Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Support free expression: vote for the Netizen of the Year

One in three Internet users suffers from restricted access to the web due to government censorship, filtering or online surveillance, according to the free expression advocacy group Reporters Without Borders. Around the world, bloggers and cyber-dissidents are jailed for expressing their views. Reporters Without Borders makes sure their struggles are not forgotten.

At Google, we believe in a free and open Internet where everyone can express their opinions and learn from others. For this reason, for the past several years we’ve partnered with Reporters Without Borders to organize their annual Netizen of the Year Award, which honors an Internet user, blogger or cyber-dissident who has made a notable contribution in defense of online freedom of expression. Last year the award went to a Syrian journalist. In 2011 it went to Nawaat, a group blog run by independent Tunisian bloggers. In 2010, the Netizen Award was awarded to Iranian cyber-feminists.

This year for the first time, Reporters Without Borders is asking you to help decide who will win the award. Nine “netizens”—from Bulgaria, Egypt, Honduras, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mali, Russia, Senegal and Vietnam—have been nominated for consideration. Watch the videos showing their stories and then vote at youtube.com/netizen2013.

We hope you’ll be as inspired as we have been by these brave people. The winner, based on votes from people like you around the world, will be announced on March 7. He or she will be invited to the award ceremony taking place at Google’s Paris office on March 12—the World Day Against Cyber Censorship.

2013 Netizen Award Nominees

  • Assen Yordanov: Founder of the investigative journalism website Bivol.bg, Assen has published exclusives about corruption, flaws in the judicial system, and links between politicians and organized crime.
  • Mosireen: Founded and run by a group of citizen-journalists and activists to document the 2011 revolution, the Mosireen collective traces its origins to the “explosion of citizen journalism and cultural activism in Egypt during the revolution.” Its contributors collected photos, videos and eyewitness accounts of the 18 days of demonstrations that led to Hosni Mubarak’s fall. Their YouTube channel at first just showed video footage shot by demonstrators. But they now also produce videos and video news reports.
  • Itsmania Pineda Platero: This independent journalist, blogger and human rights defender reports on the “maras,” the gangs of extremely violent young criminals that have spread throughout Central America. A vocal critic of her country’s June 2009 coup d’état and its impact on freedom of information – 23 journalists have been murdered since the military took power – she led a peaceful demonstration in front of the presidential palace, which police repressed with violence. After receiving repeated death threats, Reporters Without Borders has helped her to obtain personal protection.
  • Shiva Nazar Ahari: A 27-year-old human rights activist and cyber-dissident, Shiva is serving a four-year jail sentence for her activities as editor the Azad Zan (Women’s Liberation) website, She also has been sentenced to 74 lashes. Seventeen other netizens are currently detained in Iran, where the Islamic Republic’s authorities treat independent news and information providers, especially women cyber-dissidents, as unwanted witnesses.
  • Murat Tungishbayev: An opposition activist, Murat created the election monitoring coalition “Saylau,” producing an interactive map to register fraud during the January 2012 legislative elections. The National Security Committee summoned him for questioning about his links with labour activists and opposition politicians. When investigators tried to force him to testify against two detainees, he fled the country.
  • Oumarou Mohamed Lamine: This reporter and programme host on Radio AADAR FM (Adar Koima - “Joy of the Hill”), was one of the few who provided information to the outside world from northern Mali during its occupation by Islamic jihadists. For his efforts the jihadists harassed and vandalised his radio equipment. Oumarou resisted by posting his articles online. His blog is found at oumaroubah.afronaute.info.
  • Suren Gazaryan: An environmentalist and opposition activist, this popular blogger distinguished himself by his coverage of environmental issues and corruption linked to the preparation of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. His LiveJournal blog revealed that Sochi’s regional government has built a dacha in the middle of a protected forest. After he was given three-year suspended jail sentences, he fled Russia and sought asylum in Estonia.
  • Cheikh Fall: Website project leader, blogger and voracious Twitter poster, Cheikh Fall is the founder of Sunu2012, a participative website that was created to monitor Senegal’s 2012 presidential election. The website provided information about the candidates, their programmes, their positions on key issues and how they or their campaign staff could be contacted.
  • Huynh Ngoc Chenh: This blogger challenges his communist leaders by writing about democracy, human rights and anti-Chinese demonstrations over the territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Censors often block his site, forcing Vietnamese internet readers to resort to VPN connections. Police keep him under constant surveillance and tap his phone.

