Dalam artikel sebelumnya Kami pernah membahas aplikasi yang bernama OGWhatsApp yaitu aplikasi kedua atau aplikasi WhatsApp yang dapat diinstal dalam satu Android yang tentunya tanpa harus melakukan root di Android, kali ini Kami akan membahas aplikasi serupa OGWhatsApp yang memiliki atau hampir sama dengan OGWhatsApp.
Aplikasi ini di kenal dengan nama WhatsMapp yang secara umum hampir sama dengan OGWhatsApp namun yang membedakan hanya di tampilannya saja. Tampilan mulai dari icon khas WhatsApp dan juga pesan terkirim maupun sudah dibaca. Tampilan icon WhatsMapp seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.
Untuk tampilan menu jika pesan terkirim maka lingkaran pada samping profil akan penuh, sebaliknya jika pesan belum terkirim maka lingkaran tidak sempurna. Untuk menu chat sama seperti menu WhatsApp dimana jika pesan sudah terkirim maka akan ada haris dua dengan warna hijau.
Aplikasi WhatsMapp sama dengan aplikasi OGWhatsApp dalam hal masa pemakaian yang tidak selama aplikasi resmi WhatsApp namun demikian aplikasi ini selalu update namun tidak melalui Play Store, untuik mendapatkan aplikasi update dapat mengikuti update di blog Kami. Bagi yang tertarik untuk mendownload aplikasi ini silahkan download melalui link yang ada dibawah ini.
Kelebihan dan kekurangan root android - Bagi anda semua yang memiliki perangkat elektronik seperti Tablet PC, Ponsel atau Handphone berbasis Android pasti akan sering mendengar dengan istilah “Root Android”, walaupun masih tidak sedikit orang yang masih belum tahu dan juga paham tentang apa itu yang dinamakan dengan root, tujuan dari melakukan rooting ataupun Manfaat, Kelebihan serta Kekurangan
Google has always worked to improve its services, creating new ways to provide better answers and show more useful ads. We’ve taken seriously the concerns in the European Commission’s Statement of Objections (SO) that our innovations are anti-competitive. The response we filed today shows why we believe those allegations are incorrect, and why we believe that Google increases choice for European consumers and offers valuable opportunities for businesses of all sizes.
The SO says that Google’s displays of paid ads from merchants (and, previously, of specialized groups of organic search results) “diverted” traffic away from shopping services. But the SO doesn't back up that claim, doesn't counter the significant benefits to consumers and advertisers, and doesn't provide a clear legal theory to connect its claims with its proposed remedy.
Our response provides evidence and data to show why the SO’s concerns are unfounded. We use traffic analysis to rebut claims that our ad displays and specialized organic results harmed competition by preventing shopping aggregators from reaching consumers. Economic data spanning more than a decade, an array of documents, and statements from complainants all confirm that product search is robustly competitive. And we show why the SO is incorrect in failing to consider the impact of major shopping services like Amazon and eBay, who are the largest players in this space.
The universe of shopping services has seen an enormous increase in traffic from Google, diverse new players, new investments, and expanding consumer choice. Google delivered more than 20 billion free clicks to aggregators over the last decade in the countries covered by the SO, with free traffic increasing by 227% (and total traffic increasing even more).
Moreover, the ways people search for, compare, and buy products are rapidly evolving. Users on desktop and mobile devices often want to go straight to trusted merchants who have established an online presence. These kinds of developments reflect a dynamic and competitive industry, where companies are continuing to evolve their business models and online and offline markets are converging.
