportunity: after the third place game, Brazilians searched more for “World Cup 2018” than for the final game between Argentina and Germany.

No World Cup would be complete without a few surprises—and the creative people of the web were ready to weigh in. Uruguay's Luis Suarez was the most searched player meme, and at the time of the Uruguay-Italy game, there were 20x more searches globally for “Suarez Bite” than for snake, spider, tick, fly, dog and mosquito bites combined.

And if a search Dream Team was created, you’d see these 11 players strutting their stuff on the field. While German star Mario Götze didn’t make this list, he was a favorite on search. Even before his goal won it all in the final, he attracted 4x more search attention than Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, who presented Germany with the championship trophy.

Beyond the impressive stats on the field, we’ve got some numbers of our own to share:

Our team watched 107+ hours of football (we didn’t even need a water break!) and spent 250+ hours bringing you regular insights from our first ever World Cup trends hub. We hope you enjoyed the excitement of the tournament as much as we did, and for more trends, visit google.com/worldcup or check out our Google+ album.

Senin, 14 Juli 2014

6 Aplikasi Android Islami Anak Muslim

Androoms - 6 Aplikasi Android Islami Anak Muslim | Di era gadget seperti saat ini terutama yang sedang booming yakni sistem operasi android yang mana kita akan banyak melihat berbagai aplikasi-aplikasi yang bisa kita download secara gratis, ada yang bersifat umum namun tak sedikit pula yang bernuansa islami. Jika kita lihat kesekeliling lingkungan dimana seorang balita sudah terbiasa memainkan

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Cara Merekam Percakapan Telephone Pada HP Android

Androoms - Cara Merekam Percakapan Telephone Pada HP Android | Untuk berbagai keperluan, merekam percakapan telephone sangat penting seperti percakapan bisnis, percakapan dengan kekasih untuk mengobati rasa rindu, atau mungkin untuk menyadap siapa saja yang memakai hp android kita haha... atau untuk sekedar mengingat-ingat pesan-pesan di telephone yang telah lalu dan lain sebagainya.


Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Download Aplikasi Edit Video Android Terbaik, Offline Gratis

Androoms - Download Aplikasi Edit Video Android Terbaik, Offline Gratis | Pada pembahasan sebelumnya saya sudah membahas 5 aplikasi edit foto android, namun kini bagi  kamu yang suka bereskplorasi dengan video alias suka ngutak-ngatik video ini saya ada rekomendasi 3 aplikasi android untuk mendukung kamu dalam mengedit video secara offline dengan hanya mengandalkan smartphone android, hemm..

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

Searching for the right balance

In May, the Court of Justice of the European Union established a “right to be forgotten." Today, we published an op-ed by David Drummond, senior vice president of corporate development and chief legal officer, in the U.K.'s The Guardian, Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, France's Le Figaro and Spain's El Pais, discussing the ruling and our response. We're republishing the op-ed in full below. -Ed.

When you search online, there’s an unwritten assumption that you’ll get an instant answer, as well as additional information if you need to dig deeper. This is all possible because of two decades worth of investment and innovation by many different companies. Today, however, search engines across Europe face a new challenge—one we’ve had just two months to get our heads around. That challenge is figuring out what information we must deliberately omit from our results, following a new ruling from the European Court of Justice.

In the past we’ve restricted the removals we make from search to a very short list. It includes information deemed illegal by a court, such as defamation, pirated content (once we’re notified by the rights holder), malware, personal information such as bank details, child sexual abuse imagery and other things prohibited by local law (like material that glorifies Nazism in Germany).

We’ve taken this approach because, as article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

But the European Court found that people have the right to ask for information to be removed from search results that include their names if it is “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive.” In deciding what to remove, search engines must also have regard to the public interest. These are, of course, very vague and subjective tests. The court also decided that search engines don’t qualify for a “journalistic exception.” This means that The Guardian could have an article on its website about an individual that’s perfectly legal, but we might not legally be able to show links to it in our results when you search for that person’s name. It’s a bit like saying the book can stay in the library, it just cannot be included in the library’s card catalogue.

It’s for these reasons that we disagree with the ruling. That said, we obviously respect the court’s authority and are doing our very best to comply quickly and responsibly. It’s a huge task as we’ve had over 70,000 take-down requests covering 250,000 webpages since May. So we now have a team of people individually reviewing each application, in most cases with limited information and almost no context.

The examples we’ve seen so far highlight the difficult value judgments search engines and European society now face: former politicians wanting posts removed that criticize their policies in office; serious, violent criminals asking for articles about their crimes to be deleted; bad reviews for professionals like architects and teachers; comments that people have written themselves (and now regret). In each case, someone wants the information hidden, while others might argue it should be out in the open.