We are proud to work with Reporters Without Borders. Above all, we salute the courage of men and women around the globe who fight every day for a fundamental right: freedom of information.

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Judging freedom of expression at Europe’s highest court

Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg will hear arguments in a case that aims to determine whether search engines can be ordered to block search results that link to valid, legal content on Spanish newspaper and government websites.

Over the years, we have consistently stood up for the principle that where legal online content is concerned, only the publisher of that content can make the decision, or be ordered, to remove content from the web.

In the case before the CJEU today - one that is representative of around 180 similar Spanish cases - Google declined to comply with an order from the Spanish Data Protection Authority. We were asked to remove links from our search results that point to a legal notice published in a newspaper. The notice, announcing houses being auctioned off as part of a legal proceeding, is required under Spanish law and includes factually correct information that is still publicly available on the newspaper’s website.

There are clear societal reasons why this kind of information should be publicly available. People shouldn't be prevented from learning that a politician was convicted of taking a bribe, or that a doctor was convicted of malpractice. The substantive question before the Court today is whether search engines should be obliged to remove links to valid legal material that still exists online.

We believe the answer to that question is "no". Search engines point to information that is published online - and in this case to information that had to be made public, by law. In our view, only the original publisher can take the the decision to remove such content. Once removed from the source webpage, content will disappear from a search engine's index.

Of course, there will also be times when information is published online that is subsequently found by a court to be incorrect, defamatory or otherwise illegal. Such content can be removed from the source website and from search engines. But search engines should not be subject to censorship of legitimate content for the sake of privacy - or for any other reason.

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Standing up for freedom at UNESCO

The Internet is the world’s biggest economic and social success story of the past three decades, fueling free expression on an unprecedented scale. Built from the bottom-up, powered by the people, private business, technical experts, civil society groups and governments all have joined together to write an amazing narrative. Yet this construction is now under threat. Many governments want to impose government control over the Net, and many are attempting to use the United Nations to achieve this goal.

Fortunately, many parts of the UN are pushing back, and standing up for freedom. The UN’s Internet Government Forum brings together the various Internet actors and represents arguably, the key part of the Internet’s bottom-up structure. Another key UN ally is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which from February 25-27 is holding an important conference in Paris called World Summit on the Information Society +10.

Up to 800 representatives from governments, civil society and private business are attending UNESCO’s conference, which will review the state of Internet freedom in advance of a head-of-state event scheduled for 2015. Hundreds of others will participate from remote locations, thanks to Internet connections. Google is supporting the conference and will be participating in the various panels and debates.

Each session will produce a set of recommendations. A drafting group will distill the main points from the recommendations. Crucially, the final document will not be negotiated by governments but developed through an open-ended multi-stakeholder conference.

UNESCO itself has proved a steadfast ally in the battle to keep the Internet free and open. Each year, it sponsors the World Press Freedom Award. Last year, Google supported the event which took place in post-revolution Tunisia. Within the UN system, UNESCO supports the multi-stakeholder system, insisting that non-governmental organizations be consulted and engaged in Internet decision-making. We look forward to the debates this week in Paris and hope the results bolster the free and open Internet.

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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

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catatan : Jika agan ingin mengaktifkan Daemon Tools melalui sistem tray juga bisa. Caranya klik kanan pada ikon Daemon Tools seperti lambing petir yang ada di sistem tray, pilih Daemon > Virtual Device > virtual device drive (F:, G:, H:,dst) > Mount Image > pilih file yang akan diekstrak berekstensi .iso dan Open.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

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Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

A flower of computer history blooms in Belgium

It’s nice to watch a seed bloom into a radiant flower. Last spring, we announced a partnership with the Belgian institution called Mundaneum. Our initial ambitions were modest - to support lectures and exhibitions on the history of the Internet. The lectures and exhibitions proved so popular - one, at our other partner, the University of Ghent, attracted 900 people - that today we are delighted to announce a major expansion of our joint work.