But our central point is our consistent commitment to quality -- the relevance and usefulness of our search results and the ads we display. In providing results for people interested in shopping, we knew we needed to go beyond the old-fashioned “10 blue links” model to keep up with our competitors and better serve our users and advertisers. We developed new ways to organize and rank product information and to present it to users in useful formats in search and ads. In 2012, as part of that effort, in addition to our traditional ads, we introduced the Google Shopping Unit as a new ad format:
We don’t think this format is anti-competitive. On the contrary, showing ads based on structured data provided by merchants demonstrably improves ad quality and makes it easier for consumers to find what they’re looking for. We show these ad groups where we’ve always shown ads -- to the right and at the top of organic results -- and we use specialized algorithms to maximize their relevance for users. Data from users and advertisers confirms they like these formats. That’s not “favoring” -- that’s giving our customers and advertisers what they find most useful.
The SO also seeks a peculiar and problematic remedy, requiring that Google show ads sourced and ranked by other companies within our advertising space. We show in our response that this would harm the quality and relevance our results. And, in a report submitted with our response, former President of the General Court Bo Vesterdorf outlines why such an obligation could be legally justified only where a company has a duty to supply its own rivals – as where it controls an input that is both essential and not available anywhere else (like gas or electricity). Given the many ways to reach consumers on the Internet, the SO doesn't argue that standard applies here.
Our search engine is designed to provide the most relevant results and most useful ads for any query. Users and advertisers benefit when we do this well. So does Google. It’s in our interest to provide high-quality results and ads that connect people to what they’re looking for. The more relevant the ads -- the better they perform in connecting potential buyers and sellers -- the more value they generate for everyone.
Throughout the almost 17 years since Google started, our engineers have been developing innovative approaches to search and ads that are valuable for both users and advertisers. In the video below you can hear from our engineers about how our services have evolved to give people better results and ads. We are proud of their work and eager to tell their story.
We believe that the SO's preliminary conclusions are wrong as a matter of fact, law, and economics. We look forward to discussing our response and supporting evidence with the Commission, in the interest of promoting user choice and open competition.
When Google first started in Ireland, we opened an office with just five people. Today we have more than 5000 people in our Dublin office and as we have grown, so has Dublin’s tech community. The city is now home to some of the biggest global tech firms as well as some of the most promising startups in Europe. This community is creating jobs and opportunity with two thirds of all new jobs in the Irish economy being created by startups.
We have always been committed to supporting the startup community in Dublin to help the next generation of companies succeed. So we are especially pleased that today the Google for Entrepreneurs Tech Hub Network announced a partnership with Dogpatch Labs, one of Ireland’s leading startup organisations. The announcement was made by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton T.D at an event at Dogpatch Labs today.
The partnership will provide co-working space along with new resources including funding, training and mentorship opportunities. Members will also get access to Google programs and products throughout the network including:
Mentorship from Dublin Googlers (in 2014, over 200 Googlers mentored Irish startups)
Eligibility for Google product offers relevant to startups; and
The Google for Entrepreneurs Global Passport, where entrepreneurs from each hub can work for free at spaces designated at any other hub in the network including London, San Francisco and Tel Aviv
With Dogpatch Labs and our Google for Entrepreneurs program, we hope Dublin’s world-class startup community will grow that much faster, building transformative products and companies that will take the world by storm. We can’t wait to see what new ideas come out Posted by Paddy Flynn, Startup engagement at Google Ireland
