Rabu, 20 April 2016

Android’s Model of Open Innovation

We released the Android operating system in 2007.  A free and open-source operating system, supported by numerous hardware partners, the model was unlike any other that had come before it.  The first device didn’t foretell Android’s future success.  It was described as quirky” …. having “a kind of charming, retro-future look; like a gadget in a 1970's sci-fi movie set in the year 2038.”  But we (and the thousands of other companies working on Android devices and apps) kept at it. Since that time, Android has emerged as an engine for mobile software and hardware innovation.  It has empowered hundreds of manufacturers to build great phones, tablets, and other devices. And it has let developers of all sizes easily reach huge audiences.  The result?  Users enjoy extraordinary choices of apps and devices at ever-lower prices.   The European Commission has been investigating our approach, and today issued a Statement of Objections, raising questions about its impact on competition. We take these concerns seriously, but we also believe that our business model keeps manufacturers’ costs low and their flexibility high, while giving consumers unprecedented control of their mobile devices.  That’s how we designed the model:   
  • Our partner agreements are entirely voluntary -- anyone can use Android without Google. Try it—you can download the entire operating system for free, modify it how you want, and build a phone. And major companies like Amazon do just that.  
  • Manufacturers who want to participate in the Android ecosystem commit to test and certify that their devices will support Android apps. Without this system, apps wouldn’t work from one Android device to the next.  Imagine how frustrating it would be if an app you downloaded on one Android phone didn’t also work on your replacement Android phone from the same manufacturer.  
  • Any manufacturer can then choose to load the suite of Google apps to their device and freely add other apps as well.  For example, phones today come loaded with scores of pre-installed apps (from Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Google, mobile carriers, and more).
  • Of course while Android is free for manufacturers to use, it’s costly to develop, improve, keep secure, and defend against patent suits.  We provide Android for free, and offset our costs through the revenue we generate on our Google apps and services we distribute via Android.
  • And it’s simple and easy for users to personalize their devices and download apps on their own -- including apps that directly compete with ours.  The popularity of apps like Spotify, WhatsApp, Angry Birds, Instagram, Snapchat and many more show how easy it is for consumers to use new apps they like. Over 50 billion apps have been downloaded on Android.

Our partner agreements have helped foster a remarkable -- and, importantly, sustainable -- ecosystem, based on open-source software and open innovation. We look forward to working with the European Commission to demonstrate the careful way we’ve designed the Android model in a way that’s good for competition and for consumers.
Posted by Kent Walker, Senior Vice President & General Counsel

Minggu, 17 April 2016

24 Aplikasi Edit Foto Android Terbaik Milik Para Fotografer

Aplikasi Edit Foto Android Terbaik – Apakah kamu doyan selfie? Aplikasi editor foto Android mungkin bisa membuat fotomu lebih berkualitas layaknya hasil jepretan kamera DSLR.

Memang saat ini sudah banyak smartphone yang dilengkapi dengan kamera berlensa tinggi serta segudang fitur edit foto di dalamnya, tapi kadang beberapa orang tidak puas dengan kinerja editor foto tersebut.

Seperti kita ketahui bersama, Playstore menyediakan banyaaak sekali aplikasi edit foto untuk android yang bisa didownload, ada yang gratisan dan ada pula yang berbayar. Bagi kamu yang ingin sekedar edit foto biasa, saya sarankan pilih yang gratis dulu aja deh.

Meskipun gratis, bukan berarti aplikasi edit foto tersebut tidak berkualitas. Justru beberapa aplikasi editor foto android gratislah yang menawarkan beragam fitur editing canggih. Penasaran kan? Berikut beberapa aplikasi edit foto android terbaik 2016 yang bisa kamu coba.

Aplikasi Editor Foto untuk Android Gratis Terbaik           
1. Adobe Lightroom Mobile 
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Aplikasi lightroom mobile merupakan aplikasi edit foto android yang baru saja dirilis oleh Adobe, guna melengkapi ikon lightroom mereka pada perangkat Android.