The Mundaneum is becoming Belgium’s first partner with Google’s Cultural Institute. Our Paris-based Cultural Insitute has embarked on an adventure to revolutionize the way archives are curated and presented. It allows partners to wipe the dust off their documents, images and videos and tell the story that brings them to life in exciting new online exhibitions. Previous partners range from the Imperial War Museum to the Nelson Mandela foundation.

The Mundaneum team has curated two new online exhibitions consisting of documents, photos and videos using the Cultural Institute’s innovative digital curation tool. One tells the story of Mundaneum founders Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine’s quest to organise the world’s information on paper cards in the pre-digital age. The second celebrates the centenary of La Fontaine’s award of the Nobel Peace Prize. Both exhibition home pages are pictured below. They are available in English and French, and will soon be published in Dutch.

The Mundaneum’s home region is also home to a Google data centers, located in the southern Belgian village of St. Ghislain. In many ways, the modern data center has replaced paper cards; it provides the electric and electronic backbone for the modern Internet. This coincidence presents us with a fortuitous opportunity for community relations. In coming weeks, the Mundaneum will launch of series of presentations and exhibitions about Google Data Centers. And since we are hiring at the data center, the Mundaneum will host a jobs day, explaining what skills are needed to work at a data center. Take a look at some images from our St. Ghislain data center.

In 2015, Mons has been named a European capital of culture. We will work with Mundaneum to support this exciting project. Google technologies will be deployed to promote Mons’s historic architectural legacy - as well as its exciting modern cultural initiatives.

At the same time, we hope to spread recognition of the Mundaneum’s exciting adventure outside of Belgium. All too often, Europeans tend to think of the invention of the modern Internet as an American monopoly. In fact, Europeans played a key role. Otlet and LaFontaine created its intellectual roots; Brit Alan Turing of cryptology fame imagined much of its early hardware, while a Belgian, Robert Caillau, and another Brit, Tim Berners-Lee, built the World Wide Web.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been so surprised by the success of our partnership. A natural affinity exists between Google’s modern project of making the world’s information accessble and the Mundaneum project of two early 20th century Belgians. Otlet and La Fontaine imagined organizing all the world’s information - on paper cards. While their dream was discarded, the Internet brought it back to reality and it's little wonder that many now describe the Mundaneum as “the paper Google.” Together, we are showing the way to marry our paper past with our digital future.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Exploring the web at Winterakademie 2013

During the winter holidays, 100 kids and teens from Berlin gathered for the 8th Winterakademie at Theater an der Parkaue, one of the biggest children’s theatres in Germany.

The goal of this annual event is to provide an opportunity for young people to immerse themselves in a topic and express it through the medium of art and theatre. In previous years, attendees have explored themes such as identity, future and money. This year’s choice was “if we were the web”—a topic Google was delighted to support.

Working with drama teachers and other experts to get their creativity flowing, those attending explored many different facets of the web.  For example:
  • A group of 8 to 11 year olds focused on the concept of an Internet of things. They constructed a model home from cardboard and fluorescent tape. On shelves, closets, tables, the dishwasher and fridge they attached RFID tags connected to self-recorded audio samples—presenting their visions for smart living.
  • A team of 16 to 20 year olds put the web to work raising money for the World Food Programme. Starting with a giveaway ballpoint pen, they set out to swap it for increasingly valuable objects until they got a mansion. While that goal proved overly ambitious, during the course of the event they did succeed in exchanging objects to the value of 1,600 Euros -- bringing on board two politicians and getting their story in a local newspaper.
I was delighted to take part, joining attendees over lunch to speak about web-based collaboration and Google’s perspectives on the future of communication. In the lively discussion that followed, I enjoyed hearing their thoughts, concerns and philosophies on this and many other Internet-related topics.

Overall, the event was great fun as well as a great learning opportunity for all those who took part. It’s clear the future of the web is bright in their creative hands.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

A diverse gathering in honour of a computing hero

People with the genius to become great scientists and engineers are a rare breed—but one that bridges all divides of race, gender, and sexual orientation.

