Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016
Game Multiplayer Android Terbaik Seru dan Menantang
Game Multiplayer Android Terbaik - Bermain game adalah salah satu hiburan yang sangat sering dilakukan orang pada saat bosan. Smartphone android memang menjadi salah satu perangkat gaming yang lumayan populer akhir-akhir ini sebab kita dapat memainkan game dimanapun dan kapanpun asalkan masih terisi batrenya ya haha..... Akan tetapi bila bermain game sendirian rasanya juga kurang greget gimana
Kamis, 25 Februari 2016
Alasan Mengapa Lebih Memilih Smartphone Android
Bukan menjadi sebuah kebetulan saja apabila sekarang ini anda memiliki smartphone ber OS (Operating System) Android. Tentunya sebelum Anda membuat sebuah keputusan untuk membeli sebuah smartphone, sebenarnya Anda telah mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor penting tentang spesifikasi smartphone tersebut, misalnya seperti RAM, layar, kamera, multimedia, prosesor, desain, OS bahkan hingga dengan jumlah
Virus Trojan Android Acecard
Tim riset Anti-malware Kaspersky baru-baru ini mendeteksi adanya virus trojan android paling berbahaya yang pernah ada karena virus trojan android ini menyerang sistem aplikasi perbankan yang pasti memiliki data-data rahasia yang harus disimpan.
Malvare virus trojan android ini setidaknya telah menyerang lebih dari 50 aplikasi keuangan berbeda yang lebih bahaya lagi virus trojan android ini mampu mem-bypass google play store sehingga tidak terlacak sebagai trojan android yang berbahaya.
Pada kuartal ketiga tahun 2015 lalu kaspersky-lab mendeteksi peningkatan jumlah serangan mobile banking di Australia. Hal ini tampak mencurigakan dan ditemukan bahwa alasa utama peningkatan lonjakan aplikasi perbankan tersebut disebabkan oleh virus trojan android. Apa nama trojan android paling berbahaya yang mengintai aplikasi perbankan tersebut ?
Baca Kelanjutannya»
How big is Google’s growth engine?
Over the last year, we’ve been telling the stories of our partners - the small businesses, creators and entrepreneurs who use Google products to help them to be more successful online. For them, Google is not just a search engine, but a growth engine that is powering their businesses. They tell us our tools help them connect with new customers, connect with global audiences and build the next great products. And while we’ve been focused on telling their stories, we asked Deloitte to calculate how big of an economic impact our tools have. They looked at four of our markets in Europe: Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. It turns out that our technology and tools are helping all kinds of businesses make a substantial economic contribution to these countries by generating revenue and supporting jobs across the economy. Deloitte’s studies looked at how businesses use our Search and advertising products to connect businesses with customers; how content creators leverage our tools to reach large audiences and monetise their content; how app developers use Android and the Play Store to connect to billions of consumers; and how our collaboration tools help to make Europeans more productive. The full reports give a detailed analysis of the impact of these products. One of the most interesting findings was the return on investment for businesses using AdWords - our Search advertising tool. Deloitte found that businesses receive between €3-€8 in gross advertising profits for every €1 they invest. “Today, every business is a digital business - because every customer is a digital customer,” said Matt Brittin, Google’s EMEA President. “And thanks to the digital revolution, every business can be a global business. We are proud of the role Google products play in helping businesses make the most of the digital opportunity.” The study highlights how businesses use our tools to bring in new customers and expand to new markets - whether that is across town, across the country or across the EU and beyond. These are businesses like ChipsAway, a car body repair specialist based in Oxfordshire. They use Google AdWords to target their marketing to a 15-mile radius of their location and have seen a 15-20% increase in business since they launched the campaign. Here are some of the key figures. The figures are reported as a range as the analyses use a range of inputs in its methodology.
We're proud that the Deloitte study confirms what we believed to be true: that our tools and services are bringing positive economic impact to all kinds of businesses and creators around Europe. Here you can find the full reports for Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Posted by Jon Steinberg, Public Policy Manager, EMEA
Economic Impact of Search and AdWords | Jobs Supported by Search and AdWords | Economic Impact of Publisher Tool (AdSense) | Economic Impact of YouTube | Productivity Benefits | |
Germany | €7bn - €30bn | 120,000 - 490,000 | €480m - €560m | €30m - €80m | €65m - €151m |
Italy | €2bn - €10bn | 40,000 - 170,000 | €207m - €214m | €30m - €40m | €64m - €123m |
Spain | €2bn - €7bn | 40,000 - 130,000 | €105m - €300m | €10m - €30m | €43m - €103m |
UK | €13.9bn - €34.7bn | 210,000 - 530,000 | €301m - €676m | €68m - €131m | €200m - €385m |
Game Simulator Kereta Api Android Terbaik
Game simulator kereta api android terbaik - Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan paling utama bagi setiap orang. Namun terkadang seringkali anda mengalami kemacetan luar biasa panjang serta memelahkan. Karena banyaknya kendaraan pribadi serta perbaikan, hingga jalan yang rusak juga ambil andil yang membuat kemacetan anda semakin panjang. Namun kemacetan bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan angkutan umum,
Aplikasi Pendeteksi Gempa Untuk Android
Gambar : MyShake |
Info aplikasi android juga pernah posting tentang aplikasi pendeteksi gempa untuk android yang dibuat oleh BMKG pada info gempa dan cuaca BMKG. Pada kesempatan ini akan berbagi aplikasi deteksi gempa yang dibuat oleh UC Barkeley Seismological Laboratory. Apa nama aplikasi deteksi gempa android dari UC Barkeley tersebut ?
Baca Kelanjutannya»
Rabu, 24 Februari 2016
4 Aplikasi Terjemah Android Terbaik
Apakah teman-teman mencari aplikasi translate untuk android terbaik ? Ketika belajar bahasa pemrograman atau berinteraksi dengan mereka yang memiliki bahasa yang berbeda dengan bahasa yang kita gunakan, maka kita butuh orangaplikasi agar kita paham apa yang mereka bicarakan.