When it comes to determining what’s in the the public interest, we’re taking into account a number of factors. These include whether: the information relates to a politician, celebrity, or other public figure; if the material comes from a reputable news source, and how recent it is; whether it involves political speech; questions of professional conduct that might be relevant to consumers; the involvement of criminal convictions that are not yet “spent”; and if the information is being published by a government. But these will always be difficult and debatable judgments.

We’re also doing our best to be transparent about removals: for example, we’re informing websites when one of their pages has been removed. But we cannot be specific about why we have removed the information because that could violate the individual’s privacy rights under the court's decision.

Of course, only two months in, our process is still very much a work in progress. It’s why we incorrectly removed links to some articles last week (they have since been reinstated). But the good news is that the ongoing, active debate that’s happening will inform the development of our principles, policies and practices—in particular about how to balance one person’s right to privacy with another’s right to know.

That’s why we've also set up an advisory council of experts, the final membership of which we're announcing today. These external experts from the worlds of academia, the media, data protection, civil society and the tech sector are serving as independent advisors to Google. The council will be asking for evidence and recommendations from different groups, and will hold public meetings this autumn across Europe to examine these issues more deeply. Its public report will include recommendations for particularly difficult removal requests (like criminal convictions); thoughts on the implications of the court’s decision for European Internet users, news publishers, search engines and others; and procedural steps that could improve accountability and transparency for websites and citizens.

The issues here at stake are important and difficult, but we’re committed to complying with the court’s decision. Indeed it's hard not to empathize with some of the requests we've seen—from the man who asked that we not show a news article saying he had been questioned in connection with a crime (he’s able to demonstrate that he was never charged) to the mother who requested that we remove news articles for her daughter’s name as she had been the victim of abuse. It’s a complex issue, with no easy answers. So a robust debate is both welcome and necessary, as, on this issue at least, no search engine has an instant or perfect answer.

Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Download Opera Mini Terbaru Untuk HP Android

Androoms - Download Opera Mini Terbaru Untuk HP Android | Beragam aplikasi browser untuk android bisa anda dapatkan gratis di PlayStore, namun diantara banyaknya browser di playstroe tidak semua memberikan kualitas searching maupun download yang mumpuni hanya sebagian yang menawarkan kecepatan dan keefisienan dalam compresi data salah satunya browser opera mini untuk android.

Aplikasi Browser

Google Ventures invests in Europe

Wander through the excellent Science Museum in London, and you’ll see inventions that transformed history. Like Puffing Billy, one of the world’s first steam locomotives; or Charles Babbage’s difference engine, a Victorian predecessor to the modern computer; or penicillin, the wonder drug that revolutionized the treatment of disease. These marvels from the past still influence our lives today, and are tangible examples of how fearless exploration and entrepreneurship can literally change the world.

To help support the next generation of European entrepreneurs, today Google Ventures is launching a new venture fund, with initial funding of $100 million. Our goal is simple: we want to invest in the best ideas from the best European entrepreneurs, and help them bring those ideas to life.

When we launched Google Ventures in 2009, we set out to be a very different type of venture fund. Startups need more than just capital to succeed: they also benefit from engineering support, design expertise, and guidance with recruiting, marketing and product management. Five years later, we’re working with more than 250 portfolio companies, tackling challenges across a host of industries. For example, the team at Flatiron Health is improving the way doctors and patients approach cancer care, SynapDx is developing a blood test for the early detection of Autism in children, and Clean Power Finance is making solar energy affordable for homeowners.

We believe Europe’s startup scene has enormous potential. We’ve seen compelling new companies emerge from places like London, Paris, Berlin, the Nordic region and beyond—SoundCloud, Spotify, Supercell and many others.

We can’t predict the kinds of inventions the Science Museum might showcase 10+ years from now, but we do know European startups will be essential to this future, and we can’t wait to see what they create.

Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

Harga Spesifikasi Evercoss A7T Terbaru 2014

Evercoss A7T - Animo masyarakat indonesia terhadap ponsel pintar berbasis android makin meningat. mereka yang memiliki budget sedikit biasanya melirik merk evercoss sebagai solusi untuk tetap eksis dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman. dengan harga yang murah alias terjangkau, ponsel smartphone dari evercoss tentu sangat populer di kalangan menengah kebawah. ditambah lagi meski murah, kualitas dan

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Samsung Galaxy Core, HP Dual SIM Canggih Harga Terjangkau

Samsung Galaxy Core - Salah satu produk keluara samsung yang cukup populer dan laku dipasaran dunia termasuk indonesia adalah samsung galaxy core duos I8262. berbagai fitur canggih telah dibenamkan didalamnya, dengan harga yang tidak terlalu mahal, ponsel android ini tentu saja menjadi salah satu rekomendasi bagi anda yang ingin memiliki handphone berkualitas namun dengan budget yang terjangkau.