Aplikasi satu ini difungsikan untuk mengubah atau memperbaiki format gambar RAW dengan tujuan meningkatkan kwalitas foto menggunakan berbagai alat dan fitur menarik di dalamnya.

Dalam lightroom kita dapat memainkan atau memanipulasi segala macam warna sesuai dengan selera sendiri, mengubah resolusi gambar, dan bahkan ukuran foto.

Selain itu, terdapat pula fitur berupa Spot Removal dan Adjusment Brush yang akan membersihkan noda di foto kamu, misalnya seperti noda bekas jerawat ataupun kotoran lainnya.

2. PicsArt Photo Studio 
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Banyak sekali aplikasi edit foto android yang bisa kita pakai, termasuk salah satunya adalah picsart photo studio. Hampir sama dengan aplikasi editing foto lainnya, picsart menawarkan beragam fitur menarik yang bisa kamu coba. Kamu bisa memakai kamera standar kemudian menambahkan beberapa efek khusus dari picsart ini.

Terdapat pula picture editor yang memungkinkan kita dapat menggunakan beberapa fasilitas editing seperti stiker, frame, collages, bolders, teks efect, clipart, crop, rotate, dan masih banyak lagi. Ada juga fitur Magic efek yang akan membuat foto kamu lebih hidup dan cerah berseri. Dowload langsung sendiri aja deh untuk membuktikannya!

3. Picsay – Photo Editor
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User friendly, ringan, dan simpel, mungkin itulah kata-kata yang paling tepat untuk aplikasi picsay ini. Ada banyak fitur edit foto menarik yang dijamin akan membuat fotomu semakin keren. Salah satu fitur paling sering digunakan usernya adalah cutout, yaitu mengubah dari satu objek ke objek lain. Misalnya kamu ingin mengubah muka menjadi mirip binatang, boneka, patung, dsb.

Terdapat juga fitur doodle yang bisa digunakan untuk menggambar apapun diatas foto. Satu lagi fitur menarik yang paling saya sukai dari aplikasi ini yaitu fitur 2D animation, dimana kita bisa menambahkan gambar-gambar 2D yang sudah disediakan oleh picsay. Tetapi, untuk menggunakan fitur 2D animation gambar sebelumnya sudah harus didownload dulu.

4. Photo Editor by Aviary 
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Photo editor by aviary memiliki fitur yang lebih banyak dibanding aplikasi edit foto android lainnya. Beberapa fitur yang menonjol dalam aplikasi ini antara lain seperti filter, stiker, red eye, blur, dan bahkan pemutih gigi. Dari banyaknya fitur editing tersebut, filter cenderung paling banyak digunakan penggunanya.

Berbeda dengan fitur filter pada aplikasi lainnya, photo editor by aviary ini menawarkan suntingan filter lebih simpel. Kamu bisa melakukan edit foto hanya dengan menggunakan satu jari saja. Cukup simpel kan? Oleh sebab itu, aplikasi ini sangat cocok bagi kamu yang suka editing cepat dimana pun.

5. Autodesk Pixlr/Pixlr Express 
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Autodesk pixlr merupakan aplikasi edit foto yang sudah cukup populer di Amerika Serikat dan sekitarnya. Fasilitas di dalamnya memungkinkan kamu menggunakan beberapa fitur menarik seperti efek filter keren dan bingkai unik yang telah disediakan oleh pihak pixlr.

Efek luar biasa yang ada dalam autodesk membuat penggunanya banyak yang memberikan ranting 4.4 di Playstore. Salah satu fitur editing yang bisa kamu coba adalah autofix. Fitur ini memudahkan kita melakukan editor banyak foto sekaligus, tidak hanya satu-satu layaknya aplikasi lain.

6. Snapseed 
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Snapseed sebenarnya merupakan aplikasi edit foto android buatan Nik, namun aplikasi ini ternyata sudah dibeli oleh Google. Kabarnya aplikasi snapseed menjadi saingan ketat Instagram.