Ketika kalian mencari aplikasi translate terbaik untuk android di Google Play Store bisa jadi pusing sendiri karena banyaknya pilihan aplikasi terjemahan untuk android terbaik dari sekian banyaknya aplikasi.
Untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat proses mendownload aplikasi terjemah android terbaik, silahkan membaca terus postingan blog info download aplikasi android gratis ini. Oke teman-teman langsung saja apa saja daftar aplikasi translate terbaik untuk android ?
Baca Kelanjutannya»
Knowledge for everyone
Earlier today, Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO, spoke to a crowd at Paris's Sciences Po about innovation, Google's commitment to Europe and our ongoing collaboration with journalists and publishers, the Digital News Initiative. His speech is pasted in full below.
Bonjour. Thank you for coming. And thank you to Bruno and the Board of Sciences Po for hosting me today. It’s an honour to be here.
I have visited Paris many times. I have a great love of France - I even studied French for two years in high school! My affinity for this country, for this city, for your way of life, is strong, which is why I felt an unshakeable solidarity with you watching the senseless events of a few months ago. I want you to know that as you recover and rebuild, Google stands with you.
This is my first visit to Paris as CEO of Google, and also my first time here at Sciences Po. But it’s not Google’s first time in this room. Six years ago, our chairman, Eric Schmidt, stood right here to outline a series of major investments in France. I’m glad to say that those investments - in our Paris R+D centre, and in the Google Cultural Institute - are thriving.
Those investments - and others we have made since - further our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally useful and accessible. The Internet has transformed the way we work and learn and live - enabling people to connect with loved ones, educate themselves, start a business, explore the world.
I believe in the incredibly empowering and democratizing effect of putting knowledge in the hands of everyone, everywhere.
That belief is what drives us to fulfill our mission. And it’s a belief we share with France. Yet, four billion of the world’s seven billion population either can’t access the Internet or have much poorer experiences when they get online.
So we still have much work to do.
We’re committed to making knowledge available to more people, no matter where they may be, no matter what language they speak, no matter how they are accessing the Internet. We’re committed to building for everyone.
Google in France
What we’ve learned over the years is that in order to build for everyone, we must focus on partnership. We are proud of our relationship with France. We now have a total of 700 Googlers here--and we’re growing. Our R&D Center has 130 engineers working on Chrome for Mobile and on our YouTube recommendation engine
We have established the Google Cultural Institute here in Paris: they create amazing tools to help cultural organisations bring their treasures online. In five years, it has grown to include the collections of more than 1,000 museums and cultural institutions around the world, including 50 French partners like the Musee d’Orsay and Versailles.
Now, there’s no real substitute for seeing Vigee Le Brun’s Marie Antoinette up close… but for a lot of people that’s just not possible. We want to help them experience and be inspired by the amazing things you have to offer here in France, at virtually no cost. What would Marie Antoinette have thought of that?
One of our engineers here in Paris created Cardboard - an effort to democratize virtual reality. It’s a Virtual Reality viewer costing just a few Euros. Schoolchildren around the world can now make virtual expeditions to places they wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to go - to climb Mont Blanc, or go on stage at the Paris Ballet.
But it’s not just our own projects we’re investing in. Google is more committed than ever to investing in France by helping build an environment where everyone can bring their great ideas to life.
Digital skills
As the French economy becomes more and more digital, it also gets stronger and stronger. The opportunity is huge: according to McKinsey, if French companies speed up their transition to digital, France can add 100 billion euros a year to GDP by 2020.
Digital skills are vital. We’ve partnered with Chambers of Commerce across France to train small business in digital skills. So far, we've trained more than 50,000 SMBs through our Google Pour les Pros program.
Today I am delighted to announce that we’re expanding our program in France to help not just SMBs, but also young job-seekers, students and teachers, as well as those who are socially and digitally disadvantaged.
We’ve set ourselves an ambitious target: to train 200,000 people in France by the end of 2016. We will work with local nonprofits, universities, chambers of commerce and incubators to meet our goal. Through, we will work with Emmaüs Connect to create a program to help disadvantaged people get the digital skills they need.
And to encourage entrepreneurship, we have been working for three years with NUMA - the first and largest French startup space. I’m delighted to announce that we are renewing our partnership, with an additional investment of 1 million Euros.
The importance of partnership
Google works hard to be a growth engine. A key part of our role is to create tools that others can use, to create and share and spread knowledge themselves. For everyone, by everyone.
Our partners here are doing amazing work - using technology to make life better for people in France and around the world.
Take Android, for example - it can be used by any handset manufacturer, enabling small players to compete with the bigger ones. Wiko is a French company that is now the second biggest supplier of phones in France, after Samsung. And according to recent research, the growth in mobile phone usage has created more than 170,000 jobs for app developers in France.
Or take YouTube: anyone can create something that everyone can see. Sounds simple, but it’s a profound change in the way we communicate and share with each other.
Just ask French creators like EnjoyPhoenix, who started as a teenager, offering beauty tips for girls. And now has 2.2 million subscribers… and is working with global French brands like L’Oreal. Just one of a growing list of French creators using YouTube to build a following and reach a worldwide audience.
Partnering with Publishers
Of course, you can’t have a conversation about great content and partnership without addressing the importance of the publishing industry and journalism. It’s great to be partnering on today’s event with the Sciences Po Journalism School and with the Global Editors Network, based here in Paris.
I have a strong personal connection to journalism: I grew up in a house in India, where “access to information” meant the newspaper. I would get so excited as a kid to get my hands on the paper. In my case, it was The Hindu. It would arrive, and my dad got to read it first. And then my grandfather. I’d wait patiently for my turn … and then devour it. It taught me the true value of information. In fact, it was one of my main motivators for getting my first job--finally I’d get to read the paper first!
So, I care deeply about journalism. And Google cares deeply about journalism - yes, because of the crucial role it plays in democratic society, ensuring the spread of knowledge and the free flow of information. But also because the value of our services, like search, is directly related to having a rich and sustainable knowledge ecosystem.
