Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Campus London powers UK tech boom

It’s been 20 short months since Campus London opened its doors to East London’s entrepreneur community, time enough to report some initial results, and time enough to realize that our biggest expectations have been surpassed. In a new report released yesterday, we reported that Campus has more than 22,000 members, hailing from more than 60 countries. Campus has hosted over 1,100 events for more than 70,000 visitors in 2013, including 1,000 mentoring sessions, in which Google employees volunteer their time to advise early-stage companies, through the Google office hours programme.

Full details of the survey can be found at Highlights include:
  • Campus is creating jobs: We estimate that at least 576 jobs have been created within the Campus community.
  • Campus startups are raising serious funding: Campus members have raised at least £34m in the 12 months to October 2013.
  • Campus is promoting gender equality: Campus is helping to address the gender imbalance in the tech startup industry. The presence of women at Campus continues to grow, now at 22% of residents and 20% of the overall member base - compared to the 9% industry average. Campus for Mums and Women at Campus are moving the needle.
  • Campus continues to attract new entrepreneurs: Campus is increasingly popular as a place to interact with the local startup community. 78% of survey respondents have been working at Campus for less than 6 months. Campus membership has grown almost 300% since January 2013 (8,000 to 22,500).
  • Campus members are upbeat: The outlook of startups at Campus remains very positive with 84% reporting a positive outlook.

We're proud of the role Campus is playing in building this ecosystem, and eager to continue to grow London as one of the world's most exciting technology centres.

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