Yesterday, as part of the UK’s LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi, trans) History Month, we were proud to host a gathering in honour of one such exceptional person: Alan Turing.

Turing deserves to be remembered not just as a codebreaking hero and computing pioneer, but also as an important historical figure in the LGBT community. Courageously, he strived to live as an openly gay man in an era of horrendous discrimination. As our centenary tribute put it:
Turing’s life was one of astounding highs and devastating lows. While his wartime codebreaking saved thousands of lives, his own life was destroyed when he was convicted for homosexuality. But the tragedy of his story should not overshadow his legacy. Turing’s insight laid the foundations of the computer age. It’s no exaggeration to say he’s a founding father of every computer and Internet company today.

Gatherings such as this are helpful, in providing a forum for networking within the LGBT community, as well as spotlighting the achievements of LGBT forebears. But more important is what they have the potential to catalyse: a sharing of stories, leading to a strengthened sense of unity and support. We hope that connections forged at last night’s gathering will have, like Turing’s work, a long-lasting impact.

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Apply for a 2013 Google Policy Fellowship

The Internet policy world is ripe with fascinating issues. From cybercrime to government surveillance and security, to public procurement, trade and open access to information, there has never been a more exciting time to get involved.

We’re excited to launch the 6th summer of the Google Policy Fellowship, including, for the first time, opportunities to work with organizations from Africa and Europe, in addition to ones in Latin America, U.S. and Canada. Applications are open today, and students of all levels and disciplines are welcome to apply before March 15, 2013.

Fellows will spend ten weeks this summer working on a broad portfolio of topics at a diverse set of organizations in Europe and Africa, including:

ILab Africa
Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in IT

ECIPE (European Centre for International Political Economy)
OpenForum Europe
The Lisbon Council

The full list of internships, including ones in the U.S., Canada and Latin America, is found here. Additional details about the program and application process are available on the Google Public Policy Fellowship website.

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

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Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

RISE Awards 2013: A global effort

“I am standing in a partial enclosure made of sticks and plant fronds. This is the school for roughly 35 students, ranging in age from three to about 20 years old. There are no desks. There is only a single shared chalkboard, and it has gaping holes.” — David Rathmann-Bloch from the 21st Century Chalkboard Project, writing from rural Haiti.
These are just some of the many challenges faced by education organizations who applied for this year’s Google RISE Awards. The RISE (Roots in Science and Engineering) Awards program funds and supports organizations around the world that provide science and technology education at a grassroots level.

This year we’re delighted to give awards to 30 new organizations from 18 different countries. Combined they will reach more than 90,000 children in 2013, helping inspire and teach the scientists and engineers of the future.
  • Some, such as Haiti’s 21st Century Chalkboard Project and the Uniristii Association (site in Romanian) in Romania, help those from underserved communities gain access to computing resources.
  • Others, like the U.K.’s Code Club and the U.S.’s CodeNow, offer extracurricular activities that help interested children, especially those from underrepresented minority backgrounds, to learn programming.
  • A few, such as the Middle East’s MEET and iLab Liberia, seek to use technology education as a platform to bridge wider social and cultural divides.
  • Some, like Girlstart in the U.S. and New Zealand’s Programming Challenge 4 Girls, aim to empower girls to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
In addition to receiving funding and support to continue their outreach, RISE Award recipients will be brought together for a global summit this June in London.

To paraphrase an old saying, from small seeds, great things can grow. The recipients of the 2013 RISE Awards have already made a difference. Connecting with other like-minded organizations will help spread valuable and practical expertise, and spark opportunities for global collaboration and expansion.

