Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

When Bruegel met Google: immerse yourself in a masterpiece

Bruegel the Elder's vibrant, detailed paintings are instantly recognisable, and attract visitors to museums worldwide. But Bruegel fans have to travel, because the pictures can’t: his centuries-old oil paintings on wooden panels are fragile. Now, however, at the initiative of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels, and together with eight major museums around the world, we’ve blended art, virtual reality and our newest technologies to create the Bruegel / Unseen Masterpieces project.

The project brings together a wealth of previously unexplored material online, an exhibition in Brussels, and fascinating new details for audiences worldwide to discover:

Since we started the Google Cultural Institute five years ago, Bruegel has been a star amongst the millions of artefacts available. The lively scenes of everything from rural life to the book of revelation contain many details invisible to the naked eye, which is why you see crowds leaning in towards his paintings in museums. We’re thrilled to be part of a international, collaborative effort with some of the world’s top museums, showing these artworks together, in unprecedented detail, for the first time.

Many of these works haven’t travelled for over 100 years. This collaboration was an opportunity to work with museums from Budapest to New York including galleries in Berlin, London and Copenhagen. Working with them to create ultra-high resolution gigapixel images of their Bruegel paintings has effectively created a new, online gallery dedicated to the Flemish master.

On top of that, when Bruegel died in 1569, he left countless playful, almost-hidden scenes in his works. Every composition depicts a whole host of characters - some familiar, others new - and narrative vignettes that provide a fascinating footnote to history. Think of them as masterpieces within a masterpiece. From today, you can explore them in just a few clicks, with a personal art historian guide by your side.

Expert curators from the participating museums have created 19 online exhibitions exploring Bruegel's life and work, which are available to all on the Google Cultural Institute website. It's a new way to experience them -- through their computer or smartphone, users are transported to a Flemish wedding feast, a skating party, or a harvest festival five centuries ago.

Users can also be plunged into a 360-degree virtual reality universe. Google Cardboard is an affordable virtual reality viewer made of cardboard. For the project, we developed a virtual reality experience, where the Bruegel's Fall of the Rebel Angels comes to life and where viewers can step into the world of its creatures. It's also available on the YouTube channel and mobile application of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.

Together with the Royal Museums of Fine Arts, this project is also an experiment to explore how modern technology can supercharge the museum experience. The virtual exhibitions can be viewed through special terminals, and the museum is also hosting the immersive Bruegel Box. With state of the art projectors, gigapixel renderings of three iconic Bruegel images, and support from energy company Engie, one room of the museum has been transformed. Spectators walk in to find themselves literally in the picture, shoulder-to-shoulder with villagers, preachers and mystical creatures.

The cutting-edge technology we've used in the Bruegel / Unseen Masterpieces / project means our partner museums can share the Flemish master's paintings worldwide. While there's no substitute for seeing the original, with works as old and fragile as these, moving them is not an option. Digital technology offers new solutions to tackle this. It preserves this irreplaceable heritage, provides a new way of seeing the works and give everyone access to culture. The works in the Bruegel Box are physically on display in Brussels, Berlin and Budapest: we're proud to be a part of showing them in one place, in a new way. We’re absolutely delighted that they’re also online, available to view everywhere, at any time -- and we hope you'll enjoy them too.

You can explore all this and more on your mobile and can download the Google Art app for your daily dose of culture - on iOS and Android.

Posted by: Pierre Caessa, program manager at Google Cultural Institute

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Awarding the world’s best data journalism