In the late 19th century, Belgian lawyer Paul Otlet created the Universal Bibliography in Brussels, a repository of more than 12 million searchable index cards that later came to be called the Mundaneum. With today’s Google Doodle on the French, Belgian and several other versions of Google, and new online exhibitions by the Mundaneum on the Cultural Institute website, we pay tribute to Otlet's pioneering work in making information accessible and useful. Throughout history, prolific thinkers and innovators have had the vision to see what the world might look like in the future. Often, they dreamed up today’s most advanced technologies long before it was even possible to create them. Paul Otlet belongs to that group of thinkers. He had a clear vision for the Mundaneum: a universal system of written, visual, and audio information that people could access from the comfort of their own homes. Just a few decades later, engineers planted the technological seeds that brought electronic information sharing to life. Created by Googler Leon Hong, today’s Doodle pays tribute to Otlet’s vision. The collection of knowledge stored in the Mundaneum’s wooden drawers form the foundational work for everything that happens at Google and much of what happens across the world wide web. Today’s Doodle also coincides with the launch of new online exhibitions about Otlet’s work on the Google Cultural Institute website. The modern day Mundaneum museum in Mons, Belgium has curated the exhibitions, which give insight into Paul Otlet’s life and achievements, and the Nobel Prize won by Mundaneum co-founder Henri La Fontaine. You can view the exhibitions on the Cultural Institute website, and in a dedicated mobile app that our engineers developed together with Mundaneum staff. We especially recommend you to check out these three new exhibitions: Towards the Information Age
Cara Merawat Layar Sentuh Android - Merawat layar sentuh smartphone memang begitu penting, namun masih banyak masyarakat yang tidak menghiraukan masalah ini. Sebetulnya layar sentuh dari kebanyakan jenis smartphone sangatlah rapuh, namun berkat adanya perkembangan teknologi, hal itu dapat diatasi. Misalnya dengan ditambahkannya pelindung layar Gorilla Glass. Namun tidak semua jenis smartphone
Melanjutkan postingan tentang pemberitahuan developer android, bahwa secara resmi developer Android telah memberi nama resmi Android M sebelumnya. Ini artinya sudah jelas bahwa Android versi 6.0 bernama Android Marshmallow bukan M yang lain.
Dengan dirilisnya versi final android marshmallow tersebut tentu para pemilik aplikasi Android harus mengaupgrade aplikasinya ke Android Marshmallow. Lalu bagaimana cara upgrade ke Android Marshmallow tersebut ?
Sejak peluncuran Android M preview pada ajang Google I/O pada bulan Mei 2015, developer Android telah menerima umpan balik dari pengguna Android M preview sebelum dirilis vinal hari ini.
Hari ini Developer Android memperkenalkan versi final dari versi Android 6.0 SDK, dan mengajak para pemilik aplikasi android agar menargetkan aplikasi android mereka ke API 23 pada android versi 6.0. Apa nama resmi Android 6.0 tersebut ?
Aplikasi anak cerdas untuk Android yang dikembangkan oleh pt. Acer Indonesia bisa menjadi sarana alternatif dalam mendidik dan memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada si buah hati.
Aplikasi pendidikan anak cerdas Android bisa mengurangi kekhawatiran orang tua ketika si buah hati bermain dengan gadget mereka. Si buah hati bisa bermain sekaligus belajar dengan cara yang mudah dan menyenangkan.
Selain itu para orang tua juga dapat memonitor aktifitas si buah hati. Fitur-fitur aplikasi anak cerdas Android juga anam dimainkan oleh anak kecil sehingga tidak ada salahnya orang tua mendownload aplikasi anak cerdas untuk android bagi anak mereka.
Fitur apa saja yang ada pada aplikasi anak cerdas tersebut ?
Games Android Terbaik - Bagi seorang gamers pasti menginginkan sebuah game terbaik dengan tampilan 3D yang memukau sehingga memanjakan mata. Ya saya salah satunya, meskipun saya bukan seorang gamers sejati yang setiap hari menghabiskan waktu dengan main game, namun saya kerap kali memainkan beragam game entah itu di PS, PC maupun di Smartphone Android. Dan beberapa juga sudah saya review di blog
Androoms - Huawei seperti yang kita tahu merupakan salah satu perusahaan pembuat perangkat teknologi terbesar di China. Salah satu produk mereka adalah ponsel pintar, yang kita tahu saat ini masih begitu melejit di pasaran. Dengan niat untuk berusaha mengurangi ketergantungan pada Android yang merupakan buatan Google, saat ini Huawei tengah dikabarkan dalam proses pengembangan sistem operasi
Blackberry Messenger versi teranyar atau 2.9.0 memiliki tampilan yang benar-benar berubah bila dibandingkan dengan versi sebelumnya atau 2.8, mulai dari tampilan juga beberapa fitur yang disematkan. Perubahan fitur ini bisa jadi bagi sebagian orang mungkin agak sedikit kurang familier termasuk bagi penulis sendiri salah satu contohnya adalah fitur update status utamanya pada saat mengganti atau menghapus status ternyata caranya sedikit berbeda. Tidak hanya itu masih ada beberapa fitur lain yang akan kami kupas satu persatu.