Meskipun tak sepopuler instagram, aplikasi ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding instagram, seperti misalnya mampu menjalankan fungsi adobe dalam versi mini.

Dalam aplikasi snapseed juga terdapat fitur auto correct yang secara otomatis akan langsung menyesuaikan warna, crop, dan tone image sesuai yang kamu inginkan. Dikarenakan aplikasi ini cukup sederhana, men-settingnya pun juga tak terlalu sulit seperti aplikasi lain.

7. BeFungky Photo Editor 
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BeFungky adalah editor foto paling sederhana dan sangat mudah dalam pengoperasiannya. Walaupun sederhana, aplikasi ini tetap menyediakan puluhan efek dan berbagai alat edit yang tebilang lumayan lengkap.

Fitur-fitur yang ada di dalamnya meliputi membuat meme teks, memasang frame, menambahkan foto, dan yang paling saya sukai adalah fitur mengubah foto menjadi kartun serta fitur pengubah tonal.

Fitur pengubah tonal ini terbilang beragam, ada gaya retro, vintage, sun brust, serta pop art yang paling sering digunakan. Meskipun ada batasan penyimpanan resolusi, tapi setidaknya kamu sudah bisa merasakan fitur-fitur canggih dari aplikasi edit foto satu ini.

8. Cupslice Photo Editor 
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Ternyata tidak semua aplikasi edit foto android terbaik itu buatan developer luar negeri lho. Cupslice photo editor merupakan salah satu contoh aplikasi edit foto terbaik yang telah berhasil dirilis oleh developer lokal tanah air tercinta.

Bisa dibilang, cupslice photo editor ini adalah instagramnya orang Indonesia. 
Hampir semua fitur yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini mirip dengan jejaring sosial instagram. Ada sekitar 50 fitur editing menarik yang bisa membuat fotomu terlihat lebih berkualitas.

Salah satu fitur menarik dalam cupslice menurut saya adalah penempatan badge, yaitu sebuah tulisan menarik seperti cetakan pada kaos. Oleh sebab itu, langsung saja download aplikasi edit foto android satu ini sekarang juga.

9. Fotor Photo Editor 
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Fotor photo editor menawarkan beberapa fitur editing yang bisa kita gunakan langsung secara bersamaan. Dengan demikian, kita bisa memperoleh hasil editing yang lebih bervariasi.

Terdapat pula penambahan teks, stiker, dan frame bagi para pengguna yang mungkin menyukainya. Warna-warnanya pun sangat beragam, kita bisa mencampurkan beberapa warna untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik.

10. Pho.to Lab 
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Pho.to lab tersedia gratis di Playstore dan bisa kita download dengan bebas. Aplikasi ini akan membantu pengguna memperbaiki hasil jepretan sampai menjadi foto bak majalah bergengsi.

Tenang, efek jadul juga tersedia dalam pho.to lab, sehingga meskipun fotomu baru tetap akan terlihat jadul layaknya peninggalan kakek-nenek jaman dulu. Jangan lupa gunakan 18 efek, 10 filter, 500 frame, sekaligus empat musim berbeda agar foto terlihat semakin sempurna.

11. Photo Effects Pro

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Aplikasi ini nampaknya diperuntukan bagi kamu yang ingin melakukan editing foto simpel tanpa banyak alat. Fitur-fitur di dalamnya bisa kita akses dengan mudah hanya menggunakan satu jari tangan saja.

Photo effect pro sangat pas digunakan untuk editing standar seperti memotong, mengubah ukuran gambar, menyeimbangkan warna, dan sejenisnya. Aplikasi edit foto sederhana ini bisa kita download gratis sekarang juga di Playstore.

12. Photo Mate R2 
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Mau aplikasi edit foto yang sering digunakan fotografer dunia? gunakan saja photo mate r2. Aplikasi ini bisa melakukan editing foto beresolusi berapapun, baik itu resolusi yang rendah sampai paling tinggi.

Photo mate r2 telah dilengkapi dengan fitur editing yang sering digunakan oleh para fotografer profesional, misalnya seperti vibrance, clarity, sharpening, free reduction, koreksi lensa, dan masih banyak lagi.

