Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Google Map Maker expands in Europe

Google Map Maker is an editing tool that enables you, and people around the world, to contribute knowledge and expertise directly to Google Maps. By sharing information about the places you know best, you can ensure that the map accurately reflects the world around you.

Today, we’re launching Google Map Maker in Bulgaria, Italy, San Marino and the Vatican. Share the delights of Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast by adding all of your favorite destinations in the famed resort city of Golden Sands. Lend a hand by improving driving directions through the Italian Riviera, or trace the best hiking trails across San Marino’s Apennine Mountains. Your updates will be reviewed, and once approved, will appear on Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Maps for Mobile for people all over the world to see.

                                      before                                                                             after

A map view of Tuscany, Italy before and after Map Maker users added details to the map 
such as local sport fields and parks

We look forward to seeing the edits you contribute to Google Maps, as we work together to create a comprehensive, accurate and useful map of the world. To get started, join other mappers on the Google Map Maker community forum, explore the Help Center for tips and tricks, or watch mapping in real-time with Map Maker Pulse.

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