Sedikit demi sedikit beberapa update BBM untuk versi 2.9.0 ini mulai mendekati versi BBM Blackberry tipe lama atau dibawah OS 10. Salah satunya adalah fitur menolak pertemanan. Jika dahulu proses menolak pertemanan cukup menekan tombol tolak, kali ini BBM Android disediakan pula fitur yang sama namun dengan tambahan opsi blokir dan penolakan dengan memberitahukan atau tidak memberitahukan kepada yang mengirim undagan pertemanan. lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dalam gambar dibawah ini.
Untuk mengedit status BBM sebagaimana saya jelaskan sebelumnya caranya adalah cukup menekan pada tulisan status yang sudah kita buat sebelumnya kemudian akan muncul tombol delete (gambar tong sampah) selanjutnya tekan tombol tersebut.
Setelah terhapus Anda dapat menulis status atau tidak menulis status, dengan membiarkan begitu saja maka status akan kosong.
Sementara itu kekurangan yang masih di miliki oleh BBM versi 2.9.0 ini adalah fitur menerima undangan pertemananan dimana jika terlalu lama di biarkan atau tidak di setujui maka proses permintaan pertemanan akan kadaluarsa dan undangan tidak dapat di terima hanya bisa di block atau tolak saja tidak dapat dihapus.
Sementara kelebihan lain yang dimiliki oleh BBM versi 2.9.0 ini adalah teman di kontak Anda akan mengetahui jenis langganan apa saja yang Anda milik, langganan yang dimaksud disini adalah langganan PIN BBM khusus, Langganan privacy atau langganan tanpa iklan.
This year the Google Earth Engine team and I attended the European Geosciences Union General Assembly meeting in Vienna, Austria to engage with a number of European geoscientific partners. This was just the first of a series of European summits the team has attended over the past few months, including, most recently, the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society meeting held last week in Milan, Italy.
Noel Gorelick presenting Google Earth Engine at EGU 2015
Thanks to the enlightened free and open data policy of the European Commission and European Space Agency, we are pleased to announce the availability of Copernicus Sentinel-1 data through Earth Engine for visualization and analysis. Sentinel-1, a radar imaging satellite with the ability to see through clouds, is the first of at least 6 Copernicus satellites going up in the next 6 years.
Sentinel-1 data visualized using Earth Engine, showing Vienna (left) and Milan (right).
Wind farms seen off the Eastern coast of England
This radar data offers a powerful complement to other optical and thermal data from satellites like Landsat, that are already available in the Earth Engine public data catalog. If you are a geoscientist interested in accessing and analyzing the newly available EC/ESA Sentinel-1 data, or anything else in our multi-petabyte data catalog, please sign up for Google Earth Engine.
We look forward to further engagements with the European research community and are excited to see what the world will do with the data from the European Union's Copernicus program satellites.
Posted by Luc Vincent, Engineering Director, Geo Imagery
Androoms - Produsen ponsel saat ini sedang berlomba-lomba meluncurkan produk smartwatch mereka ke pasaran tak terkecuali produsen ponsel asal Perancis, Alcatel yang nampaknya tidak mau kalah meluncurkan smartwatch andalan mereka. Produk yang kemudian diberi nama Alcatel Onetouch Watch tersebut sudah diumumkan untuk pertama kalinya pada Januari tahun ini. Di Indonesia sendiri Alcatel Onetouch