The Internet represents a powerful engine for export growth, allowing companies who found it difficult to reach foreign markets to do so with a few clicks on a computer. In Slovakia, a small open economy, a recent Boston Consulting report entitled Slovakia’s Online Opportunity suggests that exports will account for around 30% of the Internet’s contribution to Slovak GDP by 2016.
The Slovak Alliance for Internet Economy recently was launched with our help to accelerate this export-led Internet growth. Other members include successful antivirus software exporter ESET and venture capital consultant Neulogy. We used Google Hangouts on Air to organize the Alliance’s launching press conference for the press and general audience. At a separate lunch, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic and Digital Champion Peter Pellegrini addressed his pro-Internet message to government officers and public policy professionals via video.
The SAPIE Alliance aims to foster discussion and cooperation among business, NGOs, academics, government and public sector. It already has launched new online platform for startups called The Spot.
Stay tuned for more exciting initiatives.
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