For the fifth consecutive year, as a part of our commitment to supporting innovative journalism both in Europe and around the world, Google is proud to support the 2016 Data Journalism Awards. The deadline is fast approaching for the only global awards recognising work that brings together data, visualisation and storytelling to produce some of the most innovative journalism out in the world today. Past winners of the €1,000 prizes include the New York Times, ProPublica, The Guardian and Argentina’s La Nación. 2016 hopefuls don’t have long: the deadline for the 2016 Awards is April 10, 2016 at midnight GMT.
Aimed at newsrooms and journalists in organisations of all sizes — big and small — the #DJA2016 awards will recognise the best work in 12 categories, including:
  • Data visualisation of the year
  • Investigation of the year
  • News data app of the year
  • Data journalism website of the year
  • Best individual portfolio
  • Best use of data in a breaking news story
  • Open data award
  • General excellence (jurors’ choice and public choice).
The competition is organised by the Global Editors Network: a cross-platform community of editors-in-chief and media innovators committed to high-quality journalism, with the support of Google and the Knight Foundation. For Google, the Data Journalism Awards offer another way for foster innovation through partnership with the news industry, in addition to our efforts through the Digital News Initiative and the work of the Google News Lab teams around the world. Data journalists, editors and publishers are encouraged to submit their work for consideration by joining the GEN community via this form by 10 April at midnight GMT. A jury of peers from the publishing community, including new jury members Wolfgang Blau from Condé Nast International and Kenneth Cukier from The Economist, will choose the winners, which will be announced during a gala dinner at the Global Editors Network Summit in Vienna on June 16. We wish you all the best of luck!

Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Download Game Clash Royal

Download Game Clash Royal | Clash royal merupakan game sudah lama dirilis oleh Supercell, namun hanya bisa diunduh dibeberapa negara saja. Setelah beberapa bulan menunggu, akhirnya supercell kembali meresmikan peluncuran Clash Royal pada awal maret 2016 secara internasional. Itu artinya, clash royal sudah bisa diunduh dan dimainkan oleh para clasher diberbagai negara.

Karakter pasukan clash royal hampir sama dengan karakter pasukan yang ada di clash of clans. Cara memainkan game clash royal juga sangat mudah. 

Untuk memainkan game clash royal, kita memerlukan koneksi internet agar tetap bisa memainkannya. Seperti pada game clash of clans, di clash royal kita juga akan mencari lawan dan akan melakukan penyerangan. Karakter pasukan dari clash royal berbentuk card/kartu. Untuk menambah kekuatan dari setiap pasukan, teruslah upgrade levelnya anda bisa mengguanakan gems untuk mempercepat upgradenya.

Clash royal juga memiliki arena. Arena clash royal akan terbuka apabila levelnnya sudah naik kelevel tertentu. Untuk mendapatkan game ini bagi pengguna android, anda bisa mengunduhnya di Play Store. Bagi pengguna iOS, clash royal bisa langsung diunduh di AppStore.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016 | Android merupakan smartphone yang paling banyak digunakan dan dipasarkan di indonesia. Berbagai branded telah dihadirkan dan dipasarkan dan mendapatkan respon yang positif dari masyarakat. Selain karena banyaknya brand smartphone yang terus bermunculan, maka market android atau bisa kita sebut dengan play store juga terus menerus mengeluarkan dan memasarkan aplikasi di market android/play store. Penasaran seperti apa aplikasi-aplikasi android terbaru tahun 2016? Silahkan simak berikut ini.

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016
  1. Snapchat, aplikasi ini merupakan salah satu aplikasi IM yang sedang populer saat ini. Aplikasi ini hampir sama dengan aplikasi chatting lainnya. Keistimewaan dari aplikasi ini yaitu, ketika anda mengunggah sebuah foto di snapchat maka dalam beberapa deik foto anda akan segera terhapus. Tujuan dari penghapusan ini yaitu agar foto anda tidak dicuri oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
  2. Vine, salah satu dari sekian banyaknya aplikasi android yang mampu berbagi video pendek hanya dengan durasi 6 detik. Aplikasi vine juga bisa mengunduh viedo orang lain jika menurut anda video orang lain tersebut menarik.
  3. BaBe, salah satu aplikasi android terbaru di google Play Store. Banyak fitur yang ditawarkan oleh aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang mampu mengumpulkan konten berita berdasarkan news feed kedalam satu aplikasi. Aplikasi BaBe bisa memepermudah anda mencari berita terbaru di indonesia dan mancanegara.
  4. Band of the Day, aplikasi android yang mampu memutar lagu terupdate setiap harinya. Aplikas band of the day adalah aplikasi yang bisa membantu anda dalam mencari lagu terupdate dan anda juga bisa memutarnya lagsung dari aplikasi ini.

Untuk mengunduh aplikasi diaatas nada bisa mendapatkan di gogle Play Store. Penasran seperti apa aplikasi android terabaru tahun 2016? Silhakan unduh jika anda berkenan. Terimaskih telahberkunjunh.

Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Adapting our approach to the European right to be forgotten

In the last few weeks, it has been widely reported that we will adapt our approach to delisting search results under the “right to be forgotten” in Europe, in response to discussions with regulators. We’ll be implementing the change next week.

The right to be forgotten — or, more accurately, the “right to delist” — was established by the Court of Justice of the European Union in 2014. It allows Europeans to ask search engines to delist certain links from the set of search results generated by a search query for their name.

At the moment, if someone submits a URL for delisting via our webform and we determine that their request meets the criteria set by the Court (the information to be delisted must be inadequate, irrelevant, no longer relevant or excessive, and not in the public interest), then we will delist the URL from the search results generated in response to a search for their name. Our current practice is to delist from all European versions of Google Search (like,,, etc) simultaneously.

Starting next week, in addition to our existing practice, we will also use geolocation signals (like IP addresses) to restrict access to the delisted URL on all Google Search domains, including, when accessed from the country of the person requesting the removal. We’ll apply the change retrospectively, to all delistings that we have already done under the European Court ruling.

So for example, let’s say we delist a URL as a result of a request from John Smith in the United Kingdom. Users in the UK would not see the URL in search results for queries containing [john smith] when searching on any Google Search domain, including Users outside of the UK could see the URL in search results when they search for [john smith] on any non-European Google Search domain.

We’re changing our approach as a result of specific discussions that we’ve had with EU data protection regulators in recent months. We believe that this additional layer of delisting enables us to provide the enhanced protections that European regulators ask us for, while also upholding the rights of people in other countries to access lawfully published information.

Since May 2014, we’ve worked hard to find the right balance as we implement the European Court’s ruling. Despite occasional disagreements, we’ve maintained a collaborative dialogue with data protection authorities throughout. We’re committed to continuing to work in this way.

A Digital Strategy for the Grand Duchy: Getting Luxembourg Online

One normally doesn't think about small business when it comes to Luxembourg. Yet, SMEs in this country contribute with an overwhelming majority to the economy. Still, despite digital growth in the region there are a host of smaller, home-grown companies which haven’t taken advantage of the opportunities offered online. Although 93% of the population uses the internet -- one of the highest rates in Europe -- just 7% of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) market their products online. Over the past year, Google has partnered with local organizations all over Europe to create courses and train more than one million people, especially entrepreneurs, in digital skills. This week we showcased our latest project in Luxembourg at an event with Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. "The digital revolution is an opportunity if we seize it, and a catastrophe if we let it pass," he told an audience of business owners, IT professionals and civil servants. "We have to be present online -- if you're not, someone else will take that place." Luxembourg's shoppers aren't shy about going online. As Thierry Geerts, Google's Country Director for Belgium and Luxembourg explained at the event, they frequently search for goods and services online. But, out of 100 search queries, only 13% of links led to companies in Luxembourg -- meaning 87% of those opportunities are going to businesses elsewhere. With e-commerce one of the few sectors consistently growing, that's something Luxembourg's SMEs simply can't afford. Mr. Bettel and his colleagues understand that. Digital Luxembourg is a project launched by the government to provide training specially targeted for SMEs, and Luxembourg's Chamber of Commerce set up a training programme together with a number of banking associations known as House of Training. Google is proud to collaborate with House of Training on the Digital Workshop, offering a range of free courses which combine online and offline aspects of building and promoting a business in the digital age. Letzebuergisch entrepreneurs can up their game with seminars, including "Getting your business online," "International exporting" and "How to attract visitors to your website." At the conference, entrepreneurs were inspired by local success stories. will be familiar to many in Brussels -- they provide coach transport from major cities to out-of-town airports like Charleroi and Frankfurt-Hahn. The cheapest and easiest way to book them? Online. Guests also heard from, which sells local product and specialities, and which delivers stylish furniture all over the Grand Duchy. "We have to be prepared for the jobs of tomorrow, and give young people appropriate training," Mr. Bettel told delegates. When it comes to the business of online commerce, "we are standing on the platform, but we need to get on the train," he concluded. Hopefully, it will be full speed ahead for SMEs with Digital Luxembourg -- especially with free training courses for essential digital skills.
Posted by: Caroline Coesemans, public policy manager for Google Belgium & Luxembourg

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

Harga Advan i55 Dengan layar 5,5 Inci

Harga Advan i55 Dengan layar 5,5 inci : Setelah sukses dengan seri-seri sebelumnya kini Advan kembali mengeluarkan Seri terbarunya yakni i5 dan seri yang satu ini sudah mendukun jaringan 4G LTE. Desain dari Advan i55 ini bertema unibody dengan didukung kaca 2.5D yang keren.