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

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Update PES 2013 Patch 3.0

Update PES 2013 Patch 3.0

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New Features :

Updated winter transfers 809 transfers made in all leagues since 2.8, 1400+ since start of the January window (Anelka > Juventus, Balotelli > Milan, Beckham > Paris, Drogba > Galatasaray, Gago > Velez Sarsfield, Monreal > Arsenal, Rivière > Monaco, Samba > QPR, Sneijder > Galatasaray, Willian > Anzhi etc.)
Full 1.03 DLC 3.00 support Offline Online (teamnames + kits working online)
Includes newest kitserver
20+ new faces Abdennour, Cruyff,Cvitanich,Figo,Fofana,Gouffran, Mskani, Zidane etc., in total 700+
New kits Angola, Atlético, Chile, Corinthians, France, Galatasaray, Hungary, Israel, Las Palmas, Manchester City, Morocco, Nürnberg, Portugal, Sao Paulo, Sevilla, Sweden, Zambia
Created 149 missing players Hahn (Augsburg), Latka (Düsseldorf), Brice Samba (Marseille), Zevallos (Juventus) etc.
New scoreboard Canal+ (Txak)
Fixed a lot boots + accessories

Fitur umum Update PES 2013 Patch 3.0 :

Added 8 leagues Bundesliga, Primera Division Argentina, Russian Premier League, 2. Bundesliga, Liga Adelante, Npower Championship, Serie B, Ligue 2, Brasileirão Série B
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Correct kits for all Premier League, Liga ZON Sagres + all National Classic Teams
Corrected names for fake players in unlicensed National teams and ML unlockable players
Faces More than 700 new faces (all fixed by PESEDIT)
Fixed kits for a lot teams including Barcelona, Manchester United and Sevilla
Includes newest DLC 3.0 + game version 1.03
Scoreboard and stadium switch in selector (download stadiums here)
Removed blur
Fixed boots + accessories for 4000+ players

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Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Supporting Internet freedom in Madrid

Reporters Without Borders latest report on press freedom makes for frightening reading. More than ever, the group says governments around globe are silencing journalists, censoring their articles, or worse, jailing or even assassinating them.

Google has worked with Reporters Without Borders for several years now, supporting their activities in favour of keeping the Internet free and open. So it was natural that we would appear in Madrid at the Spanish presentation of their new report.

Photo credits: Quim Lienas

While most attention these days in Spain focuses on the country’s economic crisis, the Reporters Without Borders event demonstrated a strong attachment to freedom. Some 100 reporters attended and coverage emphasized how 2012 saw a major crackdown on the press around the globe. Panelists included Epiphanie Ndekerumukobwahe, the widow of an assassinated Rwandan journalist, and Nedim Senar, a Turkish journalist who was jailed for his exposés on the army’s plot to overthrow the government.

We were the only private company in attendance and spoke about how the open and free Internet has come under attack. Google’s products - from search and Blogger to YouTube and Docs - have been blocked in more than 30 of the 150 countries where we offer our services. At least 17 countries have cut off YouTube at one time or another and it remains off limits today in China, Iran, and more recently, Pakistan. And, of course, there is our experience in 2010 in China ­­ where a steady and measurable increase in censorship in every medium, including the Internet, ultimately led to our decision to stop providing a local search engine.

Our work with Reporters Without Borders continues in the coming weeks with the hosting of the “Netizen of the Year” award ceremony in Paris. We look forward to updating you on this exciting activity shortly.

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Preserving and sharing rich Slovak folklore

The dancers wore colorful linen dresses, a design dating back to the times of the Austro Hungarian Empire. They hopped and skipped to violin-infused beats drawn from the Tatra Mountains. Slovakia boasts a rich history, folklore and traditions and we are delighted to bring it online in a year-long program titled Google to a Slovak Note.

At the project’s recent launch event in Bratislava, the Google Slovak team dressed up in traditional costumes and danced to traditional tunes.

Our project aims to support Slovak tourism and encourage the country’s young generation to remember their roots and heritage. The initiative has been welcomed by Slovakia’s Ministry of Culture, as adding to the important work already undertaken by our partners, the Slovak Folk Art Ensembles Lúčnica, the Slovak Cultural Center and SĽUK.

Google products are being mobilized in the effort to bring Slovak culture online. Our Street View brings online both Slovakia’s man-made and physical beauty. Google maps now include panoramic images of beautiful Slovak towns, as well as soaring peaks of the Tatra and Pieniny National Park and the National Park Slovak Karst. Spa lovers can go on a virtual walk visiting many of Slovak’s famous spas, including Piešťany spa, Bardejovské spa, Rajecké and Trenčianske Teplice. Additional sights of historic interest will be added over the coming year.