Aplikasi edit foto android terbaik lainnya:

13. Photoshop Touch for Phone
14. Rage Comics Photo Editor
15. Moment Cam
16. Camera 360
17. Shift
18. Auto Photo Background Changer
19. VSCO Cam
20. Bonfire Foto Editor
21. Photo Editor Pro
22. Tiny Planet
23. Diptic
24. Phonto


Rabu, 13 April 2016

Working together to better protect children online

At Google we know that collaboration has been key to ensuring that our products and services offer families a safe and secure experience online, which is why we regularly work with NGOs, government and industry partners to empower parents and children with the tools and skills they need to make the most of the Internet. In previous years, we’ve held events bringing together NGOs from around Europe to discuss these important issues and explore opportunities for better partnership.  This year, we are hosting our third Child Safety Summit in collaboration with Facebook. On April 14-15 in Dublin NGOs from 18 countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa  will join us to exchange best practices, discuss how we all can better protect children online, and work together to ensure that we anticipate and respond to the ever-changing needs that children have on the web. Since Google believes deeply in technology’s ability to unlock creativity, we work hard to ensure that parents and children have the tools and knowledge they need to make smart and responsible choices on online. Google’s work falls into three distinct areas, all of which will be addressed at this year’s summit: product and feature launches that help ensure we provide offer families a safe and secure experience online, commitment and investment in the fight against child sexual abuse and exploitation online, and partnerships with NGOs on digital literacy in order to help build an informed and responsible generation of digital citizens.
Our ongoing partnerships with NGOs respond to local challenges and aim to have a lasting impact.
  • In the UK, we have launched Internet Legends, an interactive, in-school assembly for 8-11 year olds. In partnership with Parentzone, we are aiming to educate 10,000 primary school children from 40 schools across the country on online safety. Using the powerful and memorable Internet Legends code, we are working together to empower children with the tools they need to stay safe and act responsibly online.
  • In Spain, we partnered with FAD to launch an interactive game to promote safe and responsible use of the Internet by teens. The game focuses on building skills and fostering deeper understanding around privacy, security, copyright and best practices for safe & responsible behavior online. 12,000 Spanish students have participated so far, and we held an initial awards ceremony in the European Parliament to celebrate winners.
  • In France, we worked alongside e-Enfance and YouTube creators Rose Carpet to launch a campaign, #NonAuHarcèlement. The initial video was filmed in our YouTube Space in Paris and aims to facilitate a movement for teens to unite against online bullying and harassment.
  • In Italy, we launched a web safety and digital empowerment campaign with Altroconsumo, the largest consumer association in the country. Love the internet, safely offers practical, educational material to encourage users to create stronger passwords, enable features like Google SafeSearch, and take the Google Privacy Checkup.
We believe that companies like Google have a responsibility to not only ensure that our products and services offer the safest and most secure experiences possible, but that we also work alongside a wide range of stakeholders and industry partners to creatively and effectively raise awareness and offer support on these important issues.

Supporting digital inclusion for 1M French citizens

It’s an unfortunate truth that five million French residents are both economically disadvantaged and lack the skills needed to find work and access information in today’s digital world. At Google.org we see everyday how new technologies can transform lives and generate new opportunities for people. That’s why we support projects around the globe that leverage technology to address social challenges--and why this week we’re supporting a new initiative in France with Emmaüs to meet these increasing needs. Some time ago, a small entrepreneurial team within the large and historic NGO Emmaüs came to us with an idea, and we were inspired by their vision. They asked us: ‘What if we could help a million French citizens to find jobs and gain crucial skills needed in a digital world?’ This week, with a €1M Google.org grant and technical expertise from Google volunteers, Emmanaus is launching WeTechCare. This social startup will teach the basics of looking for a job online and help people to access social benefits on the web with an ambitious goal of supporting one million French citizens by 2020.
Two key platforms supporting the WeTechCare mission will be launched in the coming months. The first, called “Clic’n’Job” will coach young unemployed people through the process of finding a job. The second, called “Les Bons Clics” will help people lacking basic digital skills to access government social rights and benefits which will soon, in France, will be exclusively accessible online--a significant barrier to entry.