Tips Cara Menghemat Baterai Smartphone Android

Androoms - Tips Cara Menghemat Baterai Smartphone Android | Sudah tak diragukan lagi yang namanya semartphone entah itu android, windowsphone, iphone dll pasti banyak memakan daya baterai (boros baterai) kenapa? banyak faktor kenapa baterai smartphone cepat habis diantaranya:

Tips Cara Menghemat Baterai Smartphone Android

Sistem Operasi Android
Smartphone - smartphone terbaru kini sebagian

Senin, 07 Juli 2014

Daftar HP Sony Xperia Terbaik Yang Bagus dan Canggih

HP Sony Terbaik - Dunia gadget makin berkembang pesat, kebutuhan masyarakat akan smartphone kini mulai meningkat. kebanyakan masyarakat indonesia lebih mengenal merk samsung, sony dan apple sebagai yang terbaik dan paling berkualitas saat ini. masing masing produsen tentu memiliki produk unggulan tersendiri yang mereka luncurkan untuk bersaing di kelas menengah keatas. nah yang akan kita bahas

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Cara Mengambil ScreenShot Layar HP Android

Androoms - Cara Mengambil ScreenShot Layar HP Android | Pada postingan sebelumnya saya telah merekomendasi beberapa aplikasi android terbaik dan terpopuler untuk sobat Androoms meliputi aplikasi edit foto, browser tercepat dll. Nah kali ini kita akan coba membahas tip n trik tentang bagaimana cara mengambil / memoto layar pada smartphone android dengan sangat mudah, tentunya berdasarkan type

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Ini Dia Harga dan Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy ACE 4 Terbaru

Samsung Galaxy ACE 4 - Samsung baru baru ini mengumumkan akan merilis beberapa produk terbarunya di pasar menengah. daftar jenis dan model yang akan dirilis dan dilepas dipasaran oleh samsung adalah samsung galaxy young 2, samsung galaxy core 2 dan samsung galaxy ACE 4. ketiga jenis ponsel diatas memang sangat laku keras dipasaran dan populer sebagai smartphone pilihan bagi yang memiliki budget

Nokia X Android jelly Bean - Harga Terbaru September 2014

Harga Nokia X Terbaru September 2014
Androoms - Persaingan smartphone berbasis android semakin memanas, terbukti kini Nokia yang memiliki ciri khas WindowsPhone pun ikut- ikutan memproduksi smartphone bersistem operasi android. Entah apa motif dibalik nokia membuat smartphone android, yang jelas kita sebagai konsumen terutama nokia maniak pasti sangat senang dengan hadirnya Nokia X produk

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Enjoy the best of Slovakia with the Google Cultural Institute

Slovakia enjoys a rich, vibrant culture, full of beautiful music, famous painters, and both natural and manmade wonders. Last week at the beautiful Cafe Berlinka at the Slovak National Gallery, the Google Cultural Institute welcomed its first ever partners from the Central European nation. Eight museums and galleries from across the country have made available their content so that it can be explored in more detail by people around the world.

The exhibitions features works by famous Slovak painters; Ladislav Mednyánszky, Ľudovít Fulla, Martin Benka and sculptors such as Štefan Siváň and Jozef Jankovič. A super high resolution image of Mednyánszky's "Bank of a river in bloom" contraststhe botanical details on the river bank in bloom with the hazy river. Zoom into the barely there image of grazing cattle in the distance. We also have published Indoor Street View imagery of the Chateau Strážky and Bratislava City Gallery.

Another exhibition features the jewels of Slovakia's Natural History Museum including an ancient Egyptian mummy, a skull of Homo sapiens from the late Upper Palaeolithic and a Palaeontological collection with traces of dinosaurs.

Motorola Moto G, Harga Murah Android Kitkat

Motorola Moto G, Harga Murah Android Kitkat
Androoms - Melihat perkembangan gadget indonesia terutama berbasis android semakin marak, terlebih kini hadir motorola moto g yang sedang hangat - hangat nya di perbincangkan dikalangan gadgetter. Pasalnya dengan harga 1 jutaan - 2 jutaan ( tergantung space memory ) kita bisa mendapatkan smartphone versi terbaru Android Kitkat tentunya dengan kualitas

Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Aplikasi Browser Android Terbaik, Cepat, Ringan dan Gratis

Androoms - Aplikasi Browser Android Terbaik, Cepat, Ringan dan Gratis | Para pengguna SmartPhone android selalu berhubungan dengan internet, entah itu sekedar chatting, browsing, download, upload, streaming dll tentu menginginkan kecepatan internet yang wuss..wuss... Bila hanya mengandalkan browser bawaan HP biasanya akan terasa lola (loading lama) serta fiture nya sedikit, nah oleh sebab itu