Put simply, our futures are tied together. So we ought to be good partners. But over the last few years, in discussion with news publishers, we’ve heard that we can do better. So, we’ve been consulting and working closely together to find better ways to collaborate
Here in France, we have a history of this kind of collaboration. In 2013 Google and news publishers launched the French Innovation Fund--60 million Euros--to promote innovation and help develop new business models.
Over the last year we have built on that with the Digital News Initiative - a collaboration between Google and news publishers across Europe. We are committed to ongoing discussion between the tech and news sectors. To promote innovation in digital journalism. And play our part in building a more sustainable news ecosystem.
The DNI started in April last year with 11 founding partners. Today, more than 160 news organisations across Europe participate in the DNI. In France, Les Echos was a founding member - and many others have joined
But let me be clear: participating in the Digital News Initiative is not about buying into Google’s worldview. It is about discussion, debate, and getting things done together. It’s open to everyone involved in news in Europe.
And I hope the few announcements I am about to make encourage you all to join us.
DNI Innovation Fund
First, the DNI European Innovation Fund. Last April we announced we had set aside 150 million euros to help stimulate innovation in digital journalism, which we’ll make available to fund projects over the next three years.
The aim is to spark new thinking, which could come from anywhere, to give news organisations of all sizes the space to try new things and get projects off the drawing board and into production.
In October, we opened up the first application round… and it’s clear the appetite for innovation in news is huge.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that the DNI Innovation Fund will be offering 27 million euros to 128 projects in 23 countries across Europe.
The funding will go to a wide variety of organisations - from small startups to large, established news players. Their projects have been wonderfully diverse, ranging from automated content personalisation and robot journalism, to hoax busting apps and tools to verify social media in real-time reporting... and much more besides!
This is just the first round. We received a huge number of applications--a great sign!--and we want to keep the momentum going. The next round will open before the summer.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Second, I want to tell you about the progress we are making on the open source Accelerated Mobile Pages project. This project was born out of conversations with publishers in Europe and around the world - we’re now working with hundreds of publishers, social networks, analytics groups, ad networks and more.
Smartphones and tablets have revolutionized the way we access information, and today people consume a tremendous amount of news on their phones. But every time a webpage takes too long to load, publishers risk losing a reader. We want the mobile Web to live up to its potential -- to make it great for everyone, so they can quickly and easily get to the high-quality journalism you are producing.
We’re doing that by building AMP HTML together with the industry - which allows sites to build light-weight versions of pages that will load instantaneously on mobile. It means the same code works across multiple platforms, apps, browsers and devices. It supports a wide choice of ad servers and formats, as well as news sites which use paywalls. And through analytics and reporting - it will help publishers craft the best content and cultivate more loyal readers.
I believe the project has huge potential and today, I’m excited to announce that Accelerated Mobile Pages are now live in Google’s mobile search.
Here’s what it looks like: a search carousel surfacing more news content - beautifully and instantly. Loading 4 times faster, using 10 times less data.
I’m delighted that we have a number of French publishers going live in AMP today - including TF1, Les Echos, Ouest France and Vingt Minutes - and hundreds of partners globally. This is a priority project for Google and for me.
Project Shield
Third: I want to tell you about an initiative called Project Shield. There are times when news content is impossible to get to--NOT because the page loads slowly, but because it’s been subject to an attack.
For example, someone doesn’t like what you are reporting and initiates what’s called a Distributed Denial of Service - or DDoS - attack to destabilize your website and make it hard for people to read your content. People come to your site, urgently needing information, and instead they find… nothing.
This goes well beyond slow scrolling and loading of pages. It’s an attack on the very essence of what you do, and it is happening all the time. For less than 100 Euros, someone who disagrees with what a journalist is reporting can purchase a DDoS attack online, which simply directs hundreds of thousands of compromised computers to visit that news site, crashing it.
Two years ago Google Ideas (now known as Jigsaw) asked: “Google has pretty great DDoS protection - what if we could put independent news sites behind that protection, regardless of where they are hosted?”
That idea turned into Project Shield. Shield works by using a technology called a reverse proxy, which lets Google intercept bad traffic before it reaches your server, providing a “shield” against would-be attackers.
I am happy to announce today that we will be offering Project Shield to all the world’s independent news organizations. For free. We hope that in the future even the smallest news organizations will be able to report the news without the fear of being taken down by digital attacks.
All of these efforts represent the ways we are working with your country, with your industry to fulfill our mission, and hopefully help you fulfill yours. By bringing people more and better information in more and better ways, you empower them. You allow them to create and connect and share, bringing them into the embrace of the powerful global community that only technology has made possible.
You give them knowledge. Nothing can be more valuable than that.
That, in the end, defines everything we stand for: we believe deeply in spreading knowledge to make life better for everyone. It’s at the heart of Google’s mission, it is the mission of publishers and journalists, it is in DNA of France itself. I am personally committed to this, and I look forward to working with you all to get it done.
Merci beaucoup!
Bonjour. Thank you for coming. And thank you to Bruno and the Board of Sciences Po for hosting me today. It’s an honour to be here.
I have visited Paris many times. I have a great love of France - I even studied French for two years in high school! My affinity for this country, for this city, for your way of life, is strong, which is why I felt an unshakeable solidarity with you watching the senseless events of a few months ago. I want you to know that as you recover and rebuild, Google stands with you.
This is my first visit to Paris as CEO of Google, and also my first time here at Sciences Po. But it’s not Google’s first time in this room. Six years ago, our chairman, Eric Schmidt, stood right here to outline a series of major investments in France. I’m glad to say that those investments - in our Paris R+D centre, and in the Google Cultural Institute - are thriving.
Those investments - and others we have made since - further our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally useful and accessible. The Internet has transformed the way we work and learn and live - enabling people to connect with loved ones, educate themselves, start a business, explore the world.
I believe in the incredibly empowering and democratizing effect of putting knowledge in the hands of everyone, everywhere.