WeTechCare is committed to making sure everyone can participate in and benefit from the digital future and the team at Google France and Google.org look forward working with them on this ambitious new project. From startups to enterprises, creators to underserved communities, Google continues to work towards ensuring that the opportunities of the Internet benefit everyone in society and towards our goal of training Europeans in digital skills.

Posted by Florian Maganza, Google.org

Selasa, 12 April 2016

A world that works for everyone: $20M in global funding from Google Impact Challenge Disabilities

Last spring we kicked off our Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities with an open call to global nonprofits building transformative technologies for the billion people around the world with disabilities. In the past year, we’ve been amazed by the innovative ideas submitted by over 1,000+ organisations spanning 88 countries. Throughout this work, the Google.org team has had the opportunity to meet some incredible people who are working hard to create a world that works for everyone.
Through this Impact Challenge, we committed $20 Million in Google.org grants. We’ve shared a handful of the organisations we’re supporting already—and today we’re excited to share the full list of 30 winners. From employment to education, communication to mobility, each of our grantees is pushing innovation for people with disabilities forward. The organisations we’re supporting all have big ideas for how technology can help create new solutions and each of their ideas has the potential to scale. Each organisation has also committed to open sourcing their technology—which helps encourage and speed up innovation in a sector that has historically been siloed.GoogleIC_Disabilities.jpgMeet some of our incredible grantees, from among the 12 EMEA winners, below. You can learn more about all 30 organisations working to improve mobility, communication, and independence for people living with disabilities at g.co/disabilities.
For more than half of wheelchair users, postural support devices (PSDs) are necessary to ensure their health and safety, while also making it easier for them to get around. In developing countries, low-income individuals in need of a wheelchair often don't have access to PSDs, which can severely impact their health and lead to a less independent lifestyle. With a $866,813 grant from Google.org, British organisation Motivation is using 3D printing to test designs for customizable PSDs—sharing designs that perform well with other service providers through an an open database.
The ProPortion Foundation, based in The Netherlands, is working with a $1 million grant from Google.org to expand the development and distribution of Majicast, a fully automated, easy-to-use device that produces high-quality prosthetic sockets in developing countries where access to prosthetics can be an enormous challenge.
Despite efforts to rate the accessibility of the world’s public places, barriers in data collection have made it difficult to map, making planning even the simplest of outings a challenge for people with disabilities. With a $939,262 grant, Germany’s Wheelmap, a project of Sozialhelden, is developing the common standards and technology backend needed to bring this data together and make it available for use by the many apps and websites that help people with disabilities route, plan, and enjoy exploring the world.
The range of accessibility challenges people face around the world make it nearly impossible to build cost-effective, customized solutions for each one—meaning many go unaddressed. With $700,000 from Google.org, Israeli organisation Beit Issie Shapiro is partnering with TOM to empower a growing army of makers to help their communities. Their “Makeathon-in-a-box” is a template for community Makeathons that bring makers and people with disabilities together to prototype new solutions for “orphan” accessibility challenges. 
In Sub-Saharan Africa, it’s estimated that 85-95% of people with disabilities who need assistive technology do not have access to it--largely because they don’t know of its existence. With a $717,728 grant from Google.org, the Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) is working with with the University of Washington and AfriNEAD to establish AT-Info-Map, a system that will map the location and availability of assistive technology in Sub-Saharan Africa—providing critical information and increasing access to life-changing technology.
With a mission that is to make the world’s information accessible to everyone, accessibility is something we care deeply about at Google. The Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities set out to accelerate the use of technology to create meaningful change in the lives of the one billion people in the world with a disability. We’re eager to watch as all of the fund’s grantees, selected from over 1,000 submissions from around the world, build new solutions that will transform lives and make the world more accessible for all.