The Google homepage doodle is dedicating space to the cause. On launch day, the Google doodle featured Juraj Janosik – Slovakia’s version of Robin Hood. Previously there have also been doodles celebrating leading Slovak writers, such as Ľudovít Štúr, Martin Kukučín and Anton Bernolák.

Google is also helping to digitise classic Slovak literary works, such as the first Slovak grammar book, “Grammatica Slavica”, which helped transform a spoken dialect into a literary language. Written by Anton Bernolák in 1790, this is just one of 50,000 original Slavic works from the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire housed in the Austrian National Library in Vienna.

For more information on specific projects, consult the website naslovenskunotu.sk program.

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

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Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

The sky is rising for Europe’s content industries

The Internet is sometimes accused of damaging the traditional entertainment industry. But a new study shows that the opposite is true: the Internet is driving creativity and revenue opportunities in a way never before seen. The report, sponsored by CCIA, a trade association that counts Google as a member, and produced by market research firm Floor64. It concludes that both production and revenues are increasing in six key European markets for the book, video game, film, and music industries.

A previous version published in 2012 concluded that rising consumer spending likely boosted the entertainment industry in the United States by 50 percent in the decade since 2000.

The present report looks at France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. It shows how the Internet offers creators and artists opportunities to thrive. Technology and online platforms are helping creators make more money every year, both online and offline. The eBook market, for example, saw double-digit growth in all jurisdictions studied between 2010 to 2011.

The Internet brings big benefits to content makers. It lowers their cost of production and distribution, while opening up a new online market. In Germany, for example, Sami Slimani started a lifestyle and fashion channel on YouTube and now has hundreds of thousands of subscribers and over 70 millions views. In the UK, The Slow Mo Guys began experimenting with high-speed cameras in 2004 and now have well over a million subscribers to their YouTube channel.

Online platforms are expanding fast. On YouTube, video uploads have been increasing exponentially. By the end of 2012, more than 72 hours of video was being uploaded to YouTube every minute, a 30% jump from the beginning of the year. YouTube is also paying out more money to our partners. Thousands of channels are now earning over six-figures a year. The music industry alone is currently making hundreds of millions of dollars annually from having their content on YouTube.

We are in a time of transition from one model of production and distribution of media and culture. While certainly that transition won’t be easy for everyone, the future remains bright for European artists, creators, and the industries that support them.

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Promoting Arab Culture Online

The Qatar Foundation recently welcomed more than 400 guests to its shining new auditorium in Doha to celebrate their joint love of all things Arabic. They came to hear about the growing number of locally produced Arabic videos on YouTube - particularly the film Super.Full by Lebanese film-maker and YouTube “Your Film Festival” finalist Naim Itani

The Doha event was just one highlight of Google’s Arabic Web Days, promoting Arabic content online. Today, just three percent of content on the web is in Arabic, even though more than five percent of the world’s web users speak it as their mother tongue. Arabic Web Days showed a deep hunger for more local content. More than half million users showed interest for the campaign, viewing the Arabic Web Days website and YouTube channel.

Arabic Web Day events took place in countries across the Middle East, involving a wide range of companies and organisations. In Abu Dhabi, we partnered with TED and announced a global initiative to enable volunteers to add Arabic subtitles to TED videos. In Jordan, more than 400 developers received training on with Google Translate and a Wikipedia training session encouraged 510 attendees to create articles in Arabic. In Dubai, we ran a training session on online Arabic language tools for journalists at the Dubai Press Club.

Politicians joined in too. In Egypt, the Ministry of Education announced an initiative to create online portals for Arabic educational content. Tunisia's Prime Minister participated in an online discussion with bloggers to talk about Arabic content online. The Telecommunications Regulation Authority in the United Arab Emirates celebrated an official “Arabic Web Day” with workshops on how to help grow the Arabic web.

For a full look, search for “Arabic Web Days” on Google+ (in Arabic, of course!).

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Safer Internet Day: how we help you stay secure online

Technology can sometimes be complicated, but you shouldn’t have to be a computer scientist or security expert to stay safe online. Protecting our users is one of our top priorities at Google. Whether it’s creating easy-to-use tools to help you manage your information online or fighting the bad guys behind the scenes, we’re constantly investing to make Google the best service you can rely on, with security and privacy features that are on 24-7 and working for you.