That belief is what drives us to fulfill our mission. And it’s a belief we share with France. Yet, four billion of the world’s seven billion population either can’t access the Internet or have much poorer experiences when they get online.
So we still have much work to do.
We’re committed to making knowledge available to more people, no matter where they may be, no matter what language they speak, no matter how they are accessing the Internet. We’re committed to building for everyone.
Google in France
What we’ve learned over the years is that in order to build for everyone, we must focus on partnership. We are proud of our relationship with France. We now have a total of 700 Googlers here--and we’re growing. Our R&D Center has 130 engineers working on Chrome for Mobile and on our YouTube recommendation engine
We have established the Google Cultural Institute here in Paris: they create amazing tools to help cultural organisations bring their treasures online. In five years, it has grown to include the collections of more than 1,000 museums and cultural institutions around the world, including 50 French partners like the Musee d’Orsay and Versailles.
Now, there’s no real substitute for seeing Vigee Le Brun’s Marie Antoinette up close… but for a lot of people that’s just not possible. We want to help them experience and be inspired by the amazing things you have to offer here in France, at virtually no cost. What would Marie Antoinette have thought of that?
One of our engineers here in Paris created Cardboard - an effort to democratize virtual reality. It’s a Virtual Reality viewer costing just a few Euros. Schoolchildren around the world can now make virtual expeditions to places they wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to go - to climb Mont Blanc, or go on stage at the Paris Ballet.
But it’s not just our own projects we’re investing in. Google is more committed than ever to investing in France by helping build an environment where everyone can bring their great ideas to life.
Digital skills
As the French economy becomes more and more digital, it also gets stronger and stronger. The opportunity is huge: according to McKinsey, if French companies speed up their transition to digital, France can add 100 billion euros a year to GDP by 2020.
Digital skills are vital. We’ve partnered with Chambers of Commerce across France to train small business in digital skills. So far, we've trained more than 50,000 SMBs through our Google Pour les Pros program.
Today I am delighted to announce that we’re expanding our program in France to help not just SMBs, but also young job-seekers, students and teachers, as well as those who are socially and digitally disadvantaged.
We’ve set ourselves an ambitious target: to train 200,000 people in France by the end of 2016. We will work with local nonprofits, universities, chambers of commerce and incubators to meet our goal. Through, we will work with Emmaüs Connect to create a program to help disadvantaged people get the digital skills they need.
And to encourage entrepreneurship, we have been working for three years with NUMA - the first and largest French startup space. I’m delighted to announce that we are renewing our partnership, with an additional investment of 1 million Euros.
The importance of partnership
Google works hard to be a growth engine. A key part of our role is to create tools that others can use, to create and share and spread knowledge themselves. For everyone, by everyone.
Our partners here are doing amazing work - using technology to make life better for people in France and around the world.
Take Android, for example - it can be used by any handset manufacturer, enabling small players to compete with the bigger ones. Wiko is a French company that is now the second biggest supplier of phones in France, after Samsung. And according to recent research, the growth in mobile phone usage has created more than 170,000 jobs for app developers in France.
Or take YouTube: anyone can create something that everyone can see. Sounds simple, but it’s a profound change in the way we communicate and share with each other.
Just ask French creators like EnjoyPhoenix, who started as a teenager, offering beauty tips for girls. And now has 2.2 million subscribers… and is working with global French brands like L’Oreal. Just one of a growing list of French creators using YouTube to build a following and reach a worldwide audience.
Partnering with Publishers
Of course, you can’t have a conversation about great content and partnership without addressing the importance of the publishing industry and journalism. It’s great to be partnering on today’s event with the Sciences Po Journalism School and with the Global Editors Network, based here in Paris.
I have a strong personal connection to journalism: I grew up in a house in India, where “access to information” meant the newspaper. I would get so excited as a kid to get my hands on the paper. In my case, it was The Hindu. It would arrive, and my dad got to read it first. And then my grandfather. I’d wait patiently for my turn … and then devour it. It taught me the true value of information. In fact, it was one of my main motivators for getting my first job--finally I’d get to read the paper first!
So, I care deeply about journalism. And Google cares deeply about journalism - yes, because of the crucial role it plays in democratic society, ensuring the spread of knowledge and the free flow of information. But also because the value of our services, like search, is directly related to having a rich and sustainable knowledge ecosystem.
Put simply, our futures are tied together. So we ought to be good partners. But over the last few years, in discussion with news publishers, we’ve heard that we can do better. So, we’ve been consulting and working closely together to find better ways to collaborate
Here in France, we have a history of this kind of collaboration. In 2013 Google and news publishers launched the French Innovation Fund--60 million Euros--to promote innovation and help develop new business models.
Over the last year we have built on that with the Digital News Initiative - a collaboration between Google and news publishers across Europe. We are committed to ongoing discussion between the tech and news sectors. To promote innovation in digital journalism. And play our part in building a more sustainable news ecosystem.
The DNI started in April last year with 11 founding partners. Today, more than 160 news organisations across Europe participate in the DNI. In France, Les Echos was a founding member - and many others have joined
But let me be clear: participating in the Digital News Initiative is not about buying into Google’s worldview. It is about discussion, debate, and getting things done together. It’s open to everyone involved in news in Europe.
And I hope the few announcements I am about to make encourage you all to join us.
DNI Innovation Fund
First, the DNI European Innovation Fund. Last April we announced we had set aside 150 million euros to help stimulate innovation in digital journalism, which we’ll make available to fund projects over the next three years.
The aim is to spark new thinking, which could come from anywhere, to give news organisations of all sizes the space to try new things and get projects off the drawing board and into production.
In October, we opened up the first application round… and it’s clear the appetite for innovation in news is huge.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that the DNI Innovation Fund will be offering 27 million euros to 128 projects in 23 countries across Europe.
The funding will go to a wide variety of organisations - from small startups to large, established news players. Their projects have been wonderfully diverse, ranging from automated content personalisation and robot journalism, to hoax busting apps and tools to verify social media in real-time reporting... and much more besides!
This is just the first round. We received a huge number of applications--a great sign!--and we want to keep the momentum going. The next round will open before the summer.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Second, I want to tell you about the progress we are making on the open source Accelerated Mobile Pages project. This project was born out of conversations with publishers in Europe and around the world - we’re now working with hundreds of publishers, social networks, analytics groups, ad networks and more.
Smartphones and tablets have revolutionized the way we access information, and today people consume a tremendous amount of news on their phones. But every time a webpage takes too long to load, publishers risk losing a reader. We want the mobile Web to live up to its potential -- to make it great for everyone, so they can quickly and easily get to the high-quality journalism you are producing.
We’re doing that by building AMP HTML together with the industry - which allows sites to build light-weight versions of pages that will load instantaneously on mobile. It means the same code works across multiple platforms, apps, browsers and devices. It supports a wide choice of ad servers and formats, as well as news sites which use paywalls. And through analytics and reporting - it will help publishers craft the best content and cultivate more loyal readers.
I believe the project has huge potential and today, I’m excited to announce that Accelerated Mobile Pages are now live in Google’s mobile search.
Here’s what it looks like: a search carousel surfacing more news content - beautifully and instantly. Loading 4 times faster, using 10 times less data.
I’m delighted that we have a number of French publishers going live in AMP today - including TF1, Les Echos, Ouest France and Vingt Minutes - and hundreds of partners globally. This is a priority project for Google and for me.
Project Shield
Third: I want to tell you about an initiative called Project Shield. There are times when news content is impossible to get to--NOT because the page loads slowly, but because it’s been subject to an attack.
For example, someone doesn’t like what you are reporting and initiates what’s called a Distributed Denial of Service - or DDoS - attack to destabilize your website and make it hard for people to read your content. People come to your site, urgently needing information, and instead they find… nothing.
This goes well beyond slow scrolling and loading of pages. It’s an attack on the very essence of what you do, and it is happening all the time. For less than 100 Euros, someone who disagrees with what a journalist is reporting can purchase a DDoS attack online, which simply directs hundreds of thousands of compromised computers to visit that news site, crashing it.
Two years ago Google Ideas (now known as Jigsaw) asked: “Google has pretty great DDoS protection - what if we could put independent news sites behind that protection, regardless of where they are hosted?”
That idea turned into Project Shield. Shield works by using a technology called a reverse proxy, which lets Google intercept bad traffic before it reaches your server, providing a “shield” against would-be attackers.
I am happy to announce today that we will be offering Project Shield to all the world’s independent news organizations. For free. We hope that in the future even the smallest news organizations will be able to report the news without the fear of being taken down by digital attacks.
All of these efforts represent the ways we are working with your country, with your industry to fulfill our mission, and hopefully help you fulfill yours. By bringing people more and better information in more and better ways, you empower them. You allow them to create and connect and share, bringing them into the embrace of the powerful global community that only technology has made possible.
You give them knowledge. Nothing can be more valuable than that.
That, in the end, defines everything we stand for: we believe deeply in spreading knowledge to make life better for everyone. It’s at the heart of Google’s mission, it is the mission of publishers and journalists, it is in DNA of France itself. I am personally committed to this, and I look forward to working with you all to get it done.
Merci beaucoup!
Digital News Initiative: First Funding Brings EUR 27m to Projects in 23 Countries
In October, we issued an open call for applications to the first round of the Digital News Initiative Innovation Fund. The EUR 150m fund is designed to spark new thinking and give European news organisations of all sizes the space to try some new things, experiment and innovate in the digital space. Today, at Sciences Po in Paris, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, announced that 128 organisations hailing from 23 European countries are being offered funding. All told, just over EUR 27m in funding will be put to work in projects large and small to advance innovation across the industry. We can’t dive deep into details as recipients are still being notified, but here are a few projects that demonstrate new thinking in the practice of digital journalism, and who we’re particularly proud to be offering funding. Spain’s will create a new journalism funding system that will identify niche groups of audiences and invite them to fund a specific story or top up the financial gap in an important area of coverage. Building on a traditional crowd-funding model, the project will leverage the existing relationship between the news organisation behind the platform and a community of millions of readers.
The German startup Spectrm will build an artificial intelligence engine to help publishers communicate directly with readers--and distribute content--on a 1:1 basis through instant messaging apps.
For a primer/reminder on how the Fund works and is governed, click here, and for the full list of projects when confirmed, please check the DNI website as we will be updating it. We’ll be opening the application cycle again before the summer and we look forward to receiving even more big ideas in the next round of applications. But as we shared in April at the launch of the Digital News Initiative, a collaboration with European news organisations to support high quality journalism through technology and innovation--product development is as important to the effort as funding is. To continue to demonstrate that, our teams in Mountain View had even more to share with the news industry this week. Beginning today Accelerated Mobile Pages, the open-source code project that enables the loading of mobile news content up to 4x faster than traditional HTML, will begin appearing in Google Search in a dedicated carousel to help users find super fast content even faster. Today publishers and platforms from six European countries are celebrating that update alongside us, as well as significant advancements in the advertising, analytics and paywall features of the product. Additionally, Project Shield, an effort born out of Jigsaw, formerly Google Ideas, will help news sites better protect themselves from DDoS attacks, particularly in parts of the world where accurate information from independent journalists is more important than ever. This project, which has been in beta, will now become a tool available for independent news organizationseven more widely at As of today, the Digital New Initiative is a collaboration between Google and more than 160 news publishers across Europe. We’re incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made together thus far--and are excited for the continued possibilities down the road.
Ludovic Blecher, Head of Digital News Initiative Innovation Fund
AMPing up in mobile Search
Cross posted from the Official Google Blog
Access to information is at the heart of Google’s mission. Unfortunately, today, the mobile web isn't living up to the expectations people have for getting the information they need, particularly when it comes to speed. In fact, data shows that people abandon websites after just three seconds if the content doesn't load quickly—which is bad not just for people trying to get what they want online, but for the publishers who want those readers to enjoy the content they've created for them. That's why, last October, we joined others across the industry on the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP for short), an open source initiative to make the mobile web as fast as possible.
In just over four months, AMP has come a long way, with hundreds of publishers, scores of technology companies and ad-tech businesses all taking part in this joint mission to improve the mobile web for everyone. And starting today, we’ll make it easy to find AMP webpages in relevant mobile search results, giving you a lightning-fast reading experience for top stories.
Now when you search for a story or topic on Google from a mobile device, webpages created using AMP will appear when relevant in the Top Stories section of the search results page. Any story you choose to read will load blazingly fast—and it’s easy to scroll through the article without it taking forever to load or jumping all around as you read. It’s also easy to quickly flip through the search results just by swiping from one full-page AMP story to the next.
AMP is great for browsing the web on mobile devices, because webpages built with AMP load an average of four times faster and use 10 times less data than equivalent non-AMP pages. In many cases, they’ll load instantly. It's how reading on the mobile web should be—fast, responsive and fun.
While helping people find fast AMP content through Google Search is a significant step, there’s still a lot of work ahead for the open source AMP Project. Still, it’s been thrilling to see how the industry has come together to work on this common goal of making the mobile web great for everyone. And given the potential AMP holds for other types of content, we’re excited about what the future holds.
Posted by David Besbris, VP Engineering, Search
Access to information is at the heart of Google’s mission. Unfortunately, today, the mobile web isn't living up to the expectations people have for getting the information they need, particularly when it comes to speed. In fact, data shows that people abandon websites after just three seconds if the content doesn't load quickly—which is bad not just for people trying to get what they want online, but for the publishers who want those readers to enjoy the content they've created for them. That's why, last October, we joined others across the industry on the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP for short), an open source initiative to make the mobile web as fast as possible.
In just over four months, AMP has come a long way, with hundreds of publishers, scores of technology companies and ad-tech businesses all taking part in this joint mission to improve the mobile web for everyone. And starting today, we’ll make it easy to find AMP webpages in relevant mobile search results, giving you a lightning-fast reading experience for top stories.
Now when you search for a story or topic on Google from a mobile device, webpages created using AMP will appear when relevant in the Top Stories section of the search results page. Any story you choose to read will load blazingly fast—and it’s easy to scroll through the article without it taking forever to load or jumping all around as you read. It’s also easy to quickly flip through the search results just by swiping from one full-page AMP story to the next.
AMP is great for browsing the web on mobile devices, because webpages built with AMP load an average of four times faster and use 10 times less data than equivalent non-AMP pages. In many cases, they’ll load instantly. It's how reading on the mobile web should be—fast, responsive and fun.
While helping people find fast AMP content through Google Search is a significant step, there’s still a lot of work ahead for the open source AMP Project. Still, it’s been thrilling to see how the industry has come together to work on this common goal of making the mobile web great for everyone. And given the potential AMP holds for other types of content, we’re excited about what the future holds.
Posted by David Besbris, VP Engineering, Search
Renewing Our Pledge To Make Europe Digital
One year ago in Brussels I set out Google’s promise to train one million Europeans in digital skills by the end of 2016, responding to EU research suggesting nearly a million jobs by 2020 will not be filled due to a lack of these skills. We have seen such a huge level of demand for the training--helping Europeans with skills that will help businesses to grow faster and to increase jobs and exports-- that, in just half the time we anticipated, we have already reached that goal. Now Google will aim even higher. Today, at our event with Friends of Europe, I shared our plans to double our commitment to train a total of two million Europeans in digital skills. To be clear, this project is for everyone. Succeeding online shouldn’t just be for the privileged few. We want all Europeans, regardless of age, background or location to benefit. To that end, we’ve provided online training, created programs with universities and worked with microfinance organizations to find companies ready to grow. Take student consultancy Fleed, a participant in our Activate course in Spain, which helps connects students who want to go abroad with the right universities. Our programmes are running all across Europe helping groups like Fleed- from helping German SMEs to find markets abroad, training unemployed Spanish youngsters on digital skills to helping young Italians with training and apprenticeships.
The people we've helped so far have done everything from opening organic retreats in Greece to creating the largest online angling channel in Scandinavia. Through them we’ve learned that every business is a digital business, and the web is your shop window for the world. We love seeing Europe's traditional industries and strengths multiply as they go online, and we can't wait to see what the next million will achieve. It's not just about getting traditional businesses on the web. A whole new industry--app development--is taking advantage of the global market of the Internet. They’re hugely successful in Europe, and according to a recent report Android has created more than 1.2 million jobs in Europe -- jobs that simply didn't exist before the web. Take EyeEm, acclaimed by users as "Instagram for people who take actual photos," which is based in Berlin and employs 70 people… and counts Brazil and the U.S. as two of its biggest markets. That's a fundamental change. When many of us were growing up, small businesses were local businesses. Only huge multinationals could source products worldwide or afford the latest technology. But now, with digital tools built for billions, anyone can scale up their business. We are entering the age of "micro-multinationals," where a smart business idea can go global at the swipe of a finger. At Google, we’re known for our Search Engine - but we are also proud to be an engine supporting economic growth. Search, Maps, YouTube and our advertising tools bring new customers from down the street or across the planet. We help entrepreneurs as well. We are investing in tech startup communities in London, Madrid, Berlin and Warsaw. GV, our venture capital fund, is investing in European businesses and encouraging others to do the same. Stories like these are the reason we gathered dozens of businesses in Brussels today and asked for their ideas on how to get Europe growing again. As the entrepreneurs creating jobs, exports, sales and profits, they have the best ideas on what will really help. One message was clear: they want a single digital market across the continent. With the web removing borders for marketing, sharing and doing deals, why should they remain for billing, tax and delivery? The two million people we train up need a complete single market, on and off, to make the most of their new skills, and to help Europe grow faster. Posted by: Matt Brittin, President for Google Europe, Middle East and Africa
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Spanish entrepreneur Tano Lopez from Fleed explained how he's grown his business using the Web |
10 Daftar Frameword Development
Siapa yang sedang mencari aplikasi framework development yang bisa digunakan sebagai framework Android ? Kalau kalian sedang mencari framework development yang mendukung Android dan membangun kerangkan aplikasi mobile terbaik maka teruslah membaca ulasan tentang 10 daftar frameword development yang mendukung framework android berikut.