Posted by Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink, Google Impact Challenge Disabilities Project Lead for Google.org

Senin, 11 April 2016

Download REAL DRUM Free

REAL DRUM is a free application for Android that simulates a real drum on your mobile/tablet screen. To play it, just drumming your fingers on the pads of the drums and the sound is played simultaneously. A fun, light and easy to use application. Ideal for those who want to study or play drumming without making much noise or taking up much space.
You do not need to know drumming, Real Drum comes with 60 lessons rhythms with tutorial for you to learn to play. Also comes with 33 songs to play along, and still allows you to track songs live. For example, you can give the play a music from your library and accompany its on drums.
The application has samples of acoustic percussion. Sounds recorded with studio audio quality. But if you want to change the sound of your battery, you can swap crashes and add percussion instruments. You can also change the arrangement of the pads, adjusting your best way to play.
Features of Real Drum:
* Multitouch
* 13 drum pads
* 23 realistic drum sounds
* Studio audio quality
* 60 examples of rhythms with tutorial mode
* 33 backing track songs
* Record mode
* Complete acoustic drum kit
* Export your records to mp3
* Works with all screen resolutions - Cell Phones and Tablets (HD Images)
* Free
The app is free, but you can remove all advertisements buying a license!
Try the best drums of the Google Play!
Made for drummers, percussionists, professional musicians, amateurs or beginners!
Download Here

Download Twin Camera Free

contoh perpaduan


Foto Jadi Kembar versi terbaru di FFA secara gratis! Aplikasi ini sudah cukup berbeda dari versi sebelumnya. Aplikasi HOT ini di rilis tanggal 2016-04-09. Mengapa tidak download saja dan mulai memainkannya? 
Editor Michael :

Twin Camera adalah cara terbaik untuk menciptakan kembar Foto Anda menggunakan Twin Camera Clone sendiri di foto, atau berpura-pura bahwa Anda memiliki twin.it bantuan Twin Camera mengambil dua gambar yang terpisah dari Anda dan otomatis menggabungkan kedua gambar agar terlihat seperti Anda memiliki gambar kembar dan Anda berdua digambarkan bersama-sama. Twin Photo Kamera Cermin adalah aplikasi untuk Anda yang dapat membuat efek foto Clone dalam berbagai bentuk.


- Depan dan dukungan kamera belakang
- Cepat berbagi foto ke jejaring sosial
- Layar vertikal membagi
- Mudah digunakan.
- Ini akan muncul di setengah layar, sisanya setengah akan melihat dulu kamera, sekarang mengambil sekejap lain.
- Sesuaikan foto Anda sebagai foto kembar.
- Penggunaan gratis tak terbatas 

Khawatir tentang paket instalasi yang mungkin terlalu besar untuk di download? Aplikasi Twin Camera cuma sebesar 2.7MB. Terlebih lagi, aplikasi ini jarang menggunakan RAM.

Download Twin Camera Di sini

Selamat mencoba.

Jumat, 01 April 2016

Aplikasi Menulis Tangan Terbaik di Android

Aplikasi Menulis tangan di Android – terdapat banyak aplikasi yang berbasis Android guna menulis. Tetapi kebanyakan adalah yang sejenis dengan Notepad misalnya Evernote serta Google Keep yang mana para pengguna hanya dapat menulis sesuai dengan font yang telah tersedia. Sehingga untuk menulis pada sebuah gadget bagaikan anda menulis dalam kertas biasa, dengan ini, maka Anda juga membutuhkan

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

When Bruegel met Google: immerse yourself in a masterpiece

Bruegel the Elder's vibrant, detailed paintings are instantly recognisable, and attract visitors to museums worldwide. But Bruegel fans have to travel, because the pictures can’t: his centuries-old oil paintings on wooden panels are fragile. Now, however, at the initiative of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels, and together with eight major museums around the world, we’ve blended art, virtual reality and our newest technologies to create the Bruegel / Unseen Masterpieces project.