Last year, we launched Good to Know, our biggest-ever consumer education campaign focused on making the web a safer, more comfortable place. Today, on Safer Internet Day, we’re updating Good to Know to include more tips and advice to help you protect yourself and your family from identity theft, scams and online fraud. You can also learn how to make your computer or mobile device more secure, and get more out of the web—from searching more effectively to making calls from your computer. And you can find out more about how Google works to make you, your device and the whole web safer.

For example, we encrypt the Gmail and Google Search traffic between your computer and Google - this protects your Google activity from being snooped on by others. We also make this protection, known as session-wide SSL encryption, the default when you’re signed into Google Drive. Because outdated software makes your computer more vulnerable to security problems, we built the Chrome browser to auto-update to the latest version every time you start it. It gives you up-to-date security protection without making you do any extra work.

We know staying safe online is important to you - and it is important to us too. So on Safer Internet Day, we’re participating in events in countries across Europe including: one hundred simultaneous online safety workshops with the Italian Postal Police; a Hangout between parliamentarian Trine Bramsen and 80 school kids from a primary school in Højby, Denmark; and a debate about inappropriate content online in Germany, with politicians from the Brandenburg state government and civil society groups. There, we'll be talking about our YouTube 361 campaign to encourage tolerance and respect online:

And in Brussels, we’ll be launching of a new educational handbook for 13-16 year-olds that we have helped develop in collaboration with InSafe, INHOPE, the European Commission, Liberty Global and European Schoolnet (the network of thirty Ministries of Education). The booklet, which will be available in multiple languages, has been extensively tested with young people across Europe, and will guide classroom discussions on digital footprints, reputation, rights and responsibilities online.

We've also been a part of Commissioner Neelie Kroes' Better Internet for Kids initiative, and now support - amongst other commitments - new ways to report harmful content online, including Second Friend and Net Ecoute.

Please find some time today to talk with friends and family about Internet safety. Take affirmative action by making your passwords stronger and turning on 2-step verification to protect your Google Account. And please also visit our new Good to Know site to find more tips and resources to help you stay safe online.

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Big Tent Brussels: Europe's economy and the Internet

Does the Internet encourage innovation in other sectors? How much does it really contribute to Europe's economy? Does it create new jobs, or just displace existing ones?

These are just some of the questions we will be debating on February 20th at our Brussels Big Tent event, held in association with the Irish Presidency.

Richard Bruton, Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation will open the Brussels event. Taylor Reynolds of the OECD will debate the opportunities for economic growth online with Anthony D, Williams, co-author of Wikinomics and Jeff Lynn, Chairman of Coadec.

Professor John Van Reenen from the London School of Economics and Kathryn Parsons, co-founder of Decoded will discuss whether the internet can help solve unemployment in Europe and how productivity gains from technology adoption can drive growth across all sectors of the economy. Innovation Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn will close the event.

The Big Tent event series brings together speakers with diverse points of view to debate some of today’s hot topics around the internet, the economy and society.

We hope you can join us in Brussels on 20th February - please check out the programme and register to attend by 18th February.

Featuring 6 Nations rugby on YouTube

For many European sports lovers, mid-winter means rugby and specifically the RBS 6 Nations rugby tournament. This weekend saw the opening matches and we’re delighted to let you know you can now catch up on all the action on YouTube. The RBS 6 Nations and YouTube are partnering for the next three seasons to bring match highlights and exclusive content to viewers worldwide.

Watch Ireland hold off Wales in Cardiff despite a second half comeback, England overcome the spirited Scots in London, and Italy surprise the French in Rome.

The official YouTube channel, ‘RBS6Nations’, will have highlights from every championship match available to watch within minutes of the end of each match. As an added bonus for viewers in the UK, Ireland and Italy, highlights will be uploaded during the games.

The channel will offer viewers the chance to watch a wealth of archive moments from past tournaments, which will be uploaded on a regular basis. We hope you enjoy our rugby content on YouTube and stay tuned as YouTube adds more high quality sports content.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

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