Alan Turing is one of technology’s heroes — a mathematician and codebreaker who laid the foundation for today’s computing age. In June, we celebrated his 100th birthday with a doodle, blog post and the opening of a major exhibition sponsored by Google honouring his life and legacy. This week we are delighted to support a more whimsical tribute, in the form of the Alan Turing edition of Monopoly.
This special set has been customised to feature locations and interests central to Turing’s life, including never-before-published family photos. With every roll of the dice, players follow in Alan’s footsteps, from Warrington Crescent to Sherborne School, from Hut 8 to Kings College. And while Turing isn’t (yet) on the £10 note, rest assured he’s on all the money in this set!
As a bonus, the set also includes a parchment replica of the hand-drawn Monopoly board on which Alan played against William Newman, the young son of his mathematical mentor Max — and unexpectedly lost.
As the box set booklet describes:
“William had drawn the original board to play upon with his brother, basing the squares around important parts of Cambridge. He also added a few unique twists... including a line which went from Go to the Free Parking square, and a ‘turn around’ square which allowed you to change direction…
One afternoon the Newman household phone rang, with Turing on the other end, asking to speak with William. ‘Did he have a Monopoly board?’ Alan asked, and on hearing that he did, raced round. Turing’s mind was fascinated with codes, and there have long been suggestions he thought there were code-based tactics to playing Monopoly to ensure success. Alas, the hand drawn nature of William’s board (not to mention the unique diagonal straight and ‘turn around’ square) proved otherwise, and the great mathematician was beaten”
This unique box set was developed by Winning Moves and Bletchley Park in collaboration with the Newman and Turing families. Google has paid for the first production run and donated it to Bletchley Park to sell for fundraising. At just £29.99 plus shipping, it would make a superb present for the geek in your life — click here to pre-order.
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