Smartphone Advan i55 ini Selain menyajikan layar dengan ukuran 5,5 inci juga memiliki Resolusi HD 1280 x 720 pixel, yang juga berteknologi IPS (in-Plan Switching). Smartphone ini menggunakan Sistem Operasi Android 5.1 Lollipop.

Kemampuan Andvan i55 ini mengandalkan chipset MT6736P dengan Prosesor ARM Cortex-A53 quad-core dengan kecepatan 1GHz yang menggunakan memori RAM Sebesar 2GB dengan Gratis Mali-T720MP2. Advan i55 ini di lengkapi dengan kamera 13 megapiksel dan sensor BSI autofokus beserta LED Flash dan kamera depan 5 megapiksel.

Advan i55 juga di persenjatai dengan memori internal sebesar 16 GB dengan slot microSD untuk memori eksternalnya sendiri 32Gb. Kapasitas baterai Advan i5 ini sebesar 2400mAH yang juga dilengkapi dual SIM,WIFI, 3D HSPA,GPRS, dan port Micro USB.
Harga Advan i55 ini Rp.1,899.000 juta dengan warna hitam emas. harga yang kami tampilkan bisa berubah kapan saja.

Aplikasi Belajar Bahasa Jepang Di Android

Aplikasi Belajar Bahasa Jepang Di Android - Adakah dari kalian yang telah menjadi penggemar grup idola dari dalam negeri yang bernama JKT48? Salah satu imbas positif dari lahirnya JKT48 ini salah satunya adalah banyak dari para penggemar yang menjadi semakin penasaran dengan bahasa Jepang. Member JKT48 pun sering sekali menyapa para fansnya yang ada di dunia maya dengan memakai kosa kata atau

Accessible technology: helping people to lead more independent lives

This week at the European Parliament, together with the European Disability Forum and our host MEP Evelyne Gebhardt, we explored the many ways that technology can assist people with disabilities to live more independently. European nonprofit innovators from France, Germany, Austria and the UK presented their inspiring projects and wowed the audience. At Google we believe technology can enable independence for people with disabilities. Launched in May of last year, the Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities is putting $20 million in grants behind nonprofits using emerging technologies to realize that potential, and we were proud to spotlight four of their projects in the EU capital. We hope their work will spark continued innovation for people with disabilities. Here are a few examples of the European projects that attended the event:
HD_Guillaume Chatelier Mai 2015 Main Open Bionics CC by SA.jpgNicolas Huchet, My Human Kit, Impact Challenge grantee
  • My Human Kit, whose founder Nicolas Huchet from France lost his right hand in an accident at 18. Unhappy with the high cost of prosthetics, he decided to launch an online platform to connect people in need of prosthetics to low-cost, open-source 3D printed models.
  • U.K.’s Wayfindr, which is enabling people with visual impairments navigate urban transport systems, retail spaces, and other indoor environments using beacon technology. Research shows that 43% of people with visual impairments would like to leave their homes more often, but navigating independently is challenging, especially indoors.
  • BLITAB, a joint project with the Royal National Institute of Blind People to develop a Braille display tablet that will enable people with visual impairments to access more content in real-time. It was founded by 3 Bulgarians living in Austria.
  • Wheelmap, which started in Germany and is creating a global dataset of accessible locations for people with disabilities. The crowdsourced model allows people to score public and private locations like banks, hospitals and post offices on accessibility.
Attendees engaged in a lively debate that underscored the importance of both considering accessibility from the start of product design and understanding the diverse needs of users to ensure new technologies are meeting the right needs.

More than anything, said Rodolfo Cattani, General Secretary of the European Disability Forum, it’s important to remember that the notion of “a normal user” simply does not exist.

Posted by: Florian Maganza, EMEA lead at