The project brings together a wealth of previously unexplored material online, an exhibition in Brussels, and fascinating new details for audiences worldwide to discover:

Since we started the Google Cultural Institute five years ago, Bruegel has been a star amongst the millions of artefacts available. The lively scenes of everything from rural life to the book of revelation contain many details invisible to the naked eye, which is why you see crowds leaning in towards his paintings in museums. We’re thrilled to be part of a international, collaborative effort with some of the world’s top museums, showing these artworks together, in unprecedented detail, for the first time.

Many of these works haven’t travelled for over 100 years. This collaboration was an opportunity to work with museums from Budapest to New York including galleries in Berlin, London and Copenhagen. Working with them to create ultra-high resolution gigapixel images of their Bruegel paintings has effectively created a new, online gallery dedicated to the Flemish master.

On top of that, when Bruegel died in 1569, he left countless playful, almost-hidden scenes in his works. Every composition depicts a whole host of characters - some familiar, others new - and narrative vignettes that provide a fascinating footnote to history. Think of them as masterpieces within a masterpiece. From today, you can explore them in just a few clicks, with a personal art historian guide by your side.

Expert curators from the participating museums have created 19 online exhibitions exploring Bruegel's life and work, which are available to all on the Google Cultural Institute website. It's a new way to experience them -- through their computer or smartphone, users are transported to a Flemish wedding feast, a skating party, or a harvest festival five centuries ago.

Users can also be plunged into a 360-degree virtual reality universe. Google Cardboard is an affordable virtual reality viewer made of cardboard. For the project, we developed a virtual reality experience, where the Bruegel's Fall of the Rebel Angels comes to life and where viewers can step into the world of its creatures. It's also available on the YouTube channel and mobile application of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.

Together with the Royal Museums of Fine Arts, this project is also an experiment to explore how modern technology can supercharge the museum experience. The virtual exhibitions can be viewed through special terminals, and the museum is also hosting the immersive Bruegel Box. With state of the art projectors, gigapixel renderings of three iconic Bruegel images, and support from energy company Engie, one room of the museum has been transformed. Spectators walk in to find themselves literally in the picture, shoulder-to-shoulder with villagers, preachers and mystical creatures.

The cutting-edge technology we've used in the Bruegel / Unseen Masterpieces / project means our partner museums can share the Flemish master's paintings worldwide. While there's no substitute for seeing the original, with works as old and fragile as these, moving them is not an option. Digital technology offers new solutions to tackle this. It preserves this irreplaceable heritage, provides a new way of seeing the works and give everyone access to culture. The works in the Bruegel Box are physically on display in Brussels, Berlin and Budapest: we're proud to be a part of showing them in one place, in a new way. We’re absolutely delighted that they’re also online, available to view everywhere, at any time -- and we hope you'll enjoy them too.

You can explore all this and more on your mobile and can download the Google Art app for your daily dose of culture - on iOS and Android.

Posted by: Pierre Caessa, program manager at Google Cultural Institute

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Awarding the world’s best data journalism

For the fifth consecutive year, as a part of our commitment to supporting innovative journalism both in Europe and around the world, Google is proud to support the 2016 Data Journalism Awards. The deadline is fast approaching for the only global awards recognising work that brings together data, visualisation and storytelling to produce some of the most innovative journalism out in the world today. Past winners of the €1,000 prizes include the New York Times, ProPublica, The Guardian and Argentina’s La Nación. 2016 hopefuls don’t have long: the deadline for the 2016 Awards is April 10, 2016 at midnight GMT.
Aimed at newsrooms and journalists in organisations of all sizes — big and small — the #DJA2016 awards will recognise the best work in 12 categories, including:
  • Data visualisation of the year
  • Investigation of the year
  • News data app of the year
  • Data journalism website of the year
  • Best individual portfolio
  • Best use of data in a breaking news story
  • Open data award
  • General excellence (jurors’ choice and public choice).
The competition is organised by the Global Editors Network: a cross-platform community of editors-in-chief and media innovators committed to high-quality journalism, with the support of Google and the Knight Foundation. For Google, the Data Journalism Awards offer another way for foster innovation through partnership with the news industry, in addition to our efforts through the Digital News Initiative and the work of the Google News Lab teams around the world. Data journalists, editors and publishers are encouraged to submit their work for consideration by joining the GEN community via this form by 10 April at midnight GMT. A jury of peers from the publishing community, including new jury members Wolfgang Blau from Condé Nast International and Kenneth Cukier from The Economist, will choose the winners, which will be announced during a gala dinner at the Global Editors Network Summit in Vienna on June 16. We wish you all the best of luck!

Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Download Game Clash Royal

Download Game Clash Royal | Clash royal merupakan game sudah lama dirilis oleh Supercell, namun hanya bisa diunduh dibeberapa negara saja. Setelah beberapa bulan menunggu, akhirnya supercell kembali meresmikan peluncuran Clash Royal pada awal maret 2016 secara internasional. Itu artinya, clash royal sudah bisa diunduh dan dimainkan oleh para clasher diberbagai negara.

Karakter pasukan clash royal hampir sama dengan karakter pasukan yang ada di clash of clans. Cara memainkan game clash royal juga sangat mudah. 

Untuk memainkan game clash royal, kita memerlukan koneksi internet agar tetap bisa memainkannya. Seperti pada game clash of clans, di clash royal kita juga akan mencari lawan dan akan melakukan penyerangan. Karakter pasukan dari clash royal berbentuk card/kartu. Untuk menambah kekuatan dari setiap pasukan, teruslah upgrade levelnya anda bisa mengguanakan gems untuk mempercepat upgradenya.

Clash royal juga memiliki arena. Arena clash royal akan terbuka apabila levelnnya sudah naik kelevel tertentu. Untuk mendapatkan game ini bagi pengguna android, anda bisa mengunduhnya di Play Store. Bagi pengguna iOS, clash royal bisa langsung diunduh di AppStore.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016 | Android merupakan smartphone yang paling banyak digunakan dan dipasarkan di indonesia. Berbagai branded telah dihadirkan dan dipasarkan dan mendapatkan respon yang positif dari masyarakat. Selain karena banyaknya brand smartphone yang terus bermunculan, maka market android atau bisa kita sebut dengan play store juga terus menerus mengeluarkan dan memasarkan aplikasi di market android/play store. Penasaran seperti apa aplikasi-aplikasi android terbaru tahun 2016? Silahkan simak berikut ini.

Aplikasi Android Terbaru Tahun 2016
  1. Snapchat, aplikasi ini merupakan salah satu aplikasi IM yang sedang populer saat ini. Aplikasi ini hampir sama dengan aplikasi chatting lainnya. Keistimewaan dari aplikasi ini yaitu, ketika anda mengunggah sebuah foto di snapchat maka dalam beberapa deik foto anda akan segera terhapus. Tujuan dari penghapusan ini yaitu agar foto anda tidak dicuri oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
  2. Vine, salah satu dari sekian banyaknya aplikasi android yang mampu berbagi video pendek hanya dengan durasi 6 detik. Aplikasi vine juga bisa mengunduh viedo orang lain jika menurut anda video orang lain tersebut menarik.
  3. BaBe, salah satu aplikasi android terbaru di google Play Store. Banyak fitur yang ditawarkan oleh aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang mampu mengumpulkan konten berita berdasarkan news feed kedalam satu aplikasi. Aplikasi BaBe bisa memepermudah anda mencari berita terbaru di indonesia dan mancanegara.
  4. Band of the Day, aplikasi android yang mampu memutar lagu terupdate setiap harinya. Aplikas band of the day adalah aplikasi yang bisa membantu anda dalam mencari lagu terupdate dan anda juga bisa memutarnya lagsung dari aplikasi ini.

Untuk mengunduh aplikasi diaatas nada bisa mendapatkan di gogle Play Store. Penasran seperti apa aplikasi android terabaru tahun 2016? Silhakan unduh jika anda berkenan. Terimaskih telahberkunjunh.