Dalam pemilihan aplikasi framework android terbaik berikut, syaratnya sebuah aplikasi framework android harus mendukung framework html5 atau JavaScript dan sebagian pada daftar frameword development berikut mendukung kedua-duanya, serta tidak lupa mendukung CSS.
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Karena salah satu framework android harus open source, maka aplikasi framework development seperti Trigger IO, Microsoft Xamarin, dan Intel XDK tidak dicantumkan. Lalu framework development apa saja dalam daftar framework development android open source tersebut ?
Baca Kelanjutannya»
Framework 7,
jQuery Mobile,
Kendo UI,
Mobile Angular UI,
Onsen UI,
Reach Native,
Sencha Touch,
Titanium Backup
Cara Merubah HP Android Menjadi Remote TV Dirumah
Androoms - Cara Merubah HP Android Menjadi Remote TV - Salah satu keunggulan dari gadget android adalah dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai remote TV, sehingga anda tidak usah repot-repot lagi untuk menggunakan remote tv sebagai alat pengontrol. Anda dapat memanfaatkan smartphone Android sebagai gantinya remote, mengingat karena jenis perangkat elektronik ini selalu ada di tangan anda. Smartphone android
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Gambar :adobe photoshop lightroom |
Melanjutkan postingan adobe ilustrator draw untuk android, pada postinga kali ini tentang Adobe Photoshop Lightroom mobile untuk Android. Dengan aplikasi adobe photoshop lightroom kalian bisa membuat gambar tampat lebih indah dan cerah.
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Selasa, 23 Februari 2016
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Gambar : Adobe ilustrator draw |
Perusahaan Adobe sebagai pengembang software graphic tidak diragukan lagi keradaannya karena telah lama fokus pada pengembangan software graphic seperti Adobe ilustrator, Adobe air dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk membeli lisensi software adobe ilustrator desktop kita mungkin harus merogoh kocek lebih dalam khususnya bagi mereka yang belum memahami bagaimana lisensi suatu produk. Namun pada postingan blog info aplikasi android kali ini akan membagikan software adobe ilustrator draw gratis untuk Android.
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Game Pertanian Dan Peternakan Android Terbaik
Game Pertanian Dan Peternakan Android Terbaik - jika anda sedang mencari aplikasi game peternakan dan pertania offline paling seru, yang gratis serta banyak dimainkan, dibawah ini akan disajikan beberapa kumpulan game yang bertema pertanian (atau bertani dan berkebun) dan yang dapat anda download dengan gratis melalui Google Play store. Memang game pertanian dan peternakan terbukti seru untuk
Senin, 22 Februari 2016
Aplikasi Untuk Root Android
Apakah teman-teman sedang mencari postingan tentang kumpulan aplikasi untuk android tanpa pc ? Kalau ya berarti teman-teman tidak salah alamat karena topik postingan blog untuk android kali ini seputar daftar aplikasi untuk root android tanpa PC.
Apa perbedaan root android denga pc dan root android tanpa pc. Kalau root android dengan pc itu artinya proses root android yang ingin di root harus disambungkan langsung ke PC. Contohnya apabila teman-teman ingin root hp samsung dengan pc, maka cara root hp samsung tersebut harus disambungkan ke komputer, tidak di root dari hp samsung secara langsung.
Nah kasusnya berbeda tentu apabila kalian ingin root hp samsung android tersebut tanpa pc. Cara root hp samsung tersebut bisa dilakukan dari hp samsung langsung tanpa disambungkan ke pc. Cara root android tanpa PC bisa menjadi cara mudah root android karena kita tinggal memahami aplikasi root android yang kita gunakan. Belum tahu apa itu root android ?
Root android adalah proses untuk menjadikan kita sebagai superuser yang bisa mengendalikan dan mengoperasikan android semau kita dan memiliki hak eksklusif yang tidak bisa kita lakukan kalau kita berada dalam mode normal. Apa saja daftar aplikasi untuk root android tanpa PC tersebut ?
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Download Aplikasi Emulator Android
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Baca Kelanjutannya»
Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016
Jasa Marga CCTV
Gambar : Jasamarga |
Info aplikasi android akan berbagi postingan tentang info kamera jalan dari info jasa marga CCTV bagi teman-teman yang selalu menggunakan jalan tol sehari-hari. Apa keuntungan dengan menginstall aplikasi jasa marga CCTV ?
Dengan menginstall aplikasi CCTV online jasa marga tersebut kita bisa mengetahui keadaan tol saat ini secara live, sehingga dengan mengetahui info lalu lintas jasa marga tersebut kita bisa menghindari kejebak kemacetan di jalan tol.
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Download Aplikasi Google Translate Untuk HP Android
Androoms - Download Aplikasi Google Translate Untuk HP Android | Dengan mempunyai smartphone tentu akan semakin dapat menunjang berbagai kebutuhan serta keperluan didalam keseharian kita, dengan kecanggihan serta jangkauan yang luas, smartphone bisa menjadi perangkat bantu yang sangat penting terutama bagi para pkerja, pebisnis, pelajar dan juga mahasiswa yang mempunyai kesibukan pada bidangnya
Jumat, 19 Februari 2016
10 Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android Gratis Terbaru 2016
Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android Terbaru – Dari bulan ke bulan perkembangan aplikasi di Play Store semakin pesat. Sudah banyak developer aplikasi Android yang meluncurkan inovasi terbaru mereka. Mulai dari aplikasi yang sangat berguna untuk kehidupan sehari-hari hingga aplikasi aneh/unik.
Aplikasi pendeteksi hantu Android termasuk salah satu yang unik. Berbeda dengan aplikasi lain, dengan aplikasi ini kamu bisa melihat mahluk halus secara jelas. Gunakan aplikasi pendeteksi hantu tersebut untuk membuktikan keberadaan mahluk astral langsung.
Agar hasilnya memuaskan, saran saya lebih baik kamu gunakan aplikasi pendeteksi hantu Android berikut di tempat-tempat yang seram dan dianggap angker. Akan tetapi jika tak berani, sebaiknya ajak teman atau sahabat untuk melakukan uji coba. sudah siap? Berikut aplikasi pendeteksi hantu yang bisa dicoba gratis.
Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android Terbaru Gratis 2016
1. Camera Ghost Detector
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Sesuai dengan namanya, aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk mendeteksi hantu dan mahluk halus. Camera Ghost Detector bekerja dengan mengandalkan radar, dimana kamu akan melihat hal-hal janggal dan aneh setelah menggunakan aplikasi ini. Jangan kaget apabila hal aneh tersebut adalah hantu yang sebenarnya.
2. Ghost Detector
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Hampir mirip dengan aplikasi pendeteksi hantu diatas, Ghost Detector juga bekerja dengan menggunakan tampilan radar. Bedanya, aplikasi ini dapat menunjukan letak
energi-energi aneh di sekeliling kamu.
Setelah menginstal aplikasi pendeteksi hantu Ghost Detector, secara otomatis hp Android kamu akan berubah menjadi EMF Detector. Menariknya lagi, ia juga bisa membedakan gelombang elektromagnetik dari perangkat lain.
3. Ghost EVP Analyzer
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Hantu tidak hanya menampakan diri melalui visual saja, tapi ia juga bisa mengeluarkan suara-suara aneh. Nah untuk merekam suara aneh tersebut, kamu bisa menggunakan Ghost EVP Analyzer.
Ini merupakan sebuah aplikasi perekam suara berbasis EVP terbaik. Kamu bisa menggunakannya untuk merekam suara aneh di sekeliling rumah. Atur frekuensi pemutaran suara yang tepat agar terdengar jelas, sebab hantu biasanya mengeluarkan suara yang tak bisa dipahami langsung oleh manusia.
4. Ghost Detector Pro
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Ghost Detector Pro merupakan aplikasi pendeteksi hantu yang bekerja dengan menggunakan sumber emisi magnetik variabel. Aplikasi ini mampu mendeteksi pergerakan hantu mulai dari 0 hingga 30 kaki di sekitar ponsel Androidmu.
Sudah banyak pengguna Android yang instal aplikasi Ghost Detector Pro, bahkan kabarnya beberapa paranormal modern juga memakai aplikasi ini. Ukurannya yang hanya 13MB, tentu tak akan membuat Android lemot.
5. Camera Ghost Radar
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Camera Ghost Radar sebenarnya mirip dengan aplikasi pendeteksi hantu nomor satu, cuman menurut saya yang ini lebih simpel. Camera Ghost Radar mula-mula akan mendeteksi gelombang tertentu, kemudian menampilkan beberapa mahluk halus di layar hp Android.
Jangan kaget ketika melihat perwujudan hantu secara nyata. Berbagai jenis hantu bisa dideteksi dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini. Aplikasi Camera Ghost Radar hanya berukuran 4MB sehingga tak akan membuat memori kamu habis.
6. TRS Ghost Finder – Radar
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Aplikasi pendeteksi hantu Android berikutnya adalah TRS Ghost Finder. Aplikasi ini mula-mula akan memindai energi-energi tertentu di sekitar kamu. Kemudian ketika sudah mendapatkan energi mahluk halus tertentu nanti akan muncul indikator untuk menekan capture. Setelah tertangkap, kamu bisa melihat perwujudan mahluk halus tersebut dalam bentuk foto.
7. Detektor Hantu Spektrum
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Sesuai dengan namanya, aplikasi pendeteksi hantu ini bekerja dengan mengandalkan spektrum. Gelombang dan energi dari mahluk halus akan tertangkap ketika kamu menginstal aplikasi ini di hp Android. Ukuran aplikasi ini cukup ringan kok yaitu sekitar 4MB, oleh sebab itu langsung aja coba.
8. Hantu
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Pada awalnya aplikasi pendeteksi hantu satu ini hanya tersedia untuk iOS, namun seiring dengan perkembangan jaman sekarang kita sudah bisa menggunakannya untuk Android. Menariknya lagi di Play Store aplikasi Hantu mendapatkan peringkat terbaik sebagai pendeteksi hantu paling akurat.
9. Ghost Radar Classic
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Ghost Radar Classic disebut-sebut sebagai aplikasi pendeteksi Android paling komunikatif dibanding dengan lainnya. Sebab, aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan adanya fitur suara.
Misalnya kamu sedang berjalan di sekeliling rumah sambil mengaktifkan aplikasi ini, maka secara otomatis Ghost Radar Classic akan memberitahumu untuk berjalan mendekati sumber hantu. Jadi, aplikasi pendeteksi ini mampu merasakan apa yang dirasakan pengguna.
10. Ghost Observer Camera
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Aplikasi Pendeteksi Hantu Android |
Aplikasi pendeteksi hantu terakhir ini dikembangkan oleh developer Mac-Lloyd, yang kebetulan mereka juga sudah berpengalaman. Ghost Observer Camera tak hanya membantu kamu dalam deteksi hantu, tapi juga bisa merekam suara hantu-hantu tersebut secara jelas. Wah, bayangin saja ketika kamu melihat hantu sambil denger suara seremnya, kalau saya sih mending kabur hehe.
Itulah beberapa aplikasi pendeteksi hantu Android terbaru yang bisa saya share pada kesempatan kali ini. Pada dasarnya aplikasi diatas hanya dibuat untuk sarana hiburan saja, jadi sobat jangan berharap akan menemukan hantu beneran ya. Selamat mencoba!
Jika bermanfaat, mohon di share ya sob!
Baca juga: Aplikasi Penghemat Baterai Paling